I don't see lack of orcs and dwarves, for example, as a change in the history or universe.

But I see *shrugs*
If you want to change the universe you've created do it in reasonable, logical way, We aren't some "angry german kid" who destroying it's own "sand castle" just because hit a finger about a stone. That's the difference between a serious plot and some infantile (childish) work of a kid. And that's why Dragon Age's plot is much better then D2's one and even you agree with that.
Now you're arguing with himself? :P

If Larian set a game at the southern border of Belgium, and had a few French areas and NPCs, it wouldn't be a different universe if they made another game 50km up the road and didn't mention France at all.

"One cannot assume the truth of what one declares without presuming the falsity of all incongruous declarations. Since all men assume the truth of their declarations, this presumption becomes at best ironic and at worst outrageous. Given the infinity of possible claims, who could be so vain as to think their dismal claims true? The tragedy, of course, is that we cannot but make declarations."

You live in Canada I take it, right? Do you know about France? I bet you do. I bet you know about French language a bit, about ppl who lives in France. Hell, you even know about Australia or Africa. Why is that so? Right, may reason: mass-media, education, books... Books! There is a plenty of books in Divinity Universe. Hell, DD had much more books then TES3+TES4 along. And, if you remember, there were many information about dwarfes, elves, orcs, even dragons (important note: at that moment of events dragons were myths in Rivellon, they disappear; will use it later).
Now, let's follow my logical thread carefully: as we know from D2 geographical info - Broken Valley/Orobas Fjords not so far from Aleroth and Rivertown places. There are zeppelins flying in-between those lands. And yet, with all this possibilities of information/knowledge spreading (as books, as oral speech) one part of the Rivellon nevar heard about many wide and well known things, like, language of orcs/dwarfes, about things they make (dwarfes weapons/beer, elven jewerly, etc), not even and image or description of those races. Srsly, no matter how authentic Divinity Universe is, it always a copy, an allegory/parody of our world. Even in 12 century ppl from the North part of Earth (Great Britain for example) had some knowledge about black ppl of Africa (it was exotic), and it not just 50kms between, it is thousand miles.

Srsly, can you even hear your own words? "If Larian set a game at the southern border of Belgium, and had a few French areas and NPCs, it wouldn't be a different universe if they made another game 50km up the road and didn't mention France at all." - I BEG you to listen the sane voice of your mind. What you just said it is not even your usual suggestions, it is... sorry, but that's utterly stupid. Really.

P.S. Oh, and no, it is not an insult. Just FIY. Tbh, now I don't know which my words are insults for you and which aren't.

Pick even a tiny country with any kind of game industry or arts culture, and you are sure to find stories focused on that area, without mentioning nearby regions, even if they are powerful or influential.

Well, I see a perfect trap here btw, it is shame to do not use it. Let's start then. To make an example is much more perfect we must take similar country as that part of Rivellon where D2 takes place in. Hmm, lesse, it has airships (zeppelins), it own history (dragon knights times, yeah, history lol, within 50 years), trade guilds (we saw many traders), uses earths' minerals - well, pretty developed "part", isn't? So, I must pick-up similar small country... lesse... "Republika ng Pilipinas" aka Philippines? So, are you trying to tell they know nothing about France or Canada, no mentions about other part of the world, about other races or their work (art, music)?
Srsly, your analogy looks silly now, isn't?
We can change times if you want, to match the age of D2 (it is setting who dictates us an aprox. age) but in the end it changes nothing. You got caught in your own trap and I can't help you here, sorry.

Regardless, I do agree Larian should have had references to orcs and dwarves, etc, even without an actual explanation of what happened.

Exactly, they NEED preconditions, otherwise it is so-called Deus Ex machina element. A plot with such elements always was considered as low, cheap - exactly my point in this convo.
But they didn't. That's fact. Fact (one of many) that proves my point.

I did not take offense at the personal insults you used

*le sigh*
I told you already, I haven't used any personal insults against you. It is how you WANT it to be, it is how you see it. My english isn't perfect but that does not mean I planned to insult you.
Well... whatever suits you. It is fun, actually, that you accept the bad state of my english but not not accept the after-effects/consequences of that. Are we again return back to hipocristy?

"I tell you, guilt dwells nowhere but in the eyes of the accuser."

I thought I had explain things more clearly (an example earlier may have helped) but you still called me a liar/hypocrite, so either there was a misunderstanding (possibly due to language) or something else was going on.

Actually, come to think of it... Hm, interesting, I pointed on this discrepancy in your words within few posts of mine on previous page but you did give a suitable explanation only in your previos post, until that you were trying to avoid my point.
Why is that so? May be I was right?