A few days ago I thought of something entirely different (and I'm SURE you'll laugh !

) :
Everyone knows that I'm just - so to say - a "fan" of unicorns ...
So I thought . How about something
entirely different . A hero could "morph" into a kind of Unicorn ...
instead of a dragon ... I don't think boys would like to play this, but girls perhaps ... horse-related video games are quite a niche market, I think Radon Labs of Drakensang fame did one or two ... I have here installed one that's called "Sarah 2 : The secred of the unicorn foal" ... I think I actually managed to severely shock a few male customers in a Gamestop shop once where I bought it ...

So ... This kind of gmes exists. It's only a matter of the audience. nd i assume that boys and men rather like to play war-like things, themes and games, than something different. Just take a look t the kinds of games that are mainly played by male gamers ! If I look into any PC gming magazine, 95 % already are filled with games related to wars, shootings, strategy, explosions, killing, guns ... Even games like Civ are mainly played - I fear so - for the war-like prospect of them, rather not for developing cultures.
On tghe other hand, farming games like this one on Face Book which name I forgiot, are also insanely popular. Who had expected this ? No-one !
The problem is simply : will it sell ? The SIMs DO sell - and that although NO publisher wanted to publish it at first ! I can't help but assume that publishing companies were rather thinking : "This is a girl's game. It wouldn't sell on a male dominated platform that is the PC !".
it's a shame that such an enormously (already) big company like EA saw it through. They somehow realized there IS a base of female players - which usually no publisher admits to be there - or simply doesn't see, perhaps because their marketing people are male, too ?
In a recent scientific article about studies about stress with rats, a female (!) investigator found out that these stress-related studies were mainly performed by men, who "used" mal rats for study. Hence all of these studies were/became distorted, because female rats behave
differently towards stress.
It's kind of like ... patriarchy still working on, silently.
And so is video gaming.