Without D&D there would BE no other RPGs. It was the first of its kind smile

White Wolf's Vampire RPG owes more to Call Of Cthulhu in terms of system, but ultimately...

After D&D set the ball rolling, those that followed first and fast were (IIRC) Traveller (The prototype space age RPG), Call Of Cthulhu (The prototype horror RPG), Runequest (Like D&D but with a % system), Tunnels & Trolls (Fighting Fantasy probably owes everything to the T&T single player game books). I just wish I could remember the first post-apocalyptic one... Annoying to me that I cannot, though I didn't play it very much. Top Secret/SI was the prototype spy game, for lovers of Alpha Protocol, BTW smile

However - D&D invented the RPG. That's why they all ultimately derive from it. No genre, no games smile

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