Joined: Mar 2003
Didn't like BD much myself. Quite liked having two characters, it just wasn't a very good game, IMO. Far too linear and too many real pain-in-the-butt moments, like accidentally declaring war on entire animal species because they move so fast they zoomed under your cursor when you were trying to move.
Didn't like the skill system, either. Lacked the simple elegance of the DD system. It seemed to be contrived more as a money sink than a genuine skill progression tree.
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Joined: Mar 2003
To me it was rather an experiment than a money-sink.
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: May 2003
I didn't like the skill system either.
I loved the game though, except for the final act.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
Hmm... probably Jade Empire... I somewhat liked the story/characters & the game setting, but the combat really drove the game into the ground. Nothing but mindless button mashing.
At least in The Witcher one needed to time the moves right (on hard difficulty).
Before the community patch saved the game, I would have nominated Gothic 3.
Last edited by virumor; 21/10/09 12:56 PM.
Joined: Apr 2010
Oblivion, easily.
I was the biggest Bethesda and TES fanboi before that disaster (Morrowind and the expansions were downright enchanting). So I had great expectations for Oblivion, and instead it turned out to be a dumbed-down, bug-ridden, soulless excuse for an RPG. Seriously, World of Warcraft had more soul to it than Oblivion. No amount of modding could fix that piece of crap.
Second worst is Fallout 3 (notice the trend here?), which was basically Oblivion with guns. I finished it, but it was such an unoriginal borefest. They couldn't even come up with an original story - instead, they took the main quest of Fallout 1 (water purification) and mashed it together with the main quest of Fallout 2 (Enclave).
I'll never make the mistake of buying another Bethesda RPG - at least, not until all the idiot hacks are either fired, or quit.
"We shall not fear the coming of the shadow of death."
Joined: Apr 2005
Do tell you the truth I hated Beyond divinity.... I even don't know why... Maybe the fact of being soulforged and you have to take care of 2 things instead of one.. I can understand your frustration  I still didn't play to the end of Act I (but I think "almost" to the end). I find it funny (humor) and good music .... only for my the Skill Tree I find a minor thing, BUT I still find BD even better than: Risen and also Oblivion. And I must be honest: the more I try to play both games the less I will play them again .... give me rather a game for kids(?) to play, Bugs Bunny or something ... I'm sure I have more fun with it than playing Risen or Oblivion  !
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Jul 2010
The worst RPG i've ever played is Sacred 2. It made absolutely no sense. Here are a couple of samples: In one quest, you have to defend this farm from wolves, then go adn clear out the wolves' lair, but when you get back, the farmer turns randomly into a werewolf. worst of all, i think his name was Jacob. In another, you have to hunt down an alien. You talk to this one guard who claims it ruined his life, investigate crop circles, then, at the conclusion, fight one of those aliens from AVP. Seriously?!? In one more quest, you have to find and return rock instruments to this heavy metal band. No joke. Meanwhile, the guy who gave you the quest just stands there and tells you about heavy metal and instruments and stuff while you kill things. When you go to get the drumsticks from this lich, the lich says something along the lines of, "You mortals must die!!! Wait, you're that guy from the band! I love you guys! If i'd have known these were yours i never would've stole them in the first place! Can you ever forgive me? I still get tickets to the concert, right?" And when you finally have everything, the game shows you a cutscene of a heavy metal concert. It does. And when that's over, you get the instruments as weapons. There's like 600 quests in that game and only about 20 are serious or make any sense. The graphics suck, the combat sucks (push this button, push it again 26 more times, push a different button, push the first button 42 more times, etc.), the co-op sucks, the voice acting (when there is any) sucks, and the whole thing is full of bugs. I don't think they ever beta-tested it. This has gotta be the worst game i ever played.
P.S. I know what you're talking about, Damar, about Oblivion and Fallout 3, but they were still good in terms of the sheer size of the game. It takes about 100 hours to go through all the quests and find all the collectibles, legendary weapons, etc. Plus it's still fun to nuke raiders eight times at once with the experimental MIRV :P.
Joined: Jul 2010
P.P.S. I forgot to mention that Sacred 2 is a medieval-ish game, so there shouldn't be heavy metal or aliens.
Joined: Jul 2010
Worst RPG that "I" played is Throne Of Darkness. Don't know if anyone has heard of it. It's not horrible but it's just boring, and not interesting in any way compared to Diablo, Divine Divinity, Lionheart: Legacy Of The Crusader, Revenant and all these great games...
Joined: May 2003
Throne of Darkness...yeah it took place in medieval Japan right? I played the demo and never touched it again.
I think the Sacred games are meant to be really silly and fun. It started with the first one, and then they just really went overboard.
Joined: Mar 2003
The Sacred game - the first one ... Well, it has a long history beginning with Armalion, and then ... Okay, it *did* become kind of silly ... 
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Nov 2009
Easily Two Worlds. The entire game was a mess. Luckily, Two Worlds II looks extremely solid so far.
My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
Joined: May 2003
Alrik: I do know that Sacred in its formative days was supposed to be a fully fleshed out RPG before it was reduced to the action RPG it eventually became.
Joined: Mar 2003
I know even more about it than you.  I was a member of the old Armalion forum. Armalion was meant to be that RPG first, an TDE RPG, then the development studio foldet, rests were bought up by Ascaron, who didn't have the TDE license, but first still wanted to make a full RPG - and at one point everything was turned into an Action-RPG. In my theory the constant stream of comparing Armalion with Blizzard's Action-RPG (which was "high" at that time) made it inside of one rep's head "click" and he or she decided to make an Action-RPG out of it. If ou are very familiar with TDE, you can still find fragments of TDE in it.
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
Joined: Jul 2009
I didnt care for Gothic 1 2 or 3.
Joined: Jul 2010
yeah exactly in Japan. It has a unique concept but it's BORING! lol
Joined: Oct 2004
I didnt care for Gothic 1 2 or 3. I really dug Gothic 1. Gothic 2 was good, but nowhere as good in G1 - especially since some of the issues of Gothic 1 are more apparent in G2. Gothic 3 is just a mess with absolutely horrible load times - and yet to finish it; even w/ the Enhanced Edition community patches. Ain't even touched Forsaken Gods, which I do have on disc.
Joined: May 2003
I know even more about it than you.  I was a member of the old Armalion forum. Armalion was meant to be that RPG first, an TDE RPG, then the development studio foldet, rests were bought up by Ascaron, who didn't have the TDE license, but first still wanted to make a full RPG - and at one point everything was turned into an Action-RPG. In my theory the constant stream of comparing Armalion with Blizzard's Action-RPG (which was "high" at that time) made it inside of one rep's head "click" and he or she decided to make an Action-RPG out of it. If ou are very familiar with TDE, you can still find fragments of TDE in it. I know you know more than I know.  YOU are the reason I know about Sacred, and the Dark Eye games like Drakensang. You posted quite a bit about Sacred/Armalion on here years ago and about TDE on Chaos Cascade.
Joined: Oct 2010
I would say the worst I have played is Dawn of Magic II / Time of Shadows. Its only redeeming feature was the magic system (which was interesting), but everything else was bad. At least it was free (due to issues with the disc version of Disciples III).
Joined: Nov 2010
*cough* Fable 1,2 and 3 *cough* ...oh sorry...you're talking about ROLE-PLAYING GAMES, not crappy sim-lites. Never mind...