Joined: Oct 2005
Hi  Well, I HAVE had time now - and think I found all that I should in my tower. So I ventured to the fjords shrine on the mountain trail and dealt with all foes .... well, from there as far as the elevator in the Primordial Cave. [Except that pesky immortal one at the top of the trail, of course  ] However, if I use the elevator in the cave I am very soon dead !! So I left the cave and swam along the shoreline to the arguing ladies - and then beyond to a gamg of imps(?) outside what might be a mine entrance. The imps thrashed me too  So Should I try to persever here or am I attempting the wrong area altogether ?? [Also, I haven't been able to change into a dragon. Anywhere. Not even in my tower. Is that right, or am I just not doing the right thing ??] Much appreciate any help,
Joined: Mar 2003
Rather than take on the imps right away, there is another beach you can swim/fly to with black ring members on it, behind some anti-dragon shields and defenses (which you can ignore in human form). Did you summon your creature to help with the imps? Unless you are a few levels lower than 21, you shouldn't have too much trouble with them.
In your inventory you have the dragon stone, which will let you teleport to the battle tower (or between platforms) and back, as well as a dragon morph stone, which lets you change back and forth between human and dragon (assuming there is enough room around and above you). You can not change into a dragon in the tower; you need to teleport to the shrine outside, jump up the rocks and run over to where there are no overhanging tree branches (IIRC you may also be able to find a spot on the path down to transform, or jump off and turn into a dragon before you get too deep into the poison gas). In the fjords, try jumping off the mountain or swimming away from land to transform, until you get a feel for how much room you need.
If you fly out over the water from the start of the fjords, you should see a bunker high in the mountains behind some anti-dragon shields and defenses. That is where you need to get to lower the barrier and disable the shields (there are a couple traders in there, as well, after they surrender). You can either use a teleporter to get up there (the Camp Sentinel View teleporter, on the west side of the island in the middle of the channel, will bring you to Camp Eagle's Nest, where you can access the bunker) or it is also possible to fly above the anti-dragon shield and drop down in human form, if you find the right spot. The teleporter by the blind philosopher will be activated once you disable the barrier.
Joined: Oct 2005
Hi  It's unlikely I'll get another go until tomorrow now, so I'll come back then and read all this again. Thanks very much 
Joined: Oct 2005
Hi - I'm back to read again .... Yes, I always have my creature at my side for tough fights  I'm a level 20 now so maybe by using better tactics I might do better with the imps - but I'm not that hopeful. However, either way, I'll try and find the other places you mention. And yes, I've been using the stone which takes me to my tower. Very handy. Maybe I should try it mid-fight - when I'm losing  The times I attempted to turn into a dragon I was told there was not enough room so I will experiment further in different places. I'll obviously need to be able to fly if I want to get about more !!  Thanks, as always
Joined: Mar 2003
If you use the dragon stone to teleport away from a tough fight, be careful about using the 'leave battle tower' option, as it will return you to the same place (not sure if opponents will be back at their default locations, though, if they moved to attack you).
For the dragon morph stone, you may just need to move closer to the edge of the trail, and away from any boulders, etc. If not, just jump off the mountain or swim a bit out from land.
If you attack the imps with a bow or spells from a distance, and take out one or two you should be able to retreat in order to heal, and have a little easier time for the next attack. Trying to get 4k experience from the imps on level 17, I had to do a fair bit of running away (jumping slightly diagonally left or right, trying to avoid magic attacks) until I got my creature using a ranger head (then I still had to run away a bit).
Joined: Oct 2005
Another thank you !! I still haven't had the time to get back to the game - but surely tomorrow 
Last edited by madwill; 31/07/10 03:54 AM.
Joined: Oct 2005
Well, I did manage to play a little but apart from successfully turning into a dragon (at last  ) and donning the rest of my dragon armour and utilising my dragon skill points, I've achieved zilch !! The only place I seemed able to fly to safely was what the narrator called a "Bunker". It looks a bit like a "Motte and Bailey Castle" arrangement and I landed near it but couldn't get in. [A magical barrier I presume.] I could see a blue glowing light from the interior though and wondered if that was one of these teleports I need to find ?? Does a map exist that shows these teleports at all ?? So .. I think it is going to take me quite a time to achieve anything now - in dragon form or otherwise. I've killed a few more of the imps near the mine and a few other beings on one or two of the only beaches I can reach but that's been it !! And I'm really low on funds, too
Joined: Mar 2003
The bunker is high in the mountains south of the grand knight teleporter shrine, built into the cliff face. From the teleporter, turn into a dragon and fly across the water heading for the south western end of the island in the middle of the channel. The anti-dragon defenses will start to attack, but if you keep moving to the island, and transform over a ledge there with a teleporer on it, they shouldn't be a problem. The teleporter there is how you get to the bunker behind the anti-dragon shields, in order to disable the defenses and barrier. There are a couple traders upstairs, after you've secured the lower floor, where you may be able to get better equipment, etc, and sell off loot you don't need.
You can access the Dragon Cliff Castle, on the northern side of the channel, after lowering the barrier. There is a cave near the start of the fjords, high above the waterfall cave (follow the water up and you'll be in the general vicinity).
Return to the teleporter on sentinel island, use your dragon stone to teleport to the throne room, and send your runners for malachite ore and diamonds to sell. Wait until they leave, then exit and return; once fully upgraded they should have a pretty good success rate, and you can do this repeatedly to get potion ingredients or alchemy ingredients to use or sell.
What type of character are you playing, with what skills? At level 20 you shouldn't be having that much trouble with the level 21 imps, and the Black Ring members on the beach under the bunker should be easy.
Joined: Oct 2005
Hi Raze  Thanks for that .. I have copied it for future use .. because I've started a re-play of a chunk of the game from before I take possession of the Battle Tower. Hopefully so as to be in a better position at the end of all the action this time  I've already replayed the first bit of fjords and got rid of that "immortal" pest - so at least I can now go up and down the first slope where the shrine is, without having to bother about him and/or waste healing potions  I might not be back for a few days or so though because I have other commitments right now and not as much spare time for the game but I WILL be back because I WILL need more help. There's no doubting that  Thanks for your invaluable help to date and see you soon 
Joined: Oct 2005
Hi  Sneaked some playing time and have re-done the whole chunk I said I would do and am now back exploring the fjords area. Got myself to a higher level (20) and have marginally better equipment And I've killed those imps on the beach near the primodial cave. But they weren't near a mine or anything after all !! What looked like a structure from a distance was just some kind of shelter - and having looked at the map, the mine appears to be much further along, round the next headland  I did fly to the small mid-channel island, climb up to a platform and and pick up a blue stabilizer crystal thing - but I'm finding trying to fly over that bunker really difficult. I don't seem to be allowed to fly high enough, no matter which direction I face. And I've not been able to land on any ledges near it either. Every one I've tried has ended up being too narrow, so, changing back from being a dragon, I just fall off into the sea  Do you have any further advice for me, please ?? 
Joined: Mar 2003
From the grand knight teleporter shrine, fly across the water heading for the end of the island in the middle of the channel (past the headland you need to swim/fly around to get to the mine). Directly above the left Nest Tower there is a ledge on the mountain island, and you should see the blue light from the teleporter that you need to use to get over to the bunker. There is another Nest Tower under the bunker.
Joined: Oct 2005
Thank you very much for those directions, Raze. I'll give them a go
Joined: Oct 2005
Phew !! I am finding getting to where I might want to go - as a dragon - VERY difficult  I did the part where I kill Lady Kara and Lord John. But then I had to go and find the key to rescue the girl from the cage, there. All of which took hours because of having to find my way round (and get back) as a dragon again !! I need a map with "flying routes" marked on it  Is the whole of the rest of the game like this now ?? I was enjoying myself so much more before 
Last edited by madwill; 03/08/10 03:17 PM.
Joined: Apr 2005
In the beginning flying like a dragon is indeed not so easy... but after awhile you learn it Me too have troubles in the beginning, but now I enjoy the dragonform very much  ! Try always to do things in humanform first if you don't like flying... there is much more you can do in humanform in the Orobas Fjords than you can imagine (I think!) ... and you can also swimming from beach to beach ... The Flying Fortresses are the places you must do the most in dragonform.
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Oct 2005
Hi Joram  I have been swimming to get around but there are many places I can't get to that way. I've also reached a few places to explore by jumping down from ledge to ledge - but of course first I have to fly up high and find somewhere safe to land before I can start jumping down. Which is a problem !! And as I can't have my creature with me when I do, do that, it then makes any fighting on foot more difficult And the many "force field" type barriers .... [I switched off 3 sections of them when I was up at Lady Kara's place But I have no idea where those sections were OR how to get to them !!] Can you tell I'm not an RPG Veteran ?? 
Joined: Jul 2010
In the beginning flying like a dragon is indeed not so easy... but after awhile you learn it Me too have troubles in the beginning, but now I enjoy the dragonform very much Flying in dragon form wasn't the problem, problem was being one hit killed by the damn captians!! Thankfully there is the burst button.
Joined: Mar 2003
Your creature should teleport to you if you get too far ahead. You can always unsummon / resummon it when you notice opponents ahead, or before entering caves, etc.
The 3 levers in the bunker switched off the barrier blocking access to the rest of the fjords as well as the anti-dragon shields around the bunker (you can fly back now directly, and transform over that ledge, if you wish to visit the merchants there, without having to teleport over). There are anti-dragon shields around High Hall and the harbour, if you've been that far, but no way to disable them. A second barrier exists in the channel south of the harbour, but can be lowered by destroying the defenses there (specifically, 4 ballistas surrounded by a blue lightning kind of effect). You can wait until you have leveled and become more familiar with the dragon form before doing that, though.
Joined: Jul 2010
I've ran into the problem of being on a ledge but my character saying it cannot do that here when I try and summon creature and demon... Not enough room maybe??
Joined: Nov 2003
Not enough room or you are inside an antidragon bubble. Try moving out to the very edge of the ledge.
The question is not, Can they reason? nor, Can they talk? but, Can they suffer? ~Jeremy Bentham
Joined: Mar 2003
Yes, I assume there needs to be enough room nearby for a summon to appear. I don't recall getting that error, but then I didn't have my creature active when exploring; it wasn't needed then, and at worst could block the view or get in the way (though that was rarely a serious problem, except possibly in confined spaces).