I'm a bit baffled/surprised about the ending topic for this game. The "ending" per-se isn't an ending at all but a prelude of what's to come in the third installment (it wouldn't make any sense to end this game on such a sour note.. there's always a reason why some games end short of what we expect... like Halo 2 or 3 for example.. if there's no dramatic ending, then there will be a next chapter). This game far exceeded my expectations, never thought it was going to be anywhere near as good as it was granted there were a few key instances that just didn't make any sense what-so-ever. For example, you're able to choose b/w good side of a responce and a bad side but the end result was still the same. It's too bad that you couldn't choose whether to be good or evil based on your responses, that would have made the game more-so entertaining giving not just alternate endings but a different angle to the game. The end fight, yeah, was a wee bit easy.. I played a Warrior and just ran in circle picking off each guard until just the Divine and wizard stood, summoned two pets (who went after and distracted the Wiz) while I finished off the Divine rather easily (granted I did have ultimate resistant pots and str/dex up).