Joined: Oct 2003
So how's Jurden doing? Has he skewered many orcs by now?
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Apr 2005
I go tomorow on hollyday for a week, so after that time I reply  Jurden is still alive, level 11.
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Sep 2010
omfg, you guys are good. Im doing the same cept with a male warrior. Hard mode sucks. I struggled through until i could learn skeleton wall, then i went into the orc camp and killed all the heavys, no elites (yet). Starting on them in bout two hours. Current level-
level-19 strength-45 agility-30 intel-20 con-40
weapon-Brightblade (yes i killed him on hard mode. bows and three hours go a long way)
preferred stategy- summon some hardened skeletons and let them kick as much crap out of the enemy as possible, then move in for the kill. or run like hell, whichever.
near death experiences- five with Seth, seven more, one to ONE hp. (not the vampire, i dont count him cuzz thats gonna happen anyway.)
im thinkin bout the skill for steel scorpians. good choice or not?
where are the dragon armor parts?
Last edited by GPDA; 20/09/10 01:48 AM.
Joined: Mar 2003
Seth can be easily killed by casting Poison Cloud repeatedly near him, but not directly targeting him (so he doesn't turn hostile and attack). Of course there isn't much point to playing on hardcore if you are going to use exploits like that. In the disk version of the game scorpions are fairly over powered. That was fixed in the download version, but I'm not sure how effective they are there. There are 5 pieces of dragon armour: a shield (Rivertown), belt (Verdistis), Gloves (Dark Forest), Breastplate (Verdistis) and Helm (Dark Forest). The last two can only be gotten after you have completed the dwarven council member quest; the first 3 can be found whenever you reach the area they are located. Dragon Armour Quests
Joined: Apr 2005
Hi, I'm back after a vacation in Greece, 28°C every day  ... Now I'm freezing death in Belgium My male warrior 'Jurden' is now level 15. Some stats (with boosts from gear!): Strength : 45 - Agility 35 - Intelligence 22 - Constitution 30 HP: about 300 and MP about 250. Have done many many trading with first George (now he's killed because of rescue Mardaneus from Thelyron  ) and now on Rivertown market with Kistandalius (he admire me, rep 100!) and the weapon smith and the other guys too ... Have many good equipment-items found and bought ! Some of my Skills are now: (3 skillpoints left) Enchant Weapon level 3 Poison Weapon l 2 (great skill!) Splitting Arrows l 1 (great in comb with Poison Weapon, esp. by killing (a group of) Orcs!) Meteeorestrike l 2 (one skillbook found near the Dwarven village) Lightning l 2 (+ one skillbook bought by Kistandalius for to use later) Know Creature l 1 (from gear) Hell Spikes l 1 (from gear) Survivor Instinct l 1 (from gear) Alchemy l 2 Lockpick l 1 Augment Defense l 1 (boost 'Armor' value) Freeze l 2 (always a good skill by most enemies) Sometimes I use the Warrior skill if many enemies surrounded me! Great skill, but don't forget to have potions of STAMINA with you!!!  ) For me most dangerous moments are the final battle at level -5 catacombs beneath Aleroth, but I survive! And also all the moments many (different) enemies attacked me by surprise, but to be honest, most of that kind of "surprise" was coming up if I was a little bit unpatient and do stupid movements (to fast moving in unexplored areas for instance!)  My Telporter Stones have also saved me a killing blow from a Great Giant Orc  ! I'm happy I still breathing @GPDA : wecome to the hardcore challenge thread I don't care about Scorpions Traps. Never used them in DD. I try to have the best "boosts" in Vitality and Constitution and all the rest are "extra" to come in handy! I use all the charms some Orcs leave behind and have already 3 Strength charms in use (3 X + 4 to Strength !!) + 1 Dexerity charm ... Have 4 good bows + 2 good swords + 1 great dagger and 1 great axe ! So I let Seth live with his Brightblade. Later I write down here the specifications of my gear
Last edited by Joram; 22/09/10 11:34 AM. Reason: 1 wrong skill deleted here
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Apr 2005
A warrior who can not die
Overview: Name hero : Jurden. Race : Warrior. Level : 16 Unused Statpoints : 5 Unused Skillpoints : 4 Skills of Jurden :
- Warrior's Skills Sword Expertise(2), Augment Damage(2), Augment Defense(1), Enchant Weapon(3), Splitting Arrows(1), Stun(1 from dagger)
- Mage's Skills Freeze(2), Meteorstrike(2), Lightning(2), Telekinesis(1), Hell Spikes(1 from gloves)
- Survivor's Skills Alchemy(2), Poison Weapon(2), Lockpick(1), Know Creature(1 from belt ), Survivor's Instinct(1 from leggings)
Statistics : Note: first numbers are without any gear, second numbers are with gear, included a shield but not a weapon. ( naked / with gear ) * HP 198 / 334 - MP 54 / 229 * Strength 37 / 45 ; Agility 27 / 35 ; Intelligence 18 / 20 ; Constitution 33 / 39 * Offense 21 / 28 ; Defense 18 / 31 ; Armor 0 / 107 * Resistance : lightning: 0 / 10; fire: 0 ; poison: 0 ; spirit: 0 / 16 * Reputation : 4
Some of Jurden's best Weapons : * Dagger : dam 27-43, with Life Drain(2), Fire dam(2), Spiritual dam(2), Deathblow(2), Stun + 1; 2 to Strength and 2 to Intelligence * Bastard Sword of the Brain : dam 27-65, Life Drain(3), Mana Drain(3), Poison dam(2), Frost(2) * Owl's Long Bow of Reflexes : dam 23-114, Speed 4, 1 to Offense and 1 to sight * Vicious Long Bow : dam 37-128, 2 to Offense * Well Made Battle Axe of the Cold : dam 25-45, Frost(2), 5 to HP, 32 to MP, 3 to Constitution Equipment : * Soldier's Round Shield : 33 to HP, 4 to Agility, 100 Armor * Wise Man's Dwarven Helmet : 25 to HP, Resist Spirit 1, 130 Armor * Amulet of Glory : 5 Charmslots; 20 to HP, 6 to Const., 2 to Defense, Resist Spirit 5 * Chain Armor : 2 Charmslots; 4 to Strength, 4 to Agility, 2 to Defense, Resist Lightn 5, 40 Armor, 1 to sight * Metal Belt : 3 Charmslots; 40 to MP, 3 to Defense, 270 Armor, 1 to sight, Know Creature + 1 * Leather Leggings of Regeneration : 80 Armor, Survivor's Instinct + 1 * Minion's Heavy Leather Boots : 2 Charmslots; 12 to HP, 40 to MP, 4 to Strength, 2 to sight, 70 Armor * Golden Chain Gloves : 2 Charmslots; 20 to HP, 40 to MP, 140 Armor, Hell Spikes + 1 * Ruby Ring : 2 Charmslots; 2 to Intell., Resist Spirit 10 and Lightn 5, 3 to hearing * Mage's Ruby Ring : + 49 to MP
Note: ** damage values by weapons are just the decription by each weapon! With Strength 45 and wearing the Owl's Long Bow of Reflexes, that gives a damage value of 43 - 138 .
Regards, Jurden 
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Oct 2003
So what's Jurden up to? Been to the orc camp yet? Or the Cursed Abbey?
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Apr 2005
Hmmm, let's think ... I go first to General Alix and arrange an escort for the healers. Second Jurden go to the church and around the Cursed Abbey ... Or make a walk to Verdistis ...
So far Aleroth is completly finished at the moment and Jurden has already solved a few quests for Marcus. Now Jurden must only find a "nearby depot(of the black market)" ...
Have steel the Dwarven Scroll and go to find the other scrolls as soon as possible and for sure before I ever go to Stormfist Castle ...
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Apr 2005
Hi all,
at the moment I'm become a level 17 warrior. Have had some dangerous moments around the place where I can find the Elvenlord and he give me also the scroll for the Elven Teleporterplaces . But some or two Troll Kings makes my live a sort moment very very dangerous! Lucky I have the Restoration spell and the Lightning spell too! Plus a good bow I poisoned, really great altogether!! But I always must try to be fast enough, so the Troll King can't do a spell on me!! If that happens, I must spam restoration (potions) and hope I'm faster that the Troll King to poison him and use my Lightning spell before he attack me with his strong warhammer!!! Yes, be honest, I met a new nearby death experience the first time I meet such a Troll King !! 
I have going to General Alix and finish the escort for the healers. Do some trading and kill Trolls and Thugs and Boars, Wolves, Spiders, etc ...
The follow thing I wish to do is to go to the Church and maybe have a "look" by the Cursed Abbey too ...
The still happy breating Jurden
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Apr 2005
Yesterday I go to the church. O what a nightmare it coudl be if I discovered not soon enough there was also a Lich !! The Gosts aren't a problem to defeat at all, but the Lich !! So almost again a nearby death experience This was okay, I had everything under control ... until I go to the Cursed Abbey!! The Zombies aren't a problem, but the Steel Archers all the more !!! That event was really a nearby death experience of great fromat !! Lucky I had the clever idea to simply use the Restorationspell after take 2 restoration potions to be "save" ! I take to many risks already, so no more risks for now ! 
I become now a level 19 warrior and have learned the skill Magic Bariere. Rest : 4 unused skillpoints and 10 unused statpoints on this moment.
Finding new good bows and other great gear in the meanwhile .... later I write it all down here, but I'm tired of fighting now.
I go to bed and tomorrow a new day rise up ....
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Apr 2005
A hero who didn't wish to die
Overview: Name hero : Jurden. Race : Warrior. Level : 26 (just reatched this level) Reputation : 21 Quests : 55 solved / 17 open Unused Statpoints : 27 Unused Skillpoints : 11 Skills of Jurden :
- Warrior's Skills Sword Expertise(2), Bow Expertise(1), Augment Damage(2), Augment Defense(1), Enchant Weapon(4), Splitting Arrows(1), Stun(1 from dagger)
- Mage's Skills Freeze(2), Meteorstrike(2), Restoration(1 from quest), Lightning(3 + 1 from Boots), Telekinesis(2), Hell Spikes(1 from gear if wearing)
- Survivor's Skills Alchemy(2 + 2 from gear if wearing)), Poison Weapon(2), Lockpick(2 + 1 from gear if wearing)), Know Creature(1 from belt ), Pick Pocked(1), Identify(1 + 1 from gear if wearing), Embrace Shadows(1 from leggings), Magic Bariere(2).
Statistics : ( naked / with gear ) * HP 276 / 685 - MP 54 / 216 * Strength 48 / 60 ; Agility 36 / 50 ; Intelligence 18 / 26 ; Constitution 46 / 60 * Offense 29 / 40 ; Defense 24 / 43 ; Armor 0 / 158 * Resistance : lightning: 10 / 51 ; fire: 10 / 10 ; poison: 10 / 10 ; spirit: 10 / 35 (with Skill Magic Bariere(2) )
Some of Jurden's best Weapons : * Dagger : dam 27-43, with Life Drain(2), Fire dam(2), Spiritual dam(2), Deathblow(2), Stun + 1; 2 to Strength and 2 to Intelligence * Bastard Sword of the Brain : dam 27-65, Life Drain(3), Mana Drain(3), Poison dam(2), Frost(2) * And more good Swords .... * Owl's Long Bow of Reflexes : dam 23-114, Speed 4, 1 to Offense and 1 to sight * Vicious Long Bow : dam 37-128, 2 to Offense * Sharp Hazor Long Bow : dam 25-116, 4 to Offense * And more good bows .... * Well Made Battle Axe of the Cold : dam 25-45, Frost(2), 5 to HP, 32 to MP, 3 to Constitution Equipment : * Extra Fine Shield : 63 to HP, 270 Armor * Hermit's Helm : 31 to HP, 18 to MP, 4 to Strength, 110 Armor, Resist Lightn 2 & Spirit 5, * Amulet of Glory : 5 Charmslots; 20 to HP, 6 to Const., 2 to Defense, Resist Spirit 5 * Chain Armor : 2 Charmslots; 4 to Strength, 4 to Agility, 2 to Defense, Resist Lightn 5, 40 Armor, 1 to sight * Metal Belt : 3 Charmslots; 40 to MP, 4 to Strength, 3 to Defense, 270 Armor, 1 to sight, Know Creature + 1 * Minion's Leather Leggings of Hiding : 2 Charmslots, 80 Armor, Embrace Shadows + 1 * Boots of the Vampire : 5 Charmslots; 120 to HP, 80 to MP, 4 to Agility, 6 to Intell, 70 Armor, Resist Lightn 5, Skill Lightning + 1 * Electrifying Chain Gloves of the Herbalist : 31 to HP, 120 Armor, 2 to Defense, Resist Lightn +9, Alchemy + 1 * Ruby Ring : 2 Charmslots; 2 to Intell, 4 to Constit, Resist Spirit 10 & Lightn 5, 3 to hearing * Sapphire Ring : 1 Charmslot, 60 to HP, 6 to Agility, 4 to Constit, Resist Lightn 15 & Spirit 5
I've done the outside of the Curshed Abbey so far. Go into the Nericon's Garden and spoke the wrong answers by the statue .... ... I've all the Orcs in there campements and collect all the gear and the scroll of the Orcs. 
After that I go for the first time into the Dark Forest! Just following the path to the south and come by the Elven Village. Have a date with the lovely Elf, but already forgot here name ! ....
I collect gear, especially the one with a skill on or a few charmslots that could come in handy later on. Collect also some Charms for if I need more resistance or other stats ... dropped by Orcs or buy it by chopkeepers .... Rest me to find the scroll of the Imps, Elves and Lizards ... If that's done, I wish to have an appointment with the new Rules, Janus ! In the meanwhile going to Verdistis and talk to people, solve quests ....
Greetings from the happy breathing Jurden 
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Apr 2005
Now I'm level 28. Have experienced 2 or 3 nearby death's again, so I decided to be even more careful in the future!! The Cursed Abbey I have cleared up, that wasn't a problem anymore after I reached level 26 (or 27) ! The skill Elemental Arrows is great to kill insane skeletons and many more kind of enemies  Put 2 points in this skill now. I only need to activate two teleporterplaces (Sewers of Verdistis and the Imps Castle in the Dark Forest) and of course Zandalor activate for me the Council of Seven Hall teleporter later on  After that, I go to Stormfist Castle. O, but first clean up the Sewers of Verdistis/rivertown first O what is that Dark Forest an amazing big area ! I was forgotten how big it was!  .... Will be continued ... The still happy breathing Jurden
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Oct 2003
Level 29 now. Boy it would suck if your character died after all this time! Make sure you have enough potions during boss battles! 
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Apr 2005
Hello again  ! After a long time Jurden wake up again and keep going further on his adventure  Yes Macbeth, having enough Restoration potions is a very good thing  ! And I have much of them (more than 100!). More than one "nearby death experience" have passed !! Especially "Lizard Archmages" are very dangerous !!! Also Steel Guardians and a Wraith, but the last one wasn't a big problem since I, Jurden, was already level 36. Many Quests I've done before I go the Stormfist Castle. Iona's Dungeon I've cleared out of "al that is evil" ... My HP is now a little more than 1000 and my Mana I think around 500 points. My Strength ca 70, Agilty ca 65 (with Magical lockpicks of Finnigan with me!), Intelligence around 50 and constitution more than 100 (I think 115). But without gear MUCH much lesser stats!! I have buy/find great gear and charms! Now I sell as much as I can for making big sum of money  ... on this moment I have more than a half million goldcoints  ! Now I can buy all the best charms I wish to use, especially charms that boost my HP, Mana, Vitality, Intelligence ... I have buy/find 3 different equipment items that give a point in the skills Identify AND Repair ! Almost all the gear that give me "a Skill" I keep them ! Now I have my Teleporterstones back from Zixzax, kill the Succubus without any problems. Elemental Arrows is a great skill ! but to say I have search always for the best bows and ther're great ones! on this moment I gather the Council of Seven ... and have done 4 of them now: Mardaneus, Anxz (Imps), Orc (forgot his name) and naturally the Wizard Zandalor ... Happy Jurden
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Apr 2005
A warrior who can not die
Overview: Name hero : Jurden. Race : Warrior. Level : 45 Unused Statpoints : 20 Unused Skillpoints : 11 Skills of Jurden : many! Active Skills I most used are: Elemental Arrows, Freeze, Lightning, Meteore Strike, Poison Weapon, Elemental Hail, ... and making use of Alchemy, Repair and Identify (last to I have skillpoints via swithing gear).
Statistics : Note: first number is without any gear, second number is with gear, included a shield, so without using a two-handed weapon. * HP 432 / 1100 - MP 168 / 832 * Strength 77 / 111 ; Agility 45 / 65 ; Intelligence 56 / 84 ; Constitution 72 / 120 * Offense 36 / 54 ; Defense 31 / 65 ; Armor 0 / 347 * Resistance : lightning: 25 / 75 ; fire: 25 / 100 ; poison: 25 / 90 ; spirit: 25 / 175 (with Skill Magic Barriere 5/5!) * Reputation : 44
Jurden's Holy Sword - from the Quest "Finding the Holy Weapon":
- Nobleman's Sword : (current)
max dam 50 (on the sword, with current strength-status higher!) Charm quality 1, 1 free slot now . Stun(5), fire damge(2), Speed 14 ! + 2 to Offense, + 6 to Strength, + 80 to Mana, + 100 to HP - Bow of Hilfin :
damage(on weapon) : max 139, + 4 to speed and 3 to sight Charm quality 2, 1 free slot . + 2 to Offense, + 10 to Agility (charm!)
Equipment :
All the pieces of the Dragon Armor wearing (+ 1 point "Elemental Strike")- Dragon Armor :
- Breastplate of the Dragonheart : 440 armor, Skill Aura of Command, 5 hear, 5 sight, Charmq 2 (1 free slot), 10 Strength (charm), 100 MP, 80 HP, Resist L* 5, P 5, S 5 .
- Shield of the Dragon : 230 armor, 2 Skills: Summon Demonic Aide + aura of Guarding, Charmq 2 (2 free slots), 3 Defense, 4 Const, 80 MP, Resist L 10, S 10 .
- Helmet of the Dragon : 200 armor, Skill Freeze, 1 hear, 3 sight, Charmq 2 (1 free slot), 5 Defense, 6 Agility, 10 Const (charm), 60 MP, Resist F 15, P 5, S 10 .
- Gloves of the Dragon : 20 armor, 2 Skills: Blind + Know Creature, Charmq 3, 4 Defense, 16 Const (2 charms), 2 Agility, 40 MP (charm)
- Belt of the Dragon : 100 armor, 2 Skills: Summon Skeleton + Curse, Charmq 1 (1 free slot), 2 Agility, 4 Intell, 4 const, 60 MP, Resist L 10, F 10, P 10 .
- Amulet of Glory : 2 Defense, charmq 5 (1 free slot), 8 Intell, 6 const, 20 HP, Resist F 40, P 40, S 5 ***
- Boots of the Vampire : 70 armor, Skill Lightning, Charmq 5, 18 Strength, 4 Agility, 6 Const, 80 MP, 120 HP, Resist L 5 .***
- Nice Plate Leggings of the General : armor 200, 2 Skills: Alchemy + Aura of Command, 3 sight, 5 Defense, Charmq 4 (1 free slot), 8 Intell, 80 MP, Resist S 55 . ***
- Ruby Ring : 3 hear, Charmq 2, 2 Intell, 4 Const, Resist L 5, S 10 . ***
- Sapphire Ring : Charmq 1 (1 free slot), 6 Agility, 4 Const, 60 HP, Resist L 15, S 5 .
* Resistances: L = Lightning, F = Fire, P = Poison, S = Spirit *** not sure for which stats the "charms" are from .
Continue .... Finally I become "The real Divine One" ! Seven Council Members give me a Ritual Blessing ! So now I'm in the Wastelands ... and have already had a nearby death exerpience with a Imp Chieftain !!
Orc Kroxy is my favorite shopkeeper. I met Zandalor with Arhu the white cat resently and make my "home" nearby the shop. Find the second Telporter Piramide, but not find the "Dragon" yet ...
Regards, Happy Jurden
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Apr 2005
Finally I'm defeating the five Black Ring Members, finally ! Now I'm level 48. I think I gonna reach level 49 when I go to defeat the Lord of Chaos. Never make use of the Wisdom skill or put a gear on with wisdom. And also missed 1 (important) questreward in Rivertown ... but no reason to begin  Have had a thrilling time defeating 6 (or more) Sand Devils at the entree of the Blakc Ring Hall ! More than one almost nearby death experience I had !! First try the slow way: using the Bow of Hilfin + Deathly Discs spell. but it goes faster with the Sword of the Gods (Freeze on it) and using the special Warrior skill & switching between Restoration spell and Deathly Discs. Two Sand Devils the time was more than enough ! If a third comes, I go run away! The ghosts aren't any problem because I think my Spiritual resistance is more than high enough( ca 150 ŕ 175), only there where soo many that I can't see clearly if a Sand Devil comes with them ! Never used so many restoration spell or potions in the Wastelands than at that critical moment! One Sand Devil is not a big problem, but six of them? O no ! My only hope: Run for your life!! But I can't run far!! Too dangerous around the entree! Or I must take my spell to become a Ghost again? No, I wish to make short, but careful(!), work of all that is "D-evil" hahahaha ... And now it's kind of peace of cake defeating Iona and especially Demona! Iona I can't Freeze her with that spell, but Demona .. simply Freeze her (or with my Sword!) and then with Elemental Arrows (level 5) Demona was in less than 10 seconds defeated !! But with bow expertice 4 and Sword exp 4 it's a fast attack !  Only a Inferial (or something) Zombie was also a nearby death experience, I think it was in Iona's Fortress. But so far the other enemies can't stay for long My HP is now around 1300 and also my Mana ! I buy all charms I can because I've the money now (starting with more than 1 milloin in the beginning of the Wastelands and now I have around a half million, but many charms spend in gear! ) Lucky I don't sell stuff in Rivellon that has 5 charmslots, but bring it with me to the Wastelands  ! Now that comes in handy. Kroxy have not so often a charmed gear I can buy. Sometimes with 3 charmslots ... and I going trade many times with Kroxy !
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Apr 2005
So, after eight months of playing this real mastepiece Divine yesterday I finished of the last of the five Black Ring members & the Demon of Lies ! After killing the last Black Ring Member, Cornelius, I reached Level 50 !
Josephina was the most dangerous one !! But I have found a funny/handy trick to defeat her: After she see me and before she will begin to attack me with the "Blind"-spell + Hell Spikes, I pause the game and select "Embrance Shadow" (just 1 skillpoint from an Amulet, the Strange Amulet of Mardec) and use it! Then I draw my Sword of the Gods with extra poison charges on it (50!) via Poison Weapon skill and begin to attact her! The Sword of the Gods have also Frost(4) on it, so that works fine for her and the Deathknights she already had summoned! Especially the poison is very deatly for the Deathknights, but also Josephina is a little bit confused when my sword poisoned her!!  I'm happy I finally find a way to kill this evil Black Ring member faster than ever before and without many restoration potions (like I must have taken many before!!).
Without ANY reloads for better loot, but with many many trading and much patient my stats are great! MY HP was above 1500 and my Mana more than 1400 ! But I put in many high quality charms (buying many from Kroxy! - almost all my money goes to charms!). What is worth Jurden's money at the final battle? Nothing more than "metal"
And now I'm waiting for the Xbox patch of the DKS to begin playing Divinity II on "Nightmare Difficulty Mode" ! AND also my style of playing: no reloads for better loot + hero got killed = total Game Over! ... I'm afraid if the patch don't coming out soon I begin a brand new hero in DD (luckely I go on hollyday during the last week of january 2011 !) Next time I wish to try a Mage type, a heroďn.
I'm curious how long, how many months, I will be playing Divnity II to the final end of Flames of Vengeance (I only ones tested the beginning of the add-on at the Studios of Larian) ... .
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Jul 2004
Congratulation  what a great bet you did!
 "The Frenglais does déjŕ exist. Many gens are parling this langue" Barta
Joined: Oct 2003
Congratulations!  But I warn you that playing Divinity II on nightmare difficulty in hardcore mode will be almost impossible! 
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Apr 2005
Thanks for the kind words Scala and Macbeth  It was a real pleasure to do such a really great adventure !! But yeah, a Masterpiece like DD was even better playing like I did !! I feel more involved in the world of Rivellon !! and the moments my first and second hero died ... it was something like ... "Oooooo my God ... " or "I had to know this, played this game already for so much hours before - I wasn't careful enough !!" Hmmm ... you say almost ... so I have Hope it IS posible, but indeed very sure an adventure of great danger!! When will come the patch for the Xbox so I can begin on Nightmare mode ? ? ?
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !