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You shouldn't have a problem leveling up some more in the fjords. The first couple opponents there brought me up to level 16, working my way down to the bottom of the mountain trail got me to level 17, and crossing to another beach and swimming over to a beach with some black ring members almost brought me up to level 18. It was a little tough trying to take out a few level 21 imps to get the last 4k experience I needed, but after I switched my creature from a warrior head (level 6 Rush Attack / Fatality) to a ranger head (level 2 Fireball), it was much more helpful (once I found a mage head I switched it to that).

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madwill Offline OP
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Hi smile

I've made it into the Battle Tower on Sentinal and have the name I need so I can go attempt battle with Laiken grin

I'm at level 18 now and only need a couple of hundred more experience points to get to level 19.
So, to try and get those points before tackling Laiken, I've paid several visits to the fjords area (in-between doing the Sentinel quests) and managed to kill a few foes in and around the 1st shrine there.

However, I can't kill the Shaman !! eek
[I think he might be the last of the bunch I've been fighting.]

He's taken A LOT of punishment - I see the numbers flying off him every time I strike him - but his health bar never goes down at all.

Could this be a bug ??

I've also paused and drunk health potions any number of times to enable me to keep going but his health bar has still never altered.
I don't know what to try next ouch

Do you have any advice for me, please ??


EDIT : Sorry - I forgot to thank you for your previous reply frown

Last edited by madwill; 27/07/10 02:34 AM.
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Several people have had problems with certain NPCs not taking damage, in particular that shaman has come up a couple times. In one case just leaving the fjords and returning later he started taking damage normally, while another case someone jumped past him to continue in the fjords, and killed him on the way back up the trail. Someone else had the same problem with one of the boars in Broken Valley.
In general, opponents do not take damage if they are at the very edge of their range, presumably so that you can not get them to chase you, and easily take them out with a bow or magic when they stop.

There is a fight after you enter the summoning chamber, as well, which could give you a few experience points before you confront Laiken in the throne room. I assume you've finished off pretty much everything in Broken Valley and Sentinel Island? There is one quest in each area that you can do after getting the battle tower, but most areas and NPCs will be unavailable then.

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madwill Offline OP
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Hi - and thanks for responding smile

I'd already left the fjords and gone back again - twice - before I posted about this shaman problem and I'd tried to kill him on my way in AND on my way out again. [Both from long range and by axe.]
I guess I'll just have to ignore him and heal up, if necessary, after I pass him laugh

Yes. I've checked the walkthrough and I've done all the available quests in the Broken Valley and Sentinel Island areas, as far as I can see.

Thanks for the info about another fight before the BIG one. Hopefully it will give me the points I need up
[If I can win it, of course !! I am a veritable "wimp" at combat hahaha

Thanks again cool

Well, I won the BIG fight. Changed into a dragon. Flew round for 5 minutes. Then got bumped off !! Guess I'd better go practise .. Heh !! groovy

Last edited by madwill; 27/07/10 01:37 PM.
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If you run and they follow you TOO far away from their original spawn they will not take damage, yet they will regenerate any lost damage... frown
Made that mistake in broken valley, damn chiefs.

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For Dragon combat keep moving; hit target lock for towers/nests and circle around while holding the Fire Breath trigger/key down. Once you take out most of the opponents in that first fight you will automatically return to the battle tower.

You should have one skill point that you can put into Dragon Spirit, and can fly away behind the battle tower and use it to heal or otherwise rest up. You may have gotten a second dragon skill point (from a book) exploring the fjords earlier.

On the Xbox, a burst of speed is triggered by the left shoulder button. On the PC this is done by right clicking.

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Originally Posted by NINER
If you run and they follow you TOO far away from their original spawn they will not take damage, yet they will regenerate any lost damage... frown
Made that mistake in broken valley, damn chiefs.

Yeah, the Chiefs are fast and strong ... !

I wonder this but haven't "test" it yet :
Do someone know this?
>>> Suppose I go to a group enemies and kill only 1 or 2 of the 5 enemies and I succeed to take the halve of 1 or 2 other enemies their health (HP). But then I go away (for some reason, for example buy or make me more potions).
IF I later come back for killing the rest of that group enemies ....
Question 1 : have the halfkilled enemies bach full health?
Question 2 : make it a difference if that group enemies have or haven't a "Healer" still with them?

Most logical I think is that WITH a Healer inside that group of enemies all have back 100 % HP ... otherwise NOT . If that's so, I best kill first the Healer hahaha

Many thanks in advance ! I gladly wish to know this smile !

On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin,
it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
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Enemies regenerate their hit points (otherwise it would be too easy to just hit and run repeatedly). If you leave them long enough, the half killed ones will get back up to full health (obviously with a healer in the group that will happen faster).

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Hmm, I was afraid it will be so ...
But if I understand right: if I go away and come back so fast as I can (and the Healer is already killed) I have a chance (some % of change) that the halfkilled enemies still haven't their 100 % HP ? (Let say 75 %/ 85% of HP ...?)

Note :
In DD it is differently because you can teleport your hero away of dangerous moments if you have the teleporter stones! Going back later, the halfkilled enemies are still halfkilled smile Right?

But yeah, that's another game, but still a "good old game" ... or I will name it "an excellent fantastic game" !! ... for me the BEST RPG I ever played ... and still play it after all these years ... biggrin

On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin,
it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
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I didn't do a lot of running away in D2:ED, but you can return before they have fully recovered. There may be some distance limit, where if you get too far away or teleport they will automatically heal, or something.

The only places I had to hit and run a few times were at level 2 with the group of goblins by the necromancer's cave (particularly the level 4 chief) and at level 7 taking out the group of level 8 skeletons at the front gate of Lovis' tower. With the skeletons I retreated down the hill to eat something and regenerate behind the tree, and did notice partially and fully healed skeletons when attacking again. The tree is just outside the skeleton's range, so I'm not sure if going farther would have made a different (over and above the extra time it would take to get back).

I don't remember if opponents in DD regenerated their hit points. The only opponent I recall having to leave was the orc war drummer on the trail south of Aleroth; he couldn't hurt me, but with the weapon I had at the time I couldn't do damage faster than he could heal himself.

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Thanks Raze for your story smile

In fact, I didn't ask my question IF I do lots of running away ... I didn't, because I was (almost) always good prepaired for the upcoming battle ! (enough potions etc) So I never notice this matter and so I ask it now smile ... I was curious. wink

In DD the Orc War Drummers are fun and a pain at the same time :hihi:
Many hours I spend searching on HOW I can kill them the fast way ... Now I kill them with a most high damage weapon charged with poison on (Poison Weapon Skill) and use the spell Frost. If my weapon have also Frost or Poison boost, the better it goes biggrin
The Orc War Drummers are Healers, because they heal all Orc's that are walking by, I have seen that.

On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin,
it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
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When I first started the game I moronically ran into the level 5 goblin and the Hjamik (forgot his name, the big ball :)) And was getting my ass kicked hard so I figured I would lure one or two out and kill them and that was my "strategy" well needless to say they get to far they regenerate and walk back and theres no chance to kill them till they get all the wway back. Then you got ALL the oters chasing you smile

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madwill Offline OP
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Hi smile

I'm trying to cope with just having become a dragon and have successfully knocked out several ballista installations but I am attacked on all sides all the time and have to try and hide and heal after nearly every successful hit I make rolleyes

Am I supposed to knock out every enemy site before I can go back inside the Battle Tower ??

I don't know if I have enough potions to achieve that !! eek

Do you have any advice for me, please ??

Thanks rpg006

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First take out the NESTS they will keep sending out those damn flyers who killed me in 2-3 hits each. Take out the nests then take out ballistas. You only need to destroy 80-90% of the enemies before you go back.

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After taking out most of the opponents you automatically return to the battle tower. Once there you can upgrade your runners and send them out for ingredients to make more potions (plus malachite ore and diamonds to sell for gold, if you don't need anything for enchantments).

Keep moving; hit target lock for towers/nests and circle around while holding the Fire Breath trigger/key down. I practiced flying around in the first transformation sequence, where there are only a couple opponents, which helped me get my bearings faster upon getting the battle tower.

You should have one skill point (possibly two if you explored the start of the fjords) that you can put into Dragon Spirit, which should help you conserve healing potions.

On the Xbox, a burst of speed is triggered by the left shoulder button. On the PC this is done by right clicking.

first time dragon help needed please

Why is dragon so hard?

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madwill Offline OP
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Thanks for the advice - and those links. I'll go read what's there up

I saved as soon as I became a dragon so at least I can have multiple tries hahaha

I managed to finish off enough of the nests etc to be returned to my tower cheer
So I have explored it now.
But I do have two question ....
When I "send items to the tower" where do they go ??
Should I be able to find a key for the locked chest in my quarters ??

Last edited by madwill; 29/07/10 04:22 AM.
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There is a storage chest in the master's chambers, across from the bed, on the left wall as you enter the room, where everything sent to the battle tower is stored (it starts off with a couple items in it, as well). You can transfer stuff back and forth after selecting it, similar to a merchant's inventory.

There is a key for that chest, but you will have do some exploring to get it (start with the alchemy platform). Hint:
Check out the table there.

BTW, I only noticed your edit by fluke.

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madwill Offline OP
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Hi smile

Do you prefer I always make a new post then ??

I thought maybe that chest would be the place.

Better get it opened then wink

Thanks up

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The storage chest is in an alcove in the wall by the bed, and is different than the locked chest that you need the key for. My post above was meant to be two answers to your two questions, not two related paragraphs, which admittedly isn't an entirely unreasonable interpretation...

If you are fixing a spelling mistake or changing the wording of something, etc, then it doesn't really matter how long after the post was made that you edit. If you are adding new content, then anyone who had already read the original post may not realize anything was added unless someone else replies or they check the topic again for some reason (or you stated that you were going to check something and edit later). I'd post a new reply if you want to add something half an hour or an hour later, and want to maximize the number of people who see it. Alternately, if you edit late and don't get a response in the next day, or whatever, you can probably assume no posters who knew the answer saw the edit, and post a new reply. Or edit and reply saying you've edited your original post (ie changing screenshot links, adding info to a tutorial, etc).

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madwill Offline OP
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Hi smile

Thanks for explaining up

I haven't had time (since you posted) to get back to my computer until now - but I'm hoping to fit in a DD2 session later, if at all possible cool


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