Joined: Apr 2005
A Survivor must become the Divine without dying ! [font:Book Antiqua] This is the first "title" that arise in my mind. Just saying like this: if my hero got killed, Game Over! This rule is clearly a Hardcore rule. I've write down more rules. If you want to know them, ask. Certainly I play on "hard" difficulty ! Although I've played many times DD already and many more have "started", yet this new kind of style will become a rewarding experience, I'm already sure! I find "a Survivor" quite an appropriate kind of type to play Hardcore style! I should really try to "survive" till the end! I realize now that this will require patience and perseverance and, above all important action plans in advance (instead of post-thinking!)! All very good deliberation and care that I do not have any nasty surprises! But unfortunally I have met already a nearby death experience ... (read about this below). I will start with this overview:Name hero : (still)nameless female hero. Race : Survivor. Basic skills are Sneak, Lockpick and Identify. Level : 3 (but wet behind her ears) Skills learned : Meteorestrike L1 and one free skillpoint. Some of my Stats (later more!) : still three unused statspoints ... HP (80) and Mana (79) > two boosts, one from my gloves and one from cuirass I found in George's shop Resistance: all zero . Reputation : zero. Equipment : later more. I have now a Helmet, a Cuirass, Gloves, Leggings, Sandals, a Rope. Nearby death experiences : me first one ! Reason: an Orc Warrior suprised me in the infested woods around Aleroth. Weapon : only a worn dagger ... and one brand new learned spell, but .... Game Over : Zero Chapter One
Everything went well after killing two Orcs and I wanted to return to rest, but was surprised by an Orc Warrior and I don't know where that Orc so suddenly came from! Worst was that I try the use Meteorestrike and nothing happened anymore ... my Mana force was empty! Fortunately it was only 1 Orc because I noticed to my amazement that I have no bottle Mana Force with me!! How stupid ! Well, I had honey and chicken leg with me, but I had just eaten a piece of meat... Also, I remembered nothing about the healing effects of food. This I certainly must investigate later on ... And in the meantime I ran in circles around a tree to avoid the axe of the Orc Warrior ... I did not even wearing a cuirass on that moment and a worn dagger was the best weapon I had ... So then, the radical approach : going to attack the orc with my dagger ! I felt the life energy drains quickly ... Luckily I had enough healingpotions with me!!
This was my first nearby-death experience! I'm glad I still breathing!
The 'nameless' female survivor.
Last edited by Joram; 27/07/10 08:40 AM.
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Jun 2005
This play style is not possible :P Because... To become the divine one you have to die right?? Just kidding, but seriously... If i die in the waistlands, do i have to start all over again? But it's a fun idea for players who is tired of the game maybe...
Since DD1 ^^
Joined: Jun 2010
I am doing the same right now on Hard difficulty. Should be very doable.
My focus will be on spears, elemental magic and talents (lore).
Keep us updated!
Joined: Apr 2005
Hi, @singo: Hahaha ....  ... you're right, to become the Divine ... and yes, my hero goes death, but this is an "ingame ritual" because I can play further in the Wastelands after the ritual without reloading the game ... so it is NOT a Game Over And one of the HC rules I make for myself is: First explain this: each play session = "loading my previous save, play and save only when I stop playing"! If my hero got killed during a play session it is "Game Over" and I MUST start over again the last (current) play session ! BUT: if I die twice on a same LEVEL, I must start all over again and make me a new character!! For example: I start my play session and I'm level 4. Playing and become level 6 ... die on level 6. Then I can play again from level 4, UNLESS I haven't die yet at level 4! So I can die only ONE time at a level, next time it is TOTAL GAME OVER But it's a fun idea for players who is tired of the game maybe... Tired of this game? Does that exist? Not for me and I'm also sure this kind of play style give a whole new experience !!  Now I'm only level 3 and have already lots of fun, adventure ... reading all the books over again, each word ... @SacredPath: It makes me happy I'm not the only one play DD on this way  ...I wish you good luck ! I will focus on Survivor Skills and Bow expertise. Further on Mage Skills and I love the Skills Alchemie, Know Creature, Freeze, Poison Weapon (mostly with a bow), Lockpick ... and will try also Pickpocket (in combination with Know Creature it is handy). Hope I find (buy) also weapons with Freeze, Lightning, Stun etc damage ... fun! How long I must play this style before I reach the end isn't important at all !! If I have FUN, I play further on or I must start all over again, it doesn't matter ...
FUN is all I wish !
Last edited by Joram; 28/07/10 10:05 AM. Reason: correcting a spelling error
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Jun 2010
Damn it, practically wasted a day on this :P (only practically wasted as it was fun).
Hard mode is really unforgiving if you allow no reloading. Ranged combat is mandatory in the early levels as melee will only get you killed. I had really good results with a mage using Element magic and Matter magic and finishing off hurt enemies with a mace + shield. She died at level 15 after taking two hits from an elite Orc. And that's pretty good already, a lot of enemies will kill you in one shot if you just happen to not run away quickly enough.
Right now I'm running a female Barbarian warrior, trying to use Hellfire Spikes + crossbow to take out enemies from afar.
Last edited by SacredPath; 28/07/10 12:58 PM.
Joined: Apr 2005
Yesterday my female hero remember back her name.... the unconsciousness after attacked by some Orcs have doing a bad thing with her mind ... Now she remember her name : Sueliana, or name her also 'Sue'.
In my Overview by gear wearing /using I only write down the one that give Sue some extra's (boosts).
Overview: Name hero : Sue or Sueliana NDE ** : 1 (at level 2) - - - Game Over : 0 Level : 4 New Skills learned & points left : No new & 2 points left. Statistics : * HP(Vitality) 95 - MP(Mana) 87 * Strength 12 ; Agility 16 ; Intelligence 17 ; Constitution 15 * Offense 10 ; Defense 15 ; Armor 37 (with Shield 54) * Resistance : lightning 5, rest still zero Weapons (most used now) : * Sword : dam 13 - 21 , 11 to HP, 8 to MP, 2 to Agility, 2 to Intell. * Bow : dam 2 - 25 , 2 to Agility $ Spell $ : Meteorstrike (level 1) Equipment : * Cuirass + 20 to Vitality, 2 to Defense and have 5 charmslots * Gloves + 19 to Magic * Ring right-hand + 5 to Resistance Lightning
Continue ...
... After reading through many books and manuscripts, I could feel confident to bed. Joram told me when I woke up that I had slept very long.... Hmmm, why I'm wasting my time with lying in a bed ? ! ? ! ? But hey, it helps me to remember forgotten old memories, like my own name ! when I go shopping by George I had the luck he had a nice sword and bow in stock ! Immediately I try these weapons to slaughter some Orcs and some Skeltons beneath Aleroth! And the cuirass that George identify for me is also very good. George didn't know I stole this in his own shop !
Greetings, Sue ... Sueli ... ... Sueliana ... yes, that's my full name, so hard to remember ! .
** NDE : nearby-death experience
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Apr 2005
I said it earlier somewhere on this forum : I find it great to play it hardcore. I try to survive, always, that's my wish and I GO for it! It's realy an amazing thrilling experience playing Divine Divinity on this way !  So going death is a big ... but cheating is a greater shame !!
Notes: * statpoints are without wearing weapons or shield.
Overview: Name hero : Sueliana. Level : 6 New Skills learned & points left : Freeze, Bow Expertise & Alchemy + 2 skillpoints left
Statistics : * HP 95 - MP 87 * Strength 15 ; Agility 18 ; Intelligence 17 ; Constitution 15 * Offense 12 ; Defense 16 ; Armor 37 (with Shield //54) * Resistance : Lightning 5, Fire 4 weapons : * Rogue's Short Sword : dam 13 - 21 , 11 to HP, 8 to MP, 2 to Agility, 2 to Intell. * Fire Worm's Wooden Buckler : 60 Armor & 4 to Fire Resist. * Guard's Dirk : dam 5 - 16, 11 to Vitality * Rogue's Short Bow : dam 2 - 25 , 2 to Agility * Guard's Storm Scythe of Swiftness : dam 6 - 24, 16 to Vitality, Speed 2 * Cudgel of Poison : with Poison(2) damage $ Spells $ : Meteorestrike (L1), Freeze (L1) Equipment : * Cuirass : 20 to Vitality, 2 to Defense and 5 charmslots * Gloves : 19 to Magic * Ring right-hand : 5 to Resistance Lightning * Fire Worm's Priest Rope : 5 to Fire Resist.
Continue .... Hmm .... I wonder what that did ... pulling levers in a catacomb is more save than putting some flowers on a grave !! Zombie Jake wasn't friendly at all !! And open a door in a cellar isn't always save I experienced yesterday .... it was Zombie Jake, yes he, again !! Lucky I have now learned a little bit of Alchemy ... But I feel the catacombs have dark secrets ... many dangerous moments awaits me I'm afraid ! But I still Hope I find the Magical Slasher an big Orc is waiting for ...
Using a bow goes already a little bit better so I can shoot faster. Freezing an Orc is so an amazing powerful spell that I can use it and simply walk back a few steps and attack a frozen Orc with Meteorestrike or my bow ... The Orc is death before he notice he's an ice cube
Regards, Sueliana, a survivor without fear (still).
Last edited by Joram; 03/08/10 02:38 PM.
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Apr 2005
Damn it, practically wasted a day on this :P (only practically wasted as it was fun).
Hard mode is really unforgiving if you allow no reloading. Ranged combat is mandatory in the early levels as melee will only get you killed. I had really good results with a mage using Element magic and Matter magic and finishing off hurt enemies with a mace + shield. She died at level 15 after taking two hits from an elite Orc. And that's pretty good already, a lot of enemies will kill you in one shot if you just happen to not run away quickly enough.
Right now I'm running a female Barbarian warrior, trying to use Hellfire Spikes + crossbow to take out enemies from afar. Hi, I now running a female survivor, but my second one on hardcore  ... because .....
Overview: Name hero : Sueliana. Level : L 7 Game Over : 1 (at L 7) by an Heavy Orc ! TOTAL Game Over : because a second time at L 7 ! Reason : ...
First Game Over AND now total Game Over !! .... ... talking to some skeletons with my sword is fun, but in my total concentration of the melee with those skeletons I wasn't keeping attention to other things ... and so happens: a BIG shadow came over me ... a big Axe slashed me with fast speed and before I can do a step backwards, the smash of the Axe hit me flat on the ground ... I just can reach an unknown Axe, but this one I can't even lift ... my strength flowing fast away after a second meeting of the Axe with my body ... ... And I was warned already to take more time, have more patient and care with some stronger Orcs, but all help of a healing potion was toooo late !! Die at level 7 ! O no, this can be true ! 
And so it goes ... Sueliana's Body and Soul dissolve into nothingness and then resurrect again in a new adventure : "Sueliana's second coming"
From a book of the "Rivellon Historian".
Last edited by Joram; 05/08/10 01:27 PM.
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Oct 2003
So are you starting all over again now, or do you load a game from before she got killed by the orc?
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Jul 2004
If he respects his own rules (I don't doubt it), he's going to start all over again 
 "The Frenglais does déjà exist. Many gens are parling this langue" Barta
Joined: Apr 2005
A Survivor's second coming ...
So are you starting all over again now, or do you load a game from before she got killed by the orc?
Yes Macbeth, yesterday I start all over again because of twice going death on level 7 !! My last save (only) is from level 6. I start a new save now and store my Game Over save to remember myself on that first play
This game have SOO a wonderfull addictive beginning that I wasn't enough afraid for going death ... and I take too much risk But now I finally have level 8, I go for it ! And I've luck that I reach level 8, because on level 7 I may not been killed again (= total game over, still!) + I may not killed again by a Heavy Orc or Skeleton Guardian (new hardcore rule!). Otherwise it's again TGO **
So, here Sueliana tell you her characterbuild & adventures ... :
Overview: Name hero : Sueliana. - - - Race : Survivor. Level : 8 New Skills learned (since level 1) : $ Mage : Meteorestrike & Freeze $ Survivor: Alchemy, Know Creature, Poison Weapon $ Warrior: Enchant Weapon Skillpoints left: 2 (will go for Know Creature L 2 and/or Bow Expertise but first wait & see)
Last NDE * : at level 6 Reason NDE *: some creature in the catacombs, forgot his name. Game Over & TOTAL GO : 2 Reason : twice killed at level 7 (Heavy Orc + Skeleton Guardian)
Statistics : * HP 150 - MP 96 * Strength 15 ; Agility 25 ; Intelligence 11 ; Constitution 30 * Offense 17 ; Defense 20 ; Armor 41 * Resistance : lightning: 5 ; fire: 5 ; poison: 0 ; spirit: 0 weapons (most used) : * Dagger: Poison(2), dam 5 - 16 (and have a 2e dagger with + 2 to Constitution) * Sword : dam max 21, nothing special * Bow : only more damage (max 67) is very good for skill Poison Weapon * Axe: + dam max 19; 13 to Vitality * Staff : dam max 24, + 12 to Vitality
$ Spells (most used) $ : Freeze (L1); Meteorestrike (L1); Poison Weapon (L1), but just learn it from Smiruk, a friendly Orc
Equipment : * Sturdy Wooden Buckler: armor 40; + 2 to Defense * Helmet: armor 70, noth spec. * Monk's Medal : + 12 to Mana * Chain Armor : armor 40; Charmquality 4, 1 in use with + 40 to Mana; Resist lightn 5, fire 5 ; + 1 to sight * Well Made Ornamented Gloves: armor 35, +1 to Intelligence * Ring right-hand: +1 to hearing * Belt: armor 80, noth spec.* Leggings armor 80, noth spec. * Boots armor 70, noth spec.
Part I
This time Sueliana ponder over her characterbuild a little more before she begin on her brand new second adventure ! She strengthen her constitution first, then Strength for using better melee weapons and then Agility for using a better bow ... later on more Intelligence and Strength ...
And so far so good, reaching level 8 I'm happy I can finally learn the Skill to poison weapons ! And I also have the luck to find a Skillbook "Restoration". That must spare me some nearby-death experiences ! I bought by George a fine dagger that can do poison damage, great ! And yesterday an Orc lost a Charm when I kill him hmmm ... learning to enchant a weapon and the charm do his job: 40 points to my manapool, fantastic ! And I wonder when I can learn more about making potions from herbs in the wood so I can hopefully find a way to make myself more flasks with poison etc .... because I only find 2 flasks of poison yet ... and I'm also looking for lockpicks . Will be continued ...
Greetings, Sueliana
* NDE : nearby-death experience ** TGO: Total Game Over = must start from te beginning!
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Oct 2003
So how's the second try going? Does Sue still live?
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Aug 2010
Lol reading through this It sounds fun I shall try something similar with my D2 play through, also You also die by the dragon rider just outside the first town, but techially your ressurected so it doesn't count by your rules lol or does it? but the comment on the divine death, it's technically a ritual and your also ressurected as a new so it's like a new person but not..... complicated stuff and so on and so forth
"So you take an Apple and a Pineapple, smash them together, and you get a 'Pin-apple' My dear sir!" Behold the glory of Lord Pin-apple peasant! 
Joined: Aug 2010
A funny joke that made me chuckle inside but it's only valid if sue survives the next coming lol Dear Journal, I was just getting busy saving the world and then next thing I know I'm actually helping out that bastard Damien! then I met realized I was incased in some kind of crystal with not escape for eternaty and this person, called the divine sueliana, told me that I'm trapped with her and she's not dead! man if she hadn't saved that damn baby Everything would be fine and I would be on the farm with my father and life would be peacefull!
yours sexly and truely, michelle Just something I hope you'd find funny Joram 
"So you take an Apple and a Pineapple, smash them together, and you get a 'Pin-apple' My dear sir!" Behold the glory of Lord Pin-apple peasant! 
Joined: Apr 2005
Sueliana is still alive
Yes , Sue is still alive I haven't played much the days before today ... just a little bit so Sue becomes level 9. But playing DD on this way is for me a fantastic experience !! 
The Dragon Rider south of Aleroth that "killing" the Hero is a STORYLINE event like the Blessing Ritual, so this event is NOT the same as "Game Over" (maybe only a nearby death exp. )! Otherwise nobody can't ever play DD on Hardcore to the final end !!!
@Lord Pin-apple : reading "Your Journal" I laughed, it's a funny thing !  In the first place I started playing D 2 on hardcore ! But then I prefer first to play DD and in october (or a little bit later) I can buy the complete set, the Dragon Knight Saga, and play through the whole story from Farglow to the whole exploration of Aleroth ... ON Hardcore ! Just the question: how long will I play that before finishing it? And how long to go to the Demon of Lies in DD ?
Overview: Name hero : Sueliana, Survivor. Level : 9 - - - Still 5 statpoints left ! New Skills learned & points left : Alchemy L2 & 2 skillpoints left Last NDE : at level 6 Game Over : 1 at level 7 TOTAL Game Over : 1 at level 7
Statistics : * HP 171 - MP 93 * Strength 15 ; Agility 25 ; Intelligence 10 ; Constitution 30 * Offense 17 ; Defense 22 ; Armor 35 * Resistance : lightning: 9 ; fire: 5 ; poison: 5 ; spirit: 0 Weapons (most used now : bows) : * Tutor's Dagger : dam 7 - 23, + 4 to Intelligence; + 1 Charmslot * Short Sword of the Parasite : dam 13 - 21, + Mana Drain (2) * Hand Axe of the Bloodsucker : dam 10 - 19, + Life Drain (2) * Bows : I have in total 5 bows, just the 3 best are ... >> New Composite Bow of the Artillerist : dam 20 - 81, + Skill Elven Sight >> Razor Sharp Composite Bow : dam 24 - 85, + 2 to Offense >> Well Made Composite Bow : dam 16 - 77, + 1 to Sight $ Spells $ (used in battle) : Meteorestrike and Freeze + Poison Weapon! Equipment : * Bright Wooden Shield : armor 60; + 5 to Resist Lightning * Mole's Leather Helmet : armor 40; + 1 to Hearing * Monk's Medal : + 12 to Mana * Chain Armor : armor 40; Charmquality 4, 1 in use with + 40 to Mana; Resist lightn 5, fire 5 ; + 1 to sight * Guard's Plated Sash : armor 80; + 10 to Vitality; + 5 to Resist Lightning * Worn Leather Leggings : armor 80 * Spider Shoes : armor 70; + 11 to Vitality; + 5 to Resist Poison * Sturdy Ornamented Gloves: armor 35; +1 to Mana; + 2 to Defense * Mole's Iron Ring : + 1 to hearing
Part II
My life becomes a little bit more easier since I know my ability to provide poison weapons. Also find several powerful bows is a most welcome gift! Recently I go deeper into alchemy so I can now make potions from herbs and mushrooms ! Going deeper in the dungeons beneath Aleroth isn't a save travel ! Just killed my first War Drummer with a bow full of poison and use Freeze ... fantastic combination to fast killing Orcs too !!
** NDE : nearby-death experience
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Apr 2005
Yesterday, Sueliana is RIP ! She wasn't sufficiently awake that day and it wasn't totally NOT her happy lucky day !! ..... Two Giant Spiders take fast her last breath away from her dying body because she was tooo slow to react the right moment !!! The Giant Spiders and Sue ... it was not the right "man" on the right place And her Soul flows away ... she may Rest In Peace ... I hope so ... My next hardcore character will be a man, a Warrior type. Jurden shall his name be. He change also the "hardcore rule" number one: he may never die !! If he dies, GAME OVER and he must start ALL over again at level 1, no exceptions! ( or just having a gamebreaking "bug" in the game? But I never had such a bug in DD so far ). And I, Joram, hope I find a solution for the ingame beautiful music that for example didn't work (change) if I go in the Blue Boar Inn (and that is so a happy funny song, I desire that soooo much!! )
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Oct 2003
Poor Sue!  And now you'll have to get up close with a warrior. Never dying won't be easy!   A good hardcore character might be an archer/summoner. Send in your creatures and stand back to give support! (It works, I know.  )
I am in blood Stepp'd in so far, that, should I wade no more, Returning were as tedious as go o'er.
Joined: Apr 2005
Hi all, thanks for reading my adventures I read today this topic and I think I can survive, not easely, but possible : Archery as a warrior - my thoughts (from member:lego)I have tried before Summon Vermin and summon Skeleton, but I didn't find it satifying ... I go for bow Expertise AND Sword Expertise in case of emergency and by close combat. Love to use a bow, a sword or Axe. And sometimes staffs or spears are also fun. I forget Know Creature (since I can see in "Throphees" the most of all kind of enemies their "stats" except their resistances, Known Creature L 5!). I don't bother about money, so I did not spend a point in repair or identify. If I find a gear with a skillpoint in those skills, I keep them, for sure, but otherwise ... I love to "trade" with NPC's  ... AND IF I let George repair and identify items, his reputation goes fast to 100 and his prices are lowered . In my previous (Sue) play I find many good bows and I hope in my next I find at least 2 or 3 good bows from the time I have 25 in Agility. But first 4 levels I only put points in Constitution so my Vitality is min 150 HP ! After that putting points in Intelligence and from the time I'm level 8 (Poison Weapon avaible) my Agility grow to 25 (at level 8 or 9). I make a plan for putting my stat -and skillpoints in .... curious I can survive Three Simple Hardcore Rules are from now on: 1. Death? Game Over and starting a New Game ! 2. Any kind of cheating is forbidden: reloading for better stuff: modding the game, cheatings like making more money or whatever with unfair tricks, ... 3. Naturally set the difficulty on "Hard"  Will be continued ... ... still Jurden isn't awake after his most special adventure right before his unconsciousness ...
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Apr 2005
I changed the title a little bit ... but yeah, also a warrior must try to "survive", of course !
Now Jurden eat some meat, drink a bottle of wine and rest awhile. Handy to find a dagger to drain mana from enemies since my mana pool isn't big ! And have three equipments with a boost in Defense! And two of my wearing goods have some charmquality, great. George is a friendly guy with always new stuff to buy, I really love that ! Poor Mardaneus, I must try to heal him from that evil curse that is Thelyron!! And poor Verlat and Simon too! Tomorrow I give both a healing gem. Maybe Otto isn't no more so short of words after that? Finding "Slasher" for a big orc can't be so difficult ... I hope !
Used abbreviations: B = Boost(s) R = Resistance(s) R L = R Lightning R F = R Fire R P = R Poison R S = R Spirit * all points are inclusive the boost.
Status: Level : 6 Warrior Jurden Exp : 74478 / 112000 Statpoints left : 5 Skills : points left 3 Meteorestrike L 1 Alchemy L1 Enchant Weapon L1
Vitality 150 - Mana 45 * (B + 9) Strength 16 (B + 1) Agility 15 (B + 2) Intell. 12 Constit. 25 Damage (with a Dagger): 13 - 28 Offense 12 Defense 17 (B + 7) Armor 33 R L + 5 R P + 5
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Jun 2010
I have tried before Summon Vermin and summon Skeleton, but I didn't find it satifying ... I agree, on Hard, summons really have a tough time. Poor scorpions get slaughtered very fast too (I'm playing the download version where they have been nerfed). I had two mages killed at ~lvl 15, twice they got one-shotted by Giant Heavy Orcs But up to there they had been really easy, ranged attacks are the way to go in the beginning, and harvesting corpses/zombies and orcs for XP and items. I just don't feel like starting over another mage, I think I'm going with a Warrior and maces/ body+spirit magic or a spear-thrower. Keep it up!