my question is, if, and when, there will be a div 3 game, how do you expect it to be?
how do you expect it to look? and so on and so forth.. =)
I expect A LOT of changes in Div 3, given how Ego Draconis turned out.
But, I really need to see the improvements in Divinity 2: Dragon Knight Saga Edition before I can mention what kind of improvements would be necessary in a Div 3.
If I was going by Div 2: Ego Draconis (Original), I think A LOT is necessary...
For starters...
1. Improved balancing in the game;
2A. A key to reset the camera right back behind the player (as long as the cam stays unlocked);
2B. AND/OR a Toggle Lock/Unlock The Camera Switch.
3A. Journal might tell the player what Level they should be to attempt a specific quest (as long as they key hard-coding area with specific Levels in mind);
3B. AND/OR a warning on-screen to the player if they are about to enter an area or take a quest on above or below their level (as long as they keep hard-coding quests and areas);