Hi everyone. I've just got the game installed like few weeks ago and i'm already lvl 31 archer.
I've been playing on normal till now, and i've just changed to hard. Ehm, i think there's no change. I still get low hits from monsters.

My stats are : With gear / without
HP 587/359
MP 315/254
Vit 30/25
Spirit 9/4
Strenght 35/27
Dex 83/82
Int 15/12

Wep def 50
Range def 40
Mage def 55

conditioned body 47
heightened reflexes 75
indomitable will 20

Damage with bow : 97-249 + 8-56 magic
Archer mode on : 219-560 + magic defences change to : 33/60/55
With potions : 232-594 + magic 48/66/61
Potions add like 20 dex/str/int and 20 all resists

With all this on, even on hard mode, i get hit of max 10 dmg from lower lvl monsters. Only bosses can hit higher. I agree with patching dmg formula but it should work only from lvl like 20 above when a Char gets really powerful because of equips and pots. Lower levels should be able to hit you still and here is where ARMOR MUST to do its job.
Alright i just did a little test. Removed all armors but bow, no potions, archer mode off.
Def bonuses are 14/28/15, vs 3 lvl 27 warriors they were doing 9 max hits and couldn't take more then half of my hp (360 noodie) before i killed them. What are the armors for, then ?
My damage on monsters since critical dmg is 75% normally goes up to 1200 or so with archer mode on, but i sometimes saw 2400-3600 even, wow, 1hit kill.

Highwind You have really nice dmg dude, good that warriors can use those charms. I think archers don't have them because they deal alot more of critical dmg.

My skills are
archer strength 12
knowledge 12
arrow boom 9
archer mode 5
lockpick 4
mana eff 2
regenerate 5 used till now ghost lvl 5 but i noticed regenerate is better and no need to wait for summon
read mind 1 i have 2 rings that give each 1 read mind :P

I reseted the skill points twice already, used lvl 2 multiple shoot too but gave up. I find arrow bomb really useful for now.

As for my equip i'm trying to get some sets, most of them are legendary
Got Tiberius bow and it's enchanted with +24 range dmg and 13% to leech 21% dmg, no charm. Better to Keep alive then doing more dmg :P

I have a question if people still read this.
Does the game patch (400 mb) change anything ? or just fixes some bugs. I didn't installed it yet. And about the expansion:
Is it German only ? I need the spanish version and i've seen that on 3djuegos, they say release date : november 2010 O_o , guess they need time to translate it. Maybe i should check/ask stores.