Originally Posted by Grunk
So just how linear is the Dragon Knight Saga? I never played Ego Draconis because the story got panned, and there were some issues, so I have nothing to compare DKS to except for other games.

I'm not necessarily talking about open-endedness. Does the game hold you by the hand?

Do the quests have to be done in a very specific order?

Is there only one way to finish them?

Are large and important areas locked out until you complete certain missions?

What happens if you choose not to do a "main story line" quest?

Can you backtrack at all (eg. in case you forgot something or want to pick up a side mission)?

The main story (for Ego Draconis) is linear with one story path. Some areas will not open up till you get far enough in the main quest, and sometimes after a major point in the game you will not be able to go back (in Ego Draconis this would be when you get your dragon form and entering the final dungeon). Once an area is open you can go anywhere within it and do any quest (unless it has another as a prereq or you do a quest that excludes it). Some quests have more than one way to complete them. The only thing that limits exploration within an 'open' area is the stregth of enemies, which can vary through out an area.