I have already put in about 10 hours and messed around with the tweaks. I have a 280 gtx, q9550, Win7 64 bit, 1920 x 1080. I am able to put graphics on Extreme and turn off "Use interface in Desktop Resolution). Turn on V-Sync and everything else can be turned on. I do not have the timeslice features on. With these settigns I am virtually stutter free and it makes for some pleasing graphics. Unforunately the 30fps cap is noticeable but only slightly and I quickly forgot about it.

Other than that, I am truly impressed so far. Great music, great combat, many items with the best RPG talents I've seen. For those of you with sli 480 gtxs the fps cap might be unbearable, but inspite of those problems, I still think its a great RPG and I am having alot of fun. Also, considering how far I am in the game (with sidequests and stuff) i really do think this is 100+ hours. Also, although Extreme functions I am playing on High or medium presents for the smoothest experience.

Add your comments and results with tweaking settings.

I want to mod the camera so it can have more of a tps feel as well, but haven't looked into it yet.