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#423957 07/11/10 08:29 AM
Joined: Nov 2010
OMG Offline OP
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I loved Divinity.II.Ego.Draconis , But this sht ?... As you start the game you have 100 Hours of retarded Talk with the villagers, The Music in game makes you play with no sound and you have Door after Door after Door that leads nowhere in the City ... i got a headache in the first 30 min of play.
No idea how the rest of the game is because i cannot pass this Piece of sht city. (Wasted Money)

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Very constructive feedback you've given there.

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He has his right to express the opinion and in some cases he makes sense.

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I just registered on the forums;to leave my score of the Dragon Knight Saga.

I played Divinity 2 Ego Draconis; ABSOLUTELY LOVED IT...

But this "DLC" ... it's a big pile a horse sh... I agree with the OP and I am very sad because of it.

What is the point in beeing a Dragon Knight if you only get to play like 5-10 min as a Dragon.
What is the point in beeing an Open World/RPG ( like the previous) when you are locked in a city;almost no free roam;more linear than anything.
What is the point in "beeing fooled" by an undead Wizard for the entire part of the game;and in the end you could just tell Bellegar to give you a spell;which of course you could already have told him in the previous encounters.
What is the point in having all that go there;kill 3 skeletons;talk until you think you are watching a movie;than come back. It's not Dragon Age; and Dragon Age had more action/fun that The Dragon Knight Saga.
What is the point in creating a game with so many " What is the point".

Larian studios -> SHAME ON YOU! You just ruined a perfect game that had everything.
Divinity 2 Ego Draconis -More or less balance between mage/warrior/ranged/priest
-Open World - Free roaming World - The only "bad" thing is that you could not fly up until your brains would pop out from no air in the space;but that is just me.
-The graphics are simply amazing! Great job on that.
-The gameplay for me was one os the best in a while @RPGs.
-The second best part;even if it's not Dragon Age;you can feel a sort of connection between your character and the rest of the world.
-And the list could go on and on;but that would bore you.
Divinity 2 the Dragon Knigt Saga Flames of Vengeance - Except for the amazing graphics;and the "sort of connection between your character and the rest of the world;the skill tree none of the above.
-The best part from Ego Draconis;is here the worst part;well because it lasts 5 freaking minutes;and it leaves you... I'm gonna go jump from a 4th floor because this is jsut plain stupid.

How am I supposed to buy next releases if YOU PEOPLE don't take it seriously.
This Saga was waited for a "long" time and by a lot of people;and I bet a lot of them think as I do.

Now if you will excuse me;I will go play Divinity 2 Ego Draconis; and my Divinity 2 the Dragon Knight Saga; I am going to sell it to used games for 10 euros.

Before you flame or what ever;this is my opinion/s;I am very disappointed because of how this game camed out; Read carefully and leave the trolling/bad language out.

Thank you for reading this half a Bible; Larian FIX IT WITH ANOTHER DLC MORE AWESOME PLIS... Sorry that was my bad side taking over;


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I'm just a bit unhappy, cus you larians didn't let me kick Damian's arse this time as well..

Last edited by lazytek; 10/11/10 11:45 AM.
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Originally Posted by Kein
He has his right to express the opinion and in some cases he makes sense.

Opinions are fine, making sense is fine - but calling the game retarded and trolling a forum without bothering to give at least one piece of constructive feedback, isn't fine.

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I can understand your point and it's something that we debated internally for quite some time. The fact that it was debated means that we weren't 100% sure either, but in the end we felt that the entire Divinity II game-world lacked more a really very dense RPG hub than it lacked another open space.

The reasoning was that if you played the game from scratch, considering the gameplay mix that is offered throughout Ego Draconis, you could use a real big RPG hub where people recognized you as the Dragon Knight, and it was designed as such. I hope that it's clear when playing FOV that a lot of work went into it, more than is usually the case in expansion packs, especially nowadays if I look at the typical packs, so we certainly weren't looking to rip people off, but rather followed our gut feeling about what we thought would best serve the game-world.

You might be surprised to hear that such was the debate that we actually created an entire area similar to Broken Valley, which you can see in the ending movie of FOV, in the main-menu on the X360 and also as a backdrop on Perhaps even more surprising is that I fought my team for a long time to also include that area in FOV, but at some point they told me that if that was going to be the case, we'd have to compromise too much on the content of the city, or take another 8 months before we could release. I was quite agitated as I recall but have to say that several months later, when I finally fully played FOV, I was really glad that I listened to them because the ability to focus their attention on the city really paid off in my opinion.

I remember driving home with a big smile about the adventure I had just played through and thinking about the situations I encountered, so I can't share your feeling that "this game is retarded", though I can appreciate that it would've been even cooler had we been able to add another area like Broken Valley. But I also recall thinking "if you now start in Farglow and you think of all the things that are going to happen to you in The Dragon Knight Saga, then it really is a grand adventure and more would probably be too much, so it's good as it is."

That's my opinion of course and I'm understandably biased, but I really do think that as a RPG, DKS now feels complete, which it wasn't when it was just existing as ED alone.

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Originally Posted by EternalWinds
Originally Posted by Kein
He has his right to express the opinion and in some cases he makes sense.

Opinions are fine, making sense is fine - but calling the game retarded and trolling a forum without bothering to give at least one piece of constructive feedback, isn't fine.

I agree. One post says it all.

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Joined: Nov 2010
I can understand both sides of the coin.

I have to honestly say that I enjoyed the first part more than the DLC as well, but for a DLC it's good. If you wanted to have a hub of activity you've achieved it.

I do agree that it's a shame that there weren't more dragon flying parts in FOV, that the area felt a bit confined and that a few open area's would have added allot to it. Maybe some flying fortresses you had to visit or something more quest related to do in dragon form appart from shooting things. The story as mentioned seemed a bit rushed and as pointed out why go through all this when you could have asked Bellegar from the start. Also the Battle Tower felt a tad left out and in some ways usless or an after thought and I was hoping you could recruit the people in the town for your tower and have them work together with the existing ones to train you better or offer other/new services to tie in those ends (maybe something more with Sassan).

But I can also understand the pressure of trying to bring something to market quickly because allot of people are waiting for it and that then there's choices to be made.

I see these things are possibilities for the future and fun gimicks and if anyone had given me the choice of these over compromizing the storyline or the dialogues or characters then I would scratch it without blinking an eye.

All in all I truely enjoyed the entire game from front to end played through in 40 almost consecutive hours (gotta sleep sometimes).

I can only hope that you guys can take on board some of the things folks say in a constructive maner and make the next installment as great a success in story and character as it has been if not better.

I have to truthfully say I would have loved to fly till the air turns thin only to plumet to the ground at death defying speed as well smile

WeresheepVampire of Original Sin
WoOS -
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FOV as a stand-alone piece of the game is not as awesome as the whole Div2, but as a complement is realy well done.

Imho its quite clear that larian wanted a diverse RPG that has a lot of "fronts". Its not an RPG like oblivion that is basicaly the same thing from start to end, just changing the text and scenery, larian wanted a game that would play like a chapter book, in that each chapter is a complete diferent experience that in the end creates an epic book, thus the name Dragon Knight Saga.

You have one entire chapter dedicated to more classical RPG semi-open/free exploration, with questing and storytelling sprinkled around large areas. Then you have a slight shift towards battletower focus and trying to anchor yourself to your prized possession, almoust like introducing a little bit of strategy and resource management. Then you have dragon flight combat sprinkled around to make the game a little bit more action oriented in some areas. Then, in FOV, you have a more centered experience around NPCs and the fact that you now feel awesome and everyone knows you (rewarding your previous feats), and to give the game a little bit more of an adventure RPG.

As a whole, its realy impossible to please everyone and its bound to certain parts apeal more to certain players, but as a whole, as a "book", this saga does feel epic and complete, and you can't realy say you become bored of playing 30 hours in the same game, it feels you "shift" from game to game staying in the same story.

At least it was my feeling as playing the game, dunno if i made any sense at all :P

IF i may sugest a course of action for the next expantion/DLC/whatever, would be to focus more on the dragon flight. Yes, it would probably make the shift of the game too much towards an action/RPG so do be carefull with that, but i believe most people are still gutted to not be able to free-roam around azeroth flaming villages and burning helpless mobs on the ground. eh eh. just saying :P

Last edited by KnightPT; 12/11/10 01:04 AM.
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I got both of these games the same day last week and gave the original about 4 hrs of play and then flames of vengeance I have been playing for the last four days straight about all my free time. It is rare to see addons or dlc's that are as good as flames of vengeance.

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Love DKII and love the expansion for the very facts you stated as reasons for it's structure. Found it a lot of mental fun that balanced the rest of the game well. New sequel should be a better mix of both though,as this is a bit lop-sided.

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Kudos to Lar for responding honestly to that rather hostile post.

I was a bit thrown off at first by the large amount of talking up-front with little to no combat. The two extra non-plot dungeons were hard to spot, and I stayed out of them anyway because I thought that they MIGHT be plot dungeons. The next game should probably be adjusted though, as there was too much talking and quest receiving and too little combat early on. It was so overwhelming that it was hard trying to keep track of all the different NPC's and quests.

But I felt that the focus did help. The dialogue and set-pieces were top-notch. There was a lot of really great humor, and really interesting puzzles, and some parts which were genuinely creepy, which was impressive given the fields of corpses and bone-piles earlier in the game. Those ones weren't that creepy, but some places in FoV really did work really well, especially Cromwell's house.

I think that the entire game overall had a bit too little use of the dragon form. For something called "I, heir to the dragon", there wasn't that much use of the dragon. The first 50-60% of Ego Draconis was on-foot, and even once you got it, the dragon was mostly used for transportation. You never really NEEDED to take out tower defenses because they could only hit you in dragon form, so the flying was only really needed to get from one fortress chunk to another, and that could be done with minimal injury. There weren't that many specific objectives you needed to be in dragon form for.

It would have been nice if you needed to be in dragon form to take out tower defenses that could hurt you in human form, or to break open doors that a human couldn't take down, or to face Black Ring airships. That's what I liked about the final mission, you being in dragon form had an objective and a purpose beyond traveling from point A to B.

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Divinity II has better grammar than you do.

You could express your opinion in a much more mature and intelligent way.

Last edited by Libertarian; 18/11/10 03:53 AM.

My Favorite RPGs: Divinity franchise, Gothic franchise (including Arcania, so I think I'm alone...), Venetica, Risen, Two Worlds II, The Witcher, Sacred franchise, Fallout franchise, Mass Effect 1, Alpha Protocol, Planescape: Torment, Drakensang, KOTOR 1 & 2, etc.
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developers answeriong to such flaming posts shows how they care about the community.

Lar_q, what about another expansion with the zone you are telling us you wanted in FoV? :P

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I personaly loved the whole game being able to take the form of a dragon is a dream come true to me
(but then again I am obsessed with dragons lol) I do agree with Stabby though the game could have had a few more dragon form objectives. That said I still think that all in all it is a wonderfull game with amazing charm & charactor, The wit & humour of it is simply breathtaking. The number of times that the little things had me laughing my head off was unreal & I had to put my controler down & catch my breath many times.

I agree that the DLC was lacking freeroam & that it would have been nice to have been able to take your dragon form more often. However the fact that you only had that one mission for your dragon (& an Epic Mission at that) Made the DLC awsome, it made you appriciate your dragon powers more & the fact that the mission was all riding on your dragon powers made you shine. For me the whole time I spent running around Aleroth accepting quests & mingling with people was worth every min just for the 5 mins to shine in dragon form.

Everyone is entitled to an oppinion of course but in futrure if your going to come onto the forums hurling a tone of disrespectfull words at the devs then at least have a more intelligent point to it. Or a point at least, coming on here saying it was Retarded & S*** without giving a reason as to why you thought that just makes you sound like a mindless pawn of Jake the zombie. Now I'mm off to continues playing DKS & writing my guide as I have taste & a mind of my own have fun all.

P.S to the devs I say don't worry if that guy dose'nt have a mind of his own all of us fans are still behind you all every step of the way wink

Last edited by Divine Avenger; 18/11/10 09:57 AM.
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For me it's clear and simple :

some people are never satified !(?)

O, boring, Ego Draconis is just hack 'n' slash whole the time ! To much action.
O, boring, Flames of Vengeance is just talk and talk to NPC's whole the time !

I most love it to hear constructive criticism !

It's good for everyone ...
you, the dev's and other members can "learn" in more than one way .. :
better understand and learn each other and discover how much ideas can grow out of a constructive debate/conversation ....

On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin,
it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
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Originally Posted by lazytek
I'm just a bit unhappy, cus you larians didn't let me kick Damian's arse this time as well..

Well that just means that there will have to be a D3 so your dragon knight can repay Damian for that kick to the head by ripping him a new butt hole with your sword lol

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i truly loved the dragon knight part flying around doing quests, fighting in the flying fortresses exploring caves and so on and i really do hope u guys will add this in the new expansion or maybe divinity 3 (damian is still out there causing trouble so u got that made for a new title!)

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Originally Posted by Joram
For me it's clear and simple :

some people are never satified !(?)

O, boring, Ego Draconis is just hack 'n' slash whole the time ! To much action.
O, boring, Flames of Vengeance is just talk and talk to NPC's whole the time !

I most love it to hear constructive criticism !

It's good for everyone ...
you, the dev's and other members can "learn" in more than one way .. :
better understand and learn each other and discover how much ideas can grow out of a constructive debate/conversation ....

Its realy impossible to please everyone, that's why i feel the flames of vengeance should be reviewed as a whole (div2+FOV) and not standalone because it seems clear to me that larian wanted to ship the Dragon Knight Saga as a whole epic saga and FOV feels very diferent from everything experienced in DIV2 so it makes the whole experience much more diverse.

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