Originally Posted by apoc_reg
Ah of course, i hadnt put two and two together! Yes oblivion and Fallout 3/nv are terrible performing/technically inept games!

If thats the engine Divinity is based on it actually says to me Larian have done a good job to get it as smooth as it is. Certainly looks better than those games for NPCs, foiliage, atmosphere etc. Surprised it doesnt support AA though

Bethesda's implementation is quite mangled, which is probably why it additionally crashes so often whereas Ego doesn't, but I think the jumping/stuttering thing may be an intrinsic quality of Gamebryo itself, at least to some extent.

That might also be the case with AA: again, there were some problems getting AA to work reliably with Bethesda's games, at least on ATI cards. Hard to say if it's related, but sometimes it's possible to force it on in the card's settings. And, of course, other times it isn't... I loved going through several iterations of total uncertainty with all the suggestions of "try this or that, maybe it'll work, maybe it won't". grin

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