Joined: Sep 2010
No quest markers (not even options-binded), no help for the puzzles, no help for the clues? Seriously, was it so difficult to add some help (maybe not by default, but switchable in the options)? I ended up dropping all the side quests and rush the main (god bless google for the hints) because I was getting really mad and tired...
Also, a question: why wasn't the "press button to see every usable item in the room" implemented? It was available in DD (alt)... Though, the Dragon Age version (tab) was more efficient and comfortable to use.
Last edited by kache; 20/11/10 09:28 PM.
Ipsa scientia potestas est.
Joined: Dec 2006
Make an effort and use your brain, i know it makes you feel tired then go to sleep.(repeat)
Joined: Sep 2010
Make an effort and use your brain, i know it makes you feel tired then go to sleep.(repeat) That's an euphemism. When I use my brain I go in hibernation, and I can't go in hibernation now (you know, job, school and so on).
Last edited by kache; 20/11/10 09:59 PM.
Ipsa scientia potestas est.
old hand
old hand
Joined: May 2003
In DD items really gotten hidden in a way Larian couldn't really control. That issue isn't here in this game. We are doing things the classic old school way. Though in some areas it is a bit frusterating.
If you were crawling around in the dungeon yourself. There is no "tab" button in real life!
Every time there I run into trouble on the road, there is always a dwarf at the bottom of it. Don't they know how to drive above ground?
Joined: Sep 2010
In DD items really gotten hidden in a way Larian couldn't really control. That issue isn't here in this game. We are doing things the classic old school way. Though in some areas it is a bit frusterating.
If you were crawling around in the dungeon yourself. There is no "tab" button in real life! Please don't talk about real life. If this was real life I wouldn't need to crawl in dungeons... And, in a world full of magic I would create a "tab" button spell and use it all the time. 
Ipsa scientia potestas est.
Joined: Dec 2009
No quest markers (not even options-binded), no help for the puzzles, no help for the clues?
I like it that way personnally, I don't like that many games use those quest markers that make any quest a "go fetch on the mark on the map and come back". The "tab" idea could be nice, even if I wouldn't use it.
Joined: Sep 2010
No quest markers (not even options-binded), no help for the puzzles, no help for the clues?
I like it that way personnally, I don't like that many games use those quest markers that make any quest a "go fetch on the mark on the map and come back". The "tab" idea could be nice, even if I wouldn't use it. I am not saying that the quest markers and all the other help should be on by default. It could be implemented like in Arcania, where you can turn helps on and off from the options. This way all type of players would be appeased.
Ipsa scientia potestas est.
Joined: Jul 2009
I've only really hated the lack of Quest Markers in FoV, because the place is so cramped and it's hard to mark where NPCs are, and there are a lot of them. For example, when going for the Raccoon Rune, I forgot where 75% of those NPCs were by the time I got their item. I didn't do any part of that quest until much later after I had already mind-read about every single one of them, and refinding them was a hassle.
Overall, the majority of item-based quests, where you have to return an item to someone in the town, I really wish they had markers. I didn't have a problem in ED, but that's because you could mark yourself where they were, but if I marked where every NPC was, I'd have 10,000 markers on my map by the time I was done.
You shouldn't have Quest Markers for places you have no idea where they are, but when you know exactly where an NPC is that you have a quest item for, it should tell you where you can find them.
Joined: Dec 2009
You mean marking characters on the map once you've talked to them, the same way doors are marked once you've used them ? Great idea.
Last edited by melianos; 21/11/10 05:17 PM.
Joined: Jul 2009
Or at least marking them when you have to give them something to complete a quest.
For example, I start a quest with Guy 1, I know where Guy 1 is, he wants me to go to Guy 2, but I don't know where Guy 2 is. Guy 2 isn't marked on my Map, however once I've talked to Guy 2 and gotten what I need, Guy 1 is marked on my map so I know who to return to.
The Logbook often went "I should return to XXXX with his request." But where was he? I don't remember.
Joined: Sep 2010
Or at least marking them when you have to give them something to complete a quest.
For example, I start a quest with Guy 1, I know where Guy 1 is, he wants me to go to Guy 2, but I don't know where Guy 2 is. Guy 2 isn't marked on my Map, however once I've talked to Guy 2 and gotten what I need, Guy 1 is marked on my map so I know who to return to.
The Logbook often went "I should return to XXXX with his request." But where was he? I don't remember. Yeah, ok, but if you put it that way, if Guy 1 tells you to talk to guy 2 he also tells you where guy 2 is, so the second one should be marked on the map too. 
Ipsa scientia potestas est.
Joined: Jul 2009
Maybe, but he also might just say "He's in this general area." or "He's somewhere in town."
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2010
I personally liked he fact that there are no map markers as it adds to the whole exporation on the game I just love exploring & this game has a lot of it which is graet.
I can understand why some would want stuff to appear on the map but I would'nt making it optional fair enough but I would'nt want it to be permenant.
As for NPC's appearing on the map when you've spoken o them that would help to figure out who you need to speak to but if an option like that were added I'd also like the option 2 turn it off.
Joined: Nov 2009
The fact that Divinity 2 doesn't hold your hand and tell you damn well everything is one of the things that makes it a great and unique game.
Besides, markers don't make sense, you don't know exactly where things are in real life, nor do you in this game. It's fun using your brain, and if that puts you to sleep, well, that gives us a fair impression of your intellect. Gem more Intel.
Joined: Nov 2010
I thought this game was too easy there were only a few quests I was stuck on but mind-reading seemed to give pretty good clues most of the time. And if you get stuck on a quest there are guides and forums on the interwebs that can help you.
Last edited by Sinper420; 29/11/10 02:15 AM.
Joined: Nov 2010
hey guys after having all 5 clues where i should go ......... help me with this so i can help u to find all 5 clues ........sorry for bad english..........
Joined: Nov 2010
Well, on the 2nd playthrough it's much easier to find stuff, but for the 1st time I walked like lunatic myself, not being able to understand where the certain NPC is. Lack of map markers and distinct signs over NPC's heads made me sick. Bronze question mark vs Gold question mark - are you serious?
Joined: Sep 2009
I think it was very refreshing for once to play without todays insulting and moronic bandaid features such as quest compass telling you where to go. Such crap never belonged in singleplayer RPG-s. I think a brave developer needs to step up and make automaps and location markers dependant on your characters mapping skill, and maps something you can buy from a cartographer in the game. Such a feature would almost certainly be shunned by todaws console kiddies though...
Joined: Dec 2009
I think a brave developer needs to step up and make automaps and location markers dependant on your characters mapping skill, and maps something you can buy from a cartographer in the game. Such a feature would almost certainly be shunned by todaws console kiddies though...
You should try Eschalon Book (1 and 2). No points in Cartography skill, no map. Few points, crappy map.
Joined: Nov 2009
Please don't use derisive terms like "console kiddies". I prefer console gaming over PC but I'm no more a kiddie than any other gamer (let's face it: we gamers are all kids at heart). Anyway, after Oblivion etc. it took a bit of getting used to, but now I don't mind the absence of location markers.