22/ Crash to desktop

The game crashes to desktop.

There are multiple things that could cause this issue and the following solutions have already helped people who had the game crash to desktop.

1. If you have an nVidia card: please go to the nVidia control panel and set your PhysX setting to processor instead of automatic. Then check if Divinity II works. (You should also be able to specifically disable PhysX hardware support for this particular game.)

2. Could you try changing the resolution setting to the lowest possible that your screen can handle and then try starting the game? As soon as it starts up, you can change the resolution in game.

Changing the resolution manually is done in this file:

Windows Vista and Windows 7: C:\Users\[WindowsUser]\AppData\Local\Divinity 2\Profile\graphicoptions.xml

Windows XP: C:\Documents And Settings\[WindowsUser]\Local Settings\Application Data\Divinity 2\Profile\graphicoptions.xml

Right-click and choose edit, or open it in Notepad or another text editor.

Change the following values and set them to a safe and low resolution, for example:

ScreenWidth="800" ScreenHeight="600"

Save the XML file and try to boot the game.

If that doesn't work, try to manually change these options in the same xml file:

UseHDR="0" UseDesktopResInFullscreen="0" ShadowTimeSlicing="1"

Save the XML file and try to boot the game.

3. There may be something wrong with your audio codecs. Try installing the AC3 Audio Filter codecs from the following URL:


4. It may be possible that the intro video cannot be played and that the game hangs on this. Our game uses WMV which is natively supported by Windows, but some codecs may break this support. To disable video's, look for this XML file:

C:\Program Files\[Installation Folder]\data\globalswitches.xml

Right-click and choose edit, or open it in Notepad or another text editor. Change the PlayVideo option to 0:


Save and exit, and start the game to verify.