I can not find it. This is my last attempt: I wil describe exactly where and how I found each orb, and maybe somebody who just foud the red orb can tell me exactly what I missed.
1. 1'st orb is found when you go up the stairs, to the left, and than to the right all the way to the wall of hands, where you put them in the correct order (green, blue, red) and the white orb appears in the chappel down the corridor
2. Second orb is found when you go up the stairs, to the left and just before you go on the right corridor you will se a pathway, which walked all the way to the top will give you an orb
3. Third orb is found when you go up the stairs, to the right, in the sleeping chambers. With your new helmet on you will see a lever hidden behind a bed, in a room hiiden before. Just pull the lever and platforms will appear in the middle of the room. Jump on to them to the veryy top and....another orb.
4. Forth orb is found like this: in the main hall, when you put the new helmet, you will se a new corridor opening up. JUst go downstairs and you will find a big "hole" in the flor. Cross it. On the other side there will be a platform. By alternating the new helmet with the old one you will be able to jump to the very top and claim....another orb.

5.??????????????? RED ONE ????????????????

What did I mis!????????!?!?!?!??!??!?!?!?!???!?!