Hey folks,

I'm not sure if this has ever been posted elsewhere or if I'm the only person to have this issue but...

I started up the Dragon Knight Saga for the first time last night and set my display options to custom.

I had everything checked except Lockstep Mode and Timeslice Animation Update.

My resolution was 1680x1050(native resolution for my 22" monitor).

I started the game and the intro movie played fine...but when I got to the character screen, only the interface was visible. Only very distorted graphics were visible in the background. The screen was pink and blue and I could only barely see what looked like my character's head off to one side. Everything else was a mess.

I tried changing various settings like AA, Timeslice, anisotrophic filtering and detail level. Nothing helped. Finally I dropped my resolution to 1024x768 and the display no longer came up distorted. I tried other resolutions but that was the only one that would work.

Finally, I unchecked the box User Interface in Desktop Resolution, and the game came up fine. I've since set all my settings back to max(shadows at medium) and the game displays fine.

My specs are: Intel Core 2 Duo E7200, 4GB of RAM, Geforce GTX 260 and Windows XP Service Pack 2

nVidia driver version 197.45

I'm not sure why unchecking that box would make a difference. My desktop resolution is the same as my game resolution so there should be no problem with this.