DKS sets first:
Originally Posted by Merdarion
I'll post all my findings here after a few hours of armor hunting. I'll keep everything as brief as possible as to not give everything away. Please feel free to add your findings to this post or PM me if you want more detailed instructions as to how to acquire a piece.

Broken Valley / Sentinel Island area

Defenders of Aleroth

Vampire Mace: Bellegar, when falling down after the third Vision from Sosostra.
Helmet: Bought from Locke at the Black Boar Inn.
Armor: Bought off the smith atop Lovis'tower.
Leggings: Red orb challenge (found by sanco, details in his post below)

Rivellon Guard:

Buy leg armor from Blacksmith in the Broken Valley village.
Loot chest armor from chest after defeating Arben.
Warhammer: Defeat the Demon at the summoning circle (South BV TP)

Wild Dweller:

Leggings: Third chest in the temple of doom during the fire trial.
Helmet: Lost cavern, next to the Chapel chrine tp. Key is on a chair close to a goblin tent.
Bow: Robin's storage, close to penelope's grave, under a large tree.
Armor: Chest after going to Sentinel Island.

Blood Echelon:

Leggings: 3 crystals around the temple, outer edges, Zixzax.
Bracers: Penelope's grave, reward
Sword: Lord Lovis'room, free chest.
Armor: chest after going to Sentinel Island.
Shield: Located in Naberius'storage.

Sentinel Island / Orobas Fjords area


Hunter Belt: Vacca's cave (sentinel island)
Hunter Helmet: Ship in the tree (req. dragon form) on Sentinel island.
Gauntlets: Corpse of Jack Bolton.
Bracelet: Gwynn's chest, mindread for password.
Bow: Bought off Nicolas, after dealing with the troll situation in the village.
Leggings: Dragon cliff castle chest, top of one of the towers.
Cuirass: Red Hammer clan cave, after finding a human to write down the goblin history.
Necklace: Gehsniz (bv fortress commander)


Necklace: Mr. Shiny, chest on the beach by the ghost.
Leggings: From the trader in the camp around the ships.
Bracelet: Imp boss in Imp cave.
Sword: Grave robbers quest.
Helmet: Defeat the dragon terror patrol, then loot their corpses.
Cuirass: Buy from Artemas, Dragon cliff castle vendor.

Aleroth Archmage:

Bracer: In Laikan's old study in Sentinel Island. Key drops after defeating the spawned minions.
Belt: Mindread and kill Charlie, loot it from the small chest in his treehouse. (Yggdrasil).
Ring: Kill the Beholder Bhief in the red ore mines.
Leggings: 3 books riddle in the red ore mines.
Necklace: Barnabus'lair, chest from the middle tp room. (key is in the bottom tp room/area)
Earrings: chest in High Hall mines, get the key from the corpse hanging over the lava.
Helmet: Rayhun (bv fortress)
Chest: Bought off the archmage in Aleroth (found by Phoynix, details in his post.)

Will add the next Tier of setpieces after I progress further. This is my second run trough the campaign, so it may still take me a while to find all the remaining pieces.

- Merdarion

Now the FoV sets:
Originally Posted by Nasuradin
I wrote a little guide for finding the 3 sets in Flames of Vengeance buried in another thread but it would fit better here I think :P

Dragon Wizard:

Dragon Wizard Cuirass: was given after mind reading the tree that likes to zap people

Dragon Wizard Bracers: are in a chest in the far corner of the room where you pick the "flower that does not exist", in the temple of nimir as mind reading the ghost reveals there is a button behind the first chest.

Dragon Wizard helmet: is found in Gula's Chest, after curing him of his unfortunate curse.

Dragon Wizard leggings: are found in the chest in Laeniel's Room in Hansel's house.

Dragon Wizard earrings: magically appeared in inventory after mindreading Ursula the witch, who thinks about enchanted earrings. (I let her go)

Shadow Archer:

Shadow Archer Cuirass: is found if you side with willy against the assassins, and kill them.

Shadow Archer bracelet: was found in the jewelery box in the room where Abbott was trapped in, inside the forgotten crypt.

Shadow Archer pants: were in a chest in a small treasure room in the temple of nimir

Shadow Archer gloves: were in a chest in the healer house, after mind reading the guy lying by the door in the bed.

Shadow Archer helm: is sitting in a chest in source square, more specifically right as you enter the courtyard where the Engineer is fought. The chest is sitting on a platform on the rightmost wall, just as you enter the courtyard. Running up the platform the Engineer is on and then platform jumping is required to reach the chest.


Viper Cuirass: is given when mindreading the guy that rewards you for killing targets on the wanted poster, and asking about it.

Viper Belt: is looted off of General Luxurious

Viper Leggings: are found in a chest in the back of the locked room in the sewer tunnels in crow's nest. Mind reading the chef there reveals there are buttons next to the lower torches as you cross the bridge-path to his room.

Viper gloves:
are found in a chest in the secret room in the basement of the haunted playhouse, opened by the button next to the desk

Viper helm:
appears in a jewel box that materializes after arranging the paintings in the top room of the Phoenix Inn in the right order, 1st painting move up once, 2nd do not move, 3rd painting move up 3 times.

I'd like to close by quoting Bellegar's famous last rhyme:

"Cursed be the mother that bred thee!
The wench must have been a hell-spawned banshee!"