Joined: Nov 2010
First, great game and I had a lot of fun. My biggest request for a DIV 3 is...
...the engine, I believe they use the Gamebryo engine(which just went out of business), the same one used in Fallout 3, NV, and Elder Scrolls 4. There are many better engines out there.
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
I'd like to see Mended Valley.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Nov 2010
I'd also like to see gamebryo die
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
Grace or Nebula engine would be very nice.
Joined: Nov 2010
With graphics at Max, the world was very beautiful for me. Far from me the thoughts of dissagree'ing with you all but i didnt mind that engine myself :p As far as suggestions for Div3 my biggest concerns is 3 points: 1) Do we get to keep our hero (from a previous div2 savegame) and pick up where it was left out (lvl and skill-wise) 2) I want to kill the crap out of damian dammit!  3) Please, pretty please leave us our baddass dragon form! perhaps even allow us to cram stuff on the ground too! (wishful thinking there yes i know hehe) number 1 isnt something i hold onto but itd be fun if we could play with the hero we built in Div2. But i know that Divinity 3 being a whole new game and not an expansion itd be a hard thing to do. No matter what is in store for us in Div3 i know that Larian have cool surprises in store for us 
Joined: Jan 2009
Since this is a topic about Divinity 3, I"m not going to use spoiler-tags, it would just clutter things up and make it harder to read. If you haven't finished FoV, you shouldn't be reading this thread anyway.
Ever since revealing that the Divine is still alive at the end of ED, and especially after bringing him back in FoV, Larian has kinda written themselves into a corner. Hopefully that was on purpose, but in the game where Damian is finally defeated (which may or may not be Divinity 3), there is only one outcome that will satisfy:
The Divine must be the one that kills Damian. It is the conflict between the Divine and Damian that is at the emotional heart of the story. That is where the strongest emotional connection between hero and villain lies, not between the Dragon Knight and Damian. Look at the scene in ED just after Laiken dies between Damian and Zandalor, Damian gets really upset at Zandalor in a way he never did against the Dragon Knight. He didn't care about the Dragon Knight.
When Damian is defeated, it must be at the hands of the Divine, not the Dragon Knight, not the (probably deceased) Paladin from 50 years ago, not a brand new third hero.
In terms of gameplay, that means that the player needs to control the Divine for some significant fraction of the time. It wouldn't feel right to play as mysterious third hero for 90% of the game, then suddenly you're controlling the Divine for a single boss fight. While the emotional connection between in-game characters is good, it loses the connection between the player and the charcter they've been controlling. This doesn't mean that you have to only control the Divine from start to finish, there could be multiple player characters.
An interesting thought might be to bring a player-controlled Dragon Knight in in Dragon form for a bit to take out defenses too dangerous or impervious for the Divine to take out on foot.
Something interesting might be to have the Divine start out at level 20 or so, as a reflection of his awesome status. You probably have even better and cooler ideas, but if you want, go ahead and use any of this stuff if it's interesting, Larian.
Joined: Apr 2005
I personal wish to begin in Divinity III with a hero at level 1 (or even zero  ) without any gear or weapon, just with NOTHING  I love it to start with nothing like in DD, BD or DKS ... But if it's only me that want such a start (??)... and all other gamers wish to start at level 20 or higher with gerar and weapons from D II ... no probleme for me ... The end decision is up to Larian, I think
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Nov 2010
I personal wish to begin in Divinity III with a hero at level 1 (or even zero  ) without any gear or weapon, just with NOTHING  I love it to start with nothing like in DD, BD or DKS ... But if it's only me that want such a start (??)... and all other gamers wish to start at level 20 or higher with gerar and weapons from D II ... no probleme for me ... The end decision is up to Larian, I think I to would love to start over, maybe as the Daughter/Son of my last character. As I love how DivII was done I wouldn't change anything except for keeping the door to door thing to a minimum and the adventuring to a maximum.. If there was something I would like to see added, it would have to be more dialogue, and dare I say it? Romance.
Last edited by Paris; 01/12/10 09:04 AM.
D2ED + More D2ED + A happy ending = A winner
Joined: Nov 2010
I hope to see advance model of Battle Tower or maybe even personal Castle\Stronghold, which we can upgrade like BT or like Villa in Asassin Creeed 2. 3) Please, pretty please leave us our baddass dragon form! That's for sure! I love dragons, i even start to play D2 because i see trailer where character can morph into the dragon and burn enemies - that is very fun. Before D2 i never play a DD or BD, but because of D2, i buy them both on GOG and now play them. The Divine must be the one that kills Damian. Maybe we will see journey of Divine and Dragon Knight like Beyond Divinity-style. And of course i wish to hear new Kirill's music for D3 and only from him, because his music very beautiful and fit the game.
 Amazing RPG. Just buy it.
Joined: Apr 2005
@ DragonChevalier : you won't regert it buying DD and BD from GOG !! Good luck and have fun with DD and BD !  The extra content you can download from GOG is also great: all the soundtracks from the great composer Kirill P. on your own media player to listen to all days - and nights - if you wish so !
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Jan 2009
I personal wish to begin in Divinity III with a hero at level 1 (or even zero  ) without any gear or weapon, just with NOTHING  I love it to start with nothing like in DD, BD or DKS ... But if it's only me that want such a start (??)... and all other gamers wish to start at level 20 or higher with gerar and weapons from D II ... no probleme for me ... The end decision is up to Larian, I think I only suggested the Divine start at level 20 because, well, it's the freaking DIVINE. But it's more likely that he would be nerfed back to level 1 by PLOT. It just would be an unusual twist if instead of starting as a weak nobody, you start out as a badass facing threats from the start that a level 1 character could not handle. I think all level 1 characters should start with one skill, because they are level 1, not level 0, and I'm glad that this series has done that so far. (Divine Divinity you had 2 starting skills, in Beyond Divinity, if you used the "Very Easy"->"Action/Tactical/Hardcore" method you could start with 2 skills, in Ego Draconis, you learn one free skill, and can find a free skill point before the tutorial ends.
Joined: Apr 2005
I was just kidding when I said "Level zero"  I understand what you mean. It's indeed more "realistic" the Divine start with more strength, dexerity, etc .. as in DD ... and at least with 1 or 2 skills like in DD I find very nice  ! Although ... ? For my it's okay if the Divine has loose his strengths, etc ... because it's just a game, a FANTASY world with magic, with wonderful things that CAN happen in the TIME between Divinity II and Divnity III) ! But that's MY personal look at RPG's : I love very much all the magic and fantasy such a game implies
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Joined: Sep 2005
if you guys from larian fix the problem with XP from monster and make then fixed to your level;) that will make the game nicer;)
I'm not God, but I'm close
Joined: Jan 2011
My suggestions would be to add an active quest map marker to prevent the hours and hours of pointless walking about and to also creat a players guide to the game prima or brady. I have to say that ive found divinity 2 the dragon knight saga one of the most fustrating games ive ever played. With hardly any pointers where to find the simplest of quests and having to do boring and time consuming things like break open dozens and dozens of vases just to find a key is just not fun.
I for one would wait until a detailed walkthrough is avalible before even dreaming about buying divinity 3
Joined: Nov 2010
I'd like to see more "intelligent" triggers such as checking for % HP and recovery rate before making gawking remarks like "Ahh, I've been poisoned!", "I must find a cure!" every 2 seconds. Very annoying!
I'd like to close by quoting Bellegar's famous last rhyme:
"Cursed be the mother that bred thee! The wench must have been a hell-spawned banshee!"
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
I'd like to see more pies.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Apr 2005
I like to see in Divinity III :
The beginning : that you can choose between 3 or more classes, each with man or woman + each with different Skills (1 or 2) to start with (like there's in Divine Divinity - that's SO great !)
At least you can find some information (notes, books, via Mindreading, talking with NPC's, etc ..) about (some of)the weakness(es) of enemies (some or mostly all kind of enemies) or via a Skill like in DD (Know Creature)
More different kind of weapons: Dagger, spear, mace, sword, axe, hammer, staff, bow, crossbow, ...
Equipment : not only Leggings, but leggings + shoes/boots
Posibility to block imcoming attacks with a Shield would be a nice thing. Or via a Skill ? Maybe like this? >>> witout a shield: Evade skill --- with shield: Block skill
On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin, it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
Duchess of Gorgombert
Duchess of Gorgombert
Joined: May 2010
I like to see in Divinity III :
The beginning : that you can choose between 3 or more classes, each with man or woman + each with different Skills (1 or 2) to start with (like there's in Divine Divinity - that's SO great !) That makes me think of another thing I'd like to see, which is a facegen system so you have more control over your character's appearance. Equipment : not only Leggings, but leggings + shoes/boots
That too (I obviously spend far too much time faffing about with appearance!)... at present we aren't doing too badly compared to some games where the entire outfit is welded together, but more variance is always nice. Some casual or more magely gear instead of just armour would be nice, too.
J'aime le fromage.
Joined: Jan 2011
I would like 1) more dragon form play much like in ed
2) i dont care which scenario they go with for the most part i wouldnt mind keeping my current character/s or given the option to do both but a) I dont care if damain kills the divine and I have to kill damian in a story plot
b) If damian has already killed the divine and now i have to kill the divine imposter
c) or if they give me a entirely new guy to face of with
d) or if we take one of the other characters maxos lovis etc and we fight as them e) or what ever scenario they throw at us I personally started off on divinty2 the original and i think they have done a wonderful job with the game ever since
3) would like more areas to explore much like ED (possibly bigger and more zones factions etc )
4)make the battle tower portal work ( i understand why in last patch after finishng game )
5) i have 2 ears 8 fingers and legs and feet make it so lets make it so got more goodies to equip (this request on lower end of things but yeah there it is)
6) maybe leave room or time for some small expansions to hold us over till next version comes out I dont want it to become like dragon age but give us some downloadable content If the quality stays the same no problem with paying for it at all will gladly do it (of course free is alway good but hey we all need to eat)
7)make our resource gatherers constantly go out and collect the stuff we want until we specify differently ( not a critical piont )(guessing will need some cap but better than having to constantly going back to check out if the wimps got what i asked for maybe make automatic healing so i dont have to go back to alchemist to tell him to heal my runners charge me or give me an otpion to have them auto healed and go back out to grab stuff)
8) nameable saves expand amount of saves
9) out of ideas now going back to game these are just some of my thoughts please add your opionions below......
Last edited by enforcer; 15/01/11 09:40 PM.
Save Save and Save some more
Joined: Jan 2011
I'd like to see more "intelligent" triggers such as checking for % HP and recovery rate before making gawking remarks like "Ahh, I've been poisoned!", "I must find a cure!" every 2 seconds. Very annoying! Oh, this. Wow. This was my major complaint about the game.