Hmmm, Okay. So I'll need to uninstall from my old comp (so as to retain the 3 registration abilities-- or something to that effect), download to my new comp, and use the external drive for save games. That pretty much makes sense (I think).

I'm not sure yet how to go about with the whole un-install from one and/or install onto this new one-- I purchased digital copy from Larian Shop, so I'll have to browse the forums for an answer I suppose. I had tried searching for an answer to the question I asked, but hadn't found an answer yet. Thanks for giving info.

All best,
Can't wait to 'break in' this new laptop using DKS! I have 21 days to make sure it's all good... now just to download the games (legally) and play them! smile

"I don't need to get a life. I'm a gamer, I have LOTS of lives!"