Thank you, candlebbq. I've been reading the FAQ's of the Larian Store, and I can install the activation code on three different computers. What I'm not sure about is whether or not I should un-stall on the 'old' laptop before downloading to the new laptop. I should find the answer before too long, though.

I didn't get too far into playing DKS on the 'old' laptop, so I can easily start over, and since I already played ED before the DKS/FoV came out... it's pretty quick knowing which quests to do and how to do them.

Grrr. The main problem I'm having w/ my new laptop is a sticky space bar! This makes typing quickly difficult, because I have to backspace so often to make corrections. :p

I don't plan on having to get another comp for another 5 years (that'd be my ideal), so the three activations through Larian Store should be sufficient, and if not, they wrote in the FAQ's that you can write them for special permission for increased (within reason) activations. I'm glad they realize people change computers fairly frequently, and that it's not all about pirating, yet they have taken measures to protect themselves. Pretty cool.

BTW, this HP is pretty! The keyboard layout is a little larger than the Vostro 1720 that I had, so it's more like a regular keyboard, but the keys aren't as "clunky" as a regular keyboard. My only problem is the sticky space bar! How annoy. Every couple of words it doesn't want to work. Humph.

I will post in this thread how this comp plays DKS (since I have already posted the build specs here), once I get a chance to do that.

What a great community it is here! smile

Now back to 'real life' of running backups and deleting stuff off the old computers.

Have a great week!


"I don't need to get a life. I'm a gamer, I have LOTS of lives!"