The demo created almost flame wars - but very heated discussions anyway - on RPGWatch.

Most don't like the direction of Dragon Age at all - especially compared to the first game.

A recent interview revealed that Dragon Age 2 is just single installment in a huge franchise. So ... xpect many more and many diverse ( ! ) games to come from this. I think Legends etc. are nothing but hints at what is to come.

I played the German-language demo, and I fond 2 oddiities :

- the voice of the female magician is the same as Fayris of Drakensang 2 (German version)
- crossbow users of the "Cloned Army Of The Blight Republic" suddenly wear helmet ... of the same kind as archers wear in Drakensang 1 & 2

And - another interview revealed that Dragon Age 2 will hve only 1 major area : KIrkwall. This looks to me as if they had copied the concept of Venetica as well (only 1 major area).

The conspiracy theorist in me thinks that they actually borrowed much mre from these games - and the conspiracy theorist inside of me thinks that they might have adapted the Microsoft philosophy : Copy from other (preferrably smaller) companies, but so that they can't be sued, and stomp them down (read : destroy them) by offering essentially the same experience, only free or in another surrounding.

When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it.
--Dilbert cartoon

"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch