Thanks for the update, Lar! And to the other Larian staff, thanks for the laughs! smile

While I hope you do get funding for more games, I also hope it doesn't come at the cost of the quality and brilliance of your games! Divinity and Ego Draconis were awesome, and are on my "top shelf" of RE-playable games. Continue to make great games, and we'll continue to buy them. By "we" I don't mean just Larian fans in general, but "we" as in my husband and my "nearly old enough to play Divinity series" TWO children.... and because we're such sticklers about not boot-legging, we'd each have our own copy.

So, there's four times how many ever games along the lines of Divinity that would be purchased. Math, right? 4 x 3 Divinity (1 DVD--first purchase, 1 CD--because Hubby wouldn't share 1 DVD with me, and 1 GOG version, so I could pass the disc to my son--unfortunately, GOG version had a game killing problem). So that's, uh.... too high of math for me! I'll let you do the math for that. Now onto more math. I purchased Divinity 2: Ego Draconis as soon as I saw it on the shelf at the US Navy Exchange ("wooo hooo! Larian has a 3-D game out! MINE!" *run to cash register*). Played it through and told Hubby, "You'll need to buy your own, because this is mine." So, okay, that's 1 purchase of D2:ED on DVD. Then the add-on came out, and I read that ED was extensively made better (which I can't wait to try out on this new laptop... not a Apple brand *wink*), thus I decided to spend the 'extra' money by purchasing DKS directly from Larian Shop. Well worth paying full price so far, especially given some computer problems (not game related)-- love the ability to revoke license so that I could transfer the game to the new computer... and revoke again when I thought I was going to have to send new computer in to get fixed under warranty (um... fixed it myself).

Okay. I think I had a point. Oh, yes, now I remember.... Keep up the great job! Wasn't too keen on Beyond Divinity, and couldn't play it through. But Divine was great and I did love ED (except those blasted platforms!). I try to believe that quality will trump quantity any day of the week, because quality keeps us coming back for more!

Great update. Looking forward to hearing about the whole numbers thing. I know I love playing the game. I know games cost a lot, even when ordering directly from the studio, so it would be nice to get a glimpse of "behind the scenes" (wow, literally!).

Rest well and get back at it... your fans are waiting to adore you. Okay, we're not... we're waiting to play more games, and in the mean time, we're playing what we've already got! laugh

Now.... how to follow this thread....

All best,
This really is a great little community here in these forums!

"I don't need to get a life. I'm a gamer, I have LOTS of lives!"