I thought I'd share my thoughts with things I'd like to see in Divinity III, and get other's ideas.

* I'd like to see a quest for Maxos... In Divinity II, we're teased about the mysterious disappearance of Maxos. I think there's a story to be told there

* ZixZax... I think he was probably wise enough got out of Broken Valley before it was gassed. I was hoping I'd have a chance to return his pyramid stones to him, so he can go home. For all I know, imps are immune to the gas anyhow.

* Dealing with the Slayers... I actually thought you'd end up hunted by the Order in DKS. Other than a couple rejects at Orobas's Castle, you really don't see much of the Order at all. I think there needs to be some aspect of trying to deal with them, somehow.

* Restoration of the Dragon Knights. You are the last Dragon Knight. Presumably you will die someday, leaving the world with no Dragon Knights. The Dragon Knights, though, don't seem like they are forever doomed - there's still true Dragons, somewhere (you meet one in Orobas Fjords), so presumably they could create more, should they choose to. I think, however, that they are probably wise enough to decide that if humans want to kill off the Dragon Knights, it's probably not the right time to create more. The other possibility is, if Maxos returns, he could create new Dragon Knights.

There is one other issue - it seems like the Dragon Knights became corrupted, anyhow, so somehow, before creating new knights, there needs to be some way to assure there's at least a good likelihood they won't all become like Lovis.

* I wonder if any of the humans made it out of Broken Valley before Damian killed everyone? Most of the people probably died, but I would think some made it out - we know that Derk and Dana, as well as Folo, escaped, only to die in Aleroth. There must have been some others.