Joined: Apr 2011
Taking a break from DKS, after a month of playing, I decided to start a new char in the ME series. I thought I would try a female char, based on my current DKS char, Sonoura. Being a glutton for punishment, I'm playing on Insanity. I'll try to post progress as I can, and if you are or have a char in this, please post progress or comments about your experience.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Jan 2011
I didn't touch insanity until my second playthrough on my way to level 60. But i have beaten both on insanity. ME1 honestly isn't that hard on insanity. ME2 however is well, insane. Especially if you are not playing a warrior.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2010
^ Warriors don't exist in ME (LOL), you mean the soldier class.
I played ME as a renegade vanguard. Found the game mediocre and sold it. I picked up ME2 after hearing about how haters of the first enjoyed it and thought it was an improvement upon the original and I myself actually enjoyed it more and even had the save of my first character. I imported him into the game and changed his class to soldier (because I found vanguard to be rubbish) and even made him a paragon - regretting his past renegade actions - but he still had a bit of renegade in him.
ME3? I'll pick that up when it's cheap next year or when a GOTY edition is released.
Joined: Apr 2011
After obliterating everything in DKS 3, D, E, F and G, Sonoura leaves Revillon, to explore the universe. Riding a wave of encapsulated energy, she comes upon a world called Earth. Being able to change form at will, she integrates with them. She studies them for hundreds of years, forming a new identity in Earth's military alliance.
She keeps her long black hair rolled into a tight bun, atop her head. She has skin the color of fresh snow, and paints her voluptuous lips black to accent her slim, runway-model face. (GOTHIC, I SAY...GOTHIC)
Her background starts, as Earthborn and Ruthless, to maximize Renegade for the dialog opts. She is an Adept, possessing all the Biotic talents of a modern day Mage. She also has training in Sniper Rifles, and proved to be very deadly at incredibly long ranges. Filling the gap of med range with her pistol.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Aug 2009
Adept on Insane... is really insane.
Almost every enemy will have armour & biotic shields... meaning your powers are useless 90% of the time.
Last edited by virumor; 19/05/11 06:53 PM.
Joined: Apr 2011
Once she gets to ME2 I will most likely change her class to Eng. The enemies during ME1 just have increased shld protection.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Jan 2011
Adept on Insane... is really insane.
Almost every enemy will have armour & biotic shields... meaning your powers are useless 90% of the time. Exactly. Its nigh impossible. On Soldier however, I found it fairly easy. Adrenaline rush is a must.
Joined: Apr 2011
Exactly. Its nigh impossible. On Soldier however, I found it fairly easy. Adrenaline rush is a must. Now...When start using words like 'IMPOSSIBLE', that could make me recant my previous post about changing class in ME2.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Jan 2011
Seriously. Adept on insanity is ridiculous. Save yourself frustration and don't do it :P
Joined: Apr 2011
We'll see once ME1 is done.
EDIT: So was The Naked Nun...She is still on standby, at lvl 30 w/lvl 10 stats, in DKS.
Last edited by SENIOR CINCO; 19/05/11 09:40 PM.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Apr 2011
Sonoura made it to the Citadel, about 30 pts from lvl 4. She broke that after a brief talk with a few people and just concentrated on advancing the main story missions, leaving all but the Dr Michel assignment until later.
This is a rather tedious leveling strategy, to try to reach the next lvl with the exact number, as some of the XPs are 'supposedly' waisted and not carried over to progress the next lvl. So far this seems to be the case only with XP not carrying over gains from Codex Entries. Although I cannot tell from XPs gained from Missions and/or Assmts. The XPs from them seem to carry over, but maybe at a reduced %.
This is only being tested, in an attempt to reach lvl 60 in one playthrough, in order to transfer this char, as a lvl 60, to ME2. Through the use of this leveling method, and the use of the respawning Rocket Drones in the 'Bring Dn The Sky' DLC, we'll see how it goes. Reaching lvl 57 through normal gameplay, and not paying attention to any 'potentially waisted' XPs, makes me think it might be possible. Although, you can advance a lvl when becoming Spectre. Maybe it will/wont make a diff. I'm afraid it might be to much of a micro manage. The main thing is to have fun.
So far it's been fairly easy, but this is only the beginning. The fight with the thugs, to get Garrus, was no prob. After getting Wrex onboard, Fist was taken down rather easily as well. The thugs were a little tuff to take down, before the clock ran out to get Tali. It was close, with only 15 sec left, but we made it.
Sonoura made Spectre, and after taking care of Dr Mic, put my girl at lvl 8. Using the wheel-n-deal moneymaker, with the Dr, we were able to bank enough creds to get some Spectre Gear for Sonoura and the crew.
We headed to Noveria to grab some Titan IV armor. With the enemies scaled to the player, at lvl 8 with Spectre Weapons VII, we would dealing the most dam per shot to the enemy (without the use of talents) until lvl 50, and access to lvl X Spt Ger.
As a test run we went to Pen Station to try the simulators.(now that's insane) My last playthrough, I had to wait until Lvl 50 to complete it, because of the Tropical Hunt. I blew through them all at lvl 30. Until Trop Hnt, because the enemy had far out leveled my Spt Ger VII weapons. Lvl 50 was the only chance. With Sonoura, the first 2 hunts went fairly easy. But by leveling twice, (as well as enemies) the weak armor and weak talents proved to be the downfall for Capture Mode. Thus ending my early and poor attempt at Lvl X gear.
I don't mean to sound like 'The Fox and The Grapes', but I HATE timed events...
Sonours is now lvl 10 and it's back to the Citadel to catch up on Asmnts and do some exploration, to reach lvl 20. Gotta get that Sniper Rifle settled down before Noveria.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Jan 2011
no offense but can we keep away from the roleplaying in this thread :P
Joined: Apr 2011
KEEP AWAY...NEVER...HAHAHA... Well this was obviously the wrong way to start. I have got to reload a previous save and complete everything possible, prior to becoming Spectre.  Like your ment to do in the first place.. I mean prior to Sonoura taking over the GALAXY! HAHAHA...
Last edited by SENIOR CINCO; 20/05/11 01:02 AM.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Apr 2011
OK...Now this is better. I went back to the fight with Fist and got Tali. This time I done all the Asmts that were available, with the exception of Schells' Gambling Data. With only 3 Asmts left, (one being Shell and the other two being, Trac Sig and Rita's Sis) I had to play around with the order of completion to try an reach lvl 11 without going over too far. By leaving Shell for later, and Killing the Krogan supplier for Chellick, I was able to break lvl 11 +140. After becoming Spectre, I went back to Shell and that put me within 400 of lvl 13. I have 8 pts in reserve. I just need 5 more in Sniper to get it to 9 and that will settle the scope down to zero movement. The fight with the Krogan was tuff. So the extra talent points will wait, because I'm not sure where I will go just yet. If it ends up being somewhere with another tight battle, I may use those points to boost her Biotics and/or Armor, and wait until another lvl or two for Sniper. After grinding for 2 hrs for Creds, with the cute Dr Mic, I have got it to 340K per transaction. I'm going to spend another half hr and max out the creds at 9.99 mil. That should last until the last quarter of the game. (maybe) Then after some shoppn' and some exploration...well...we'll see. no offense but can we keep away from the roleplaying in this thread :P Was that better...Flipper... Although, I held back and thus can't make any promises for future posts...That is, posts of... Sonoura, TAKING OVER THE GALAXY!! HAHAHAHAH...
Last edited by SENIOR CINCO; 20/05/11 11:00 PM.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Apr 2011
I didn't know this, (wow big shocker) but you get a hidden bonus from your Par/Ren lvl in ME1.
Paragon Bar---Bonus 25%-----10% bonus to First Aid coldown 50%-----10% bonus to Health 75%-----5% bonus to all cooldowns
Renegade Bar---Bonus 25%-----10% bonus to First Aid cooldown 50%-----Regen +1 Health per sec 75%-----5% bonus to damage/duration of weapons/talents
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Apr 2011
With the crew (Wrex and Garrus) fully stocked with Spec Gear and some better armor, we completed the Major Kyle Asmnt. It didn't take long after landing to decide on getting Sniper to rank 9. After clearing a few pirates, and making a peaceful Renegade (man is that an oxymoron) opt for surrender, Sonoura decides to kill the Biotic Cultists anyway. Why? For XPs, of course. And because that's just the kind of girl she is. What can you say? From here we completed the Dead Scientist Asmnt. Yes she shot him too...Thanks to the extra pts in Intimidate, to give the Renegade opt in dialog. Then, taking down her first Thrasher Maw, (on foot) put her at lvl 14. Needing to lvl more and build her Biotics, before taking on any more close combat, we set out to do the Geth Incursions Asnmt. This is a long one, covering 4 planets, and LOADED with XPs. With Sniper settled down, and peeking over the hill tops, it was like shooting fish in a bucket. 3 planets, 100 Geth and another Thr Maw later, she broke lvl 20. Amazingly, without ever taking a single hit. As for her two companions...well, "Sometimes you must sacrifice the many for the few", as cleraly stated in the 'Renegade Reasoning Manual'. Co-authored by Sonoura herself. We left the last planet for now, and went to the moon. By completing the Rogue VI Asmnt, that is playable after reaching lvl 20, she would gain access to the Specialty Class. This wasn't exactly a cake walk. The strategy, for all three of the bunkers, was to stay in the front room and draw the Drones into the hallway. This bottlenecking worked ok for the first two bunkers. The last one however, took about 5 tries. One hit from one of those Rocket Drones, and you're TOAST! Now that the moon is done, she took the Bastion Specialty. That boosts Barrier and Stasis. I had enough pts banked to max Bastion out. The bonus to Stasis lets you damage the enemy. So, along with boosting Barrier strength and reducing the cooldown, it was the choice to make. Sonoura is now lvl 24 and by lvl 26, she will be able to maintain a Barrier for 1,250 HPs 100% of the time. The last planet of Geth should get us there. Then it's off to get her a girlfriend mmmm...Liara... Those two, twisted in blue... As Sonoura, TAKES OVER THE GALAXY!!! HOOHOOHAHAHA!!! 
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Apr 2011
There were actually 5 planets in the Geth Asmnt, and not 4, as i prev stated. After which, Sonoura leveled to 27. She now has a Barrier that rivals, even her Krogan companion, Wrex. This actually makes her as durable in combat as my Soldier build. After the Geth, we went to get Liara. Taking out all the Geth on the trail with the Sniper Rifle, she proved herself in close combat, with the few left in the first gated area. With the use of her Biotics, coupled with Wrex's, they were able to control the battlefield completely. The anal leveling strat proved to be more trouble than worth. I used the save/reload exploit to reach lvl 36, before talking to Liara. I still had the boss of the stage left, and I didn't want to break lvl 37. The merchants stop selling VII weapon upgrades once you pass lvl 36, and I wanted to get the ammo/weapon upgrades before they vanish for good. The boss battle, with the Krogan and 4 or 5 Geth was surprisingly easy. I found this fight rather hard with my other playthroughs. Sonours had access to all of her Biotics and she used them to deadly effects. Using Lift, Stasis and Singularity then targeting the enemy for the others to fire on, they made short work of them. that brought her within 200 pts of lvl 37. (too close) I visited the merchants and landed 3 VII Shreader ammos, but was unable to get them to reset their inventory. I traveled to other planets for 2 hrs and tried everything I could think of. Completing more missions seemed to be the only alternate. That will put us over the lvl cap for the merchs, so I must try to get the upgrades from crates and drops before lvl 43. And before Sonoura...TAKES OVER THE GALAXY!! HEHEHEHAHAHA!!
Last edited by SENIOR CINCO; 23/05/11 05:53 PM.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Apr 2011
Well, the rockets don't respawn on the 360. On mine at least. They stop after about 10 or so. After looking at the XP chart on the Wiki, and doing the math, it looks like 58 will be the limit. It is possible, but you must not any more quests than it takes to get to Liara. Reaching 57 to 58, thus leaving at least 75% of the game to reach 60. As it is now, I will just be starting ME2 at lvl 3 instead of 5. -(a few K in creds) I think I can live with that... Baby girl is at lvl 39, and about a third of the way through Bring Dwn The Sky. After this we'll catch up all the asmnts and head for Noveria. In our insane quest for... Sonoura, TAKING OVER THE GALAXY!!! HA!
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Jan 2011
Ummmm....no offense but you know you are talking to yourself right?
Joined: Apr 2011
It's a post Gator, not a telephone...
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.