There were actually 5 planets in the Geth Asmnt, and not 4, as i prev stated. After which, Sonoura leveled to 27. She now has a Barrier that rivals, even her Krogan companion, Wrex. This actually makes her as durable in combat as my Soldier build.
After the Geth, we went to get Liara. Taking out all the Geth on the trail with the Sniper Rifle, she proved herself in close combat, with the few left in the first gated area. With the use of her Biotics, coupled with Wrex's, they were able to control the battlefield completely.
The anal leveling strat proved to be more trouble than worth. I used the save/reload exploit to reach lvl 36, before talking to Liara. I still had the boss of the stage left, and I didn't want to break lvl 37. The merchants stop selling VII weapon upgrades once you pass lvl 36, and I wanted to get the ammo/weapon upgrades before they vanish for good.
The boss battle, with the Krogan and 4 or 5 Geth was surprisingly easy. I found this fight rather hard with my other playthroughs. Sonours had access to all of her Biotics and she used them to deadly effects. Using Lift, Stasis and Singularity then targeting the enemy for the others to fire on, they made short work of them. that brought her within 200 pts of lvl 37. (too close)
I visited the merchants and landed 3 VII Shreader ammos, but was unable to get them to reset their inventory. I traveled to other planets for 2 hrs and tried everything I could think of. Completing more missions seemed to be the only alternate. That will put us over the lvl cap for the merchs, so I must try to get the upgrades from crates and drops before lvl 43.