Joined: Apr 2011
If you put 2 X Frictionless coils in it, there is no cooldown That is true. So I guess it could come down to total dam per # of rounds vs 1 high dmg round. It is rather fun to place an explosive shot @ there feet and vault some enemies 100 yds into the air. I'm going to start a new char named Sonoura. Based on my current char from DKS. I will Goth out her looks out with pale complection, black hair and big black puffy Anji Jole lips. I will prob try the Adept build and take Sniper training as a bonus. I have tried other builds and the Vangard was the most fun, especially in ME2. I completed my last playthrough on insanity with him. Using a female char should change the story some as well. And of course take the Earthborn/Ruthless background and maximize the Renegade Bar to prompt Bad Girl dialog options.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Jan 2011
If you put 2 X Frictionless coils in it, there is no cooldown That is true. So I guess it could come down to total dam per # of rounds vs 1 high dmg round. It is rather fun to place an explosive shot @ there feet and vault some enemies 100 yds into the air. I'm going to start a new char named Sonoura. Based on my current char from DKS. I will Goth out her looks out with pale complection, black hair and big black puffy Anji Jole lips. I will prob try the Adept build and take Sniper training as a bonus. I have tried other builds and the Vangard was the most fun, especially in ME2. I completed my last playthrough on insanity with him. Using a female char should change the story some as well. And of course take the Earthborn/Ruthless background and maximize the Renegade Bar to prompt Bad Girl dialog options. I have tried the biotic builds but found them too cushy. Warrior is the only one for me. I like charging headfirst into fights. Rushing a husk, beating it down with melee, then blasting it is very satisfying. My personal favorite is Sledgehammer rounds combined with an assualt rifle.
Joined: Apr 2011
Yes, the Biotic build is weakened by the limit of armor, but once upgraded she will be able to have barrier activated 100% of the time, to offset that. Much the same way my Vangard had. In ME1 she will remain as such, because Sonoura is an evil sorceress anyway, and biotics is a sort of future spec for a mage. The biotics of ME1 are very powerful and only needs to contend with shields. In ME2 I might change her over to an engineer, because that class comes with a good selection of powers. Like AI Hak and the Combat Drone, which fits Sonoura as a summoning/charming character. Along with Dominate, as her bonus power.
Some people down play AI Hak and Dominate, as situational powers. I have sat and laughed myself into tears over using them both on enemies. But that was either playing as an Inftrat or using squadmates. Even on higher difficulties, once Maranda or whoever, strips one down to health. You can take out an entire platoon with the use of them both, and never fire a shot. All the while pissing my self with laughter. The sounds they make from turning one on the other keeps me in the floor.
As far as favorite weapon...I like them all for one reason or another. It would depend on the build, really. I guess for ME1, I would have to say the Sniper Rifle. Because I will choose it as a bonus weapon if I'm not playing as a Sldg or Inftr, so it is a 'must have' for me. Then I guess it would be the Assualt Rifle with Kinetic Coil and +X dam Orgn Rds/+X dam Synth Rds, pending on the enemy.
In ME2 my favorite weapon has to be the 'Locust SMG', without question. It is my main goto weapon with any build. But I use them all, pending. Now, my favorite HVY WEP is, above all, THE CANE!! That thing can take out almost any boss on any difficulty with one shot. The exception being, only a few on higher difficulty, like the Prath and Thras Maw.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Jan 2011
Favortie heavy weapon for me has to be the Collector Particle beam. and I don't like the SMG because of the small ammo limit. The X71 Revenant is the only one for me.
Joined: Apr 2011
IIRC, The Locust boast a 300+ clip, when fully upgraded...
It does't compare to the dam of the Rev, which is an awesome weapon in itself, but it is extremely accurate, and can rip through shlds and bars like greased lightning. It doesn't have the spread or rise of the other SMGs, which are junk BTW. IMO
In my last playthrough, as a Vangard,(CHARGE!!!) I opt for the assault rifle training on the collector ship, to have access to the Rev. It's ability to strip armor helped fill the gap of the Locust. Although, the Loc could take down armor, it just ate up a lot of your clip.
I liked the Part Beam on lower Difs. But once I had Insane unlocked, the PB couldn't deal enough dam, in a short enough time to prove useful, as a HW.
EDIT: I stated clip above, instead I meant ammo cap.
Last edited by SENIOR CINCO; 19/05/11 08:57 PM.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Apr 2011
Here is a little voice acting trivia... Your Com Shep , MARK MEER , is also the voice of The Withered, The Lost and The First from DA Awake.
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
Joined: Apr 2011
I have expressed my ops on both the Mako and the Hmr Head. This is why the later bites... Hammerhead Prototype
UNKNOWN: Friends help you move...True friends, help you move bodies... E.A.P.: Blood was it's Avatar and it's seal. E.A.P.: Stupidity is a talent for misconceptions.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2010
If you put 2 X Frictionless coils in it, there is no cooldown That is true. So I guess it could come down to total dam per # of rounds vs 1 high dmg round. It is rather fun to place an explosive shot @ there feet and vault some enemies 100 yds into the air. I'm going to start a new char named Sonoura. Based on my current char from DKS. I will Goth out her looks out with pale complection, black hair and big black puffy Anji Jole lips. I will prob try the Adept build and take Sniper training as a bonus. I have tried other builds and the Vangard was the most fun, especially in ME2. I completed my last playthrough on insanity with him. Using a female char should change the story some as well. And of course take the Earthborn/Ruthless background and maximize the Renegade Bar to prompt Bad Girl dialog options. I have tried the biotic builds but found them too cushy. Warrior is the only one for me. I like charging headfirst into fights. Rushing a husk, beating it down with melee, then blasting it is very satisfying. My personal favorite is Sledgehammer rounds combined with an assualt rifle. No sledgehammer rounds & shotgun while playing as the Vangaurd  @ SENIOR CINCO - The Hammerhead is rubbish I miss my Mako 
Joined: Mar 2003
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2010
Well the reason for the plot summery of no 1 at the beguining is because they released no 2 for the playstation 3 as well. Microsoft on the other hand owns the rights to Mass Effet 1 so that game will never be released on the PS3. The thing is in Mass Effect every choice you make effets the next game so anyone who's never played 1 can choose the choices the effect the main plot of the story of no 2 at the begining so that they can be able to play the game.
The way it works is the Choices in 1 effect 2 in both main plot & side quests & 2 effets 3 in the same way. So if you had'nt played 1 & you went out & bought 2 then you'd be more than a little buggered if they did'nt give you the option to choose the plot choices at the begining of 2. You would be forced to go out & buy 1 then you would end up running the risk of buying 2 games that you might end up hating & cursing yourself for wasting your money.