Unable to execute file:
Create process failed; code 14001
Application failed to start because the application configuraton is incorrect. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.
This has happened before, and is definitely due to a problem with the C++ redist (14001 is a VC++ error code):
http://www.larian.com/forums/ubbthreads.php?ubb=showflat&Main=26884&Number=433399#Post433399But you must reinstall the right version - different games use different versions, and even though they're shared you'll have multiple versions installed on your system.
So you should reinstall from the installer supplied with DKS. If you have a downloaded/digital version, it should be in your DKS application folder under 'Support\VCRedist' - note that if you have the Steam version, your application folder is under your Steam folder (Steamapps\common). If you have a disk version, it should be somewhere on the disk, probably on the root folder or similar.
Anyway, a full reinstall of all included redist files should work (it did before).
Good luck!