Two Worlds has been my only regret in buying. It was worth the $9.99 I spent, but a penny more and it wouldn't have been. I have yet to play Two Worlds 2, so I don't know how much of an improvement was made, but I will forever dislike Two Worlds. Main reasons being:

1. The graphics were absolutely terrible. This game coming out about a year AFTER Oblivion, you think they would have tried to do something less grainy and pixelated.
2. The voice acting was a joke.
3. The animations showed you what would happen if you got a stick shoved up your ass.
4. The UI was cluttered and disorganized, by far the worst thing I have ever seen.

I could go on and on. It was basically Morrowind cept on a $50 budget, shitty in every way and created about 6 years later. It sucked.