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Originally Posted by Stabbey
That cutscene at the end of Ego Draconis where Damian's flying fortesses take out Champion Harbour? I'd like to see something like that playable - you as a dragon need to defend some place from an attack by Flying Fortresses and enemy air units.

You don't really NEED to take out the towers in FF missions because they can't threaten you on the ground. The next game should have anti-ground towers that a dragon must take care of before assuming human shape.

I'd also like to see missions where the Dragon can lend support to a ground army, whether by taking out anti-GROUND towers or destroying gates and barricades, or taking out tough airborne opponents who would threaten ground troops.

A dragon mission fighting against a large "capital ship" zeppelin would also be a blast.

What I'm saying is that the dragon gameplay needs some spicing up. It's mostly used just for transport in the Ego Draconis part.

This are nice suggestions ! Stabbey, you bring many nice suggestions for the Dragon part in one post together. claphands

Originally Posted by FASherman
2. More frequent autosaves with less of a delay

O no, I don't like the "auto saves" at all! Maybe it's better to make the "option" to set off or on all auto saves. I never used any of the auto saves.

I like to see :
* give my Creature a name (someone suggested this already, nice!)
* Special for "slow players" :hihi: : a skill to slow down the Time, so all the enemies are walking and moving slower ! Some of the battles are SO fast I haven't the time to realize what really happened during the battle eek ! For example the fight with Amdusias, the fight with Razakel & Laiken,
Sooo fast, brrr ... nasty :hihi:
No serious : I think it will be great to have such a skill so I have even more FUN and PLEASURE during the fights ... It will be even great to see how I or the enemy is giving the finishing blow in (a kind of) slow motion delight !!

On 7th of february 2015 : I start a new adventure in the Divinity world of Original Sin,
it's a Fantastic Freaking Fabulous Funny ... it's my All Time Favorite One !
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I'd like to see it being resolved what happens with the Goddess from the Intro of Divinity 1 ...
(I want to see this since playing through Divinity 1 ! )

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--Dilbert cartoon

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Originally Posted by virumor
I'd like the project D game ( which I surmize is Divinity III) taking place in an entirely different continent than Rivellon. Didn't the witch Ursula speak about such a far-away land and didn't she still have evil sisters there? Seems something worth checking out for the Dragon knight.

Since project E is going to be about the Divine *finally* smiting Damian, it seems right that this game is returning to its roots, i.e. be top-down/isometric again like the very first game in the saga.

Really? So the next game in the Divinity storyline is project E, the top down RPG? I had a feeling Larian might do that when Lar mentioned they already have done the story / plot for it & you beat the bad guy in the end i.e Damien. So I guess for Project D which is obviously a 3D game like Divinity 2 about Dragons this may well be another game unrelated to Divinity? Or maybe it is and as for it's story it runs paralell to Project E? Guess we will have to wait and see as nothing has been confirmed in concrete yet.

Last edited by Arokh; 03/05/11 12:02 PM.

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Originally Posted by AlrikFassbauer
I'd like to see it being resolved what happens with the Goddess from the Intro of Divinity 1 ...
(I want to see this since playing through Divinity 1 ! )

It's already resolved, no?

This goddess was the "divinity" that split in three in the beginning of the game and entered into one of three "Chosen Ones" each... of which only one survived (the player character).

Then at the end, the gods re-united the divinity and blessed the player character with it -> you become the Divine.

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Originally Posted by Lucreel
* Dealing with the Slayers... I actually thought you'd end up hunted by the Order in DKS. Other than a couple rejects at Orobas's Castle, you really don't see much of the Order at all. I think there needs to be some aspect of trying to deal with them, somehow.

* Restoration of the Dragon Knights. You are the last Dragon Knight. Presumably you will die someday, leaving the world with no Dragon Knights. The Dragon Knights, though, don't seem like they are forever doomed - there's still true Dragons, somewhere (you meet one in Orobas Fjords), so presumably they could create more, should they choose to. I think, however, that they are probably wise enough to decide that if humans want to kill off the Dragon Knights, it's probably not the right time to create more. The other possibility is, if Maxos returns, he could create new Dragon Knights.

i was thinking along the same lines. Maybe with the help of the Patriarch or Maxos, to start a new order of Dragon Knights. after all, if it's just you against a Chaos-Incarnate- the odds aren't good.

In regards to the Slayers, i was thinking that as you try to convince the remaining Slayers, you discover the unpleasant truth of the Slayers- they were created by Damain loyals to hunt down dragons to ensure his victory and using the "Betrayers" rumor to keep Dragons out of the people's favor.
to earn the trust of the Slayers, you have to find someway to save Rhodes after her unfortunate run in with Bellegar in FoV.

Companions in Divinity III would just make it seem like Dragon Age wannabe. in most cases, i didn't need to summon my Creature or a Demon. in some missions, companions could be helpful like in Sassan's case- she helped you storm the Battle Tower, but only for so long.

i know it's probably cliched, but what about a morality-meter? With good actions/deeds, the people of Albion Rivellon trust you- prices are reduced, locale Alchemists and Smiths don't use as much materials, rewards for quests are greater, mindreading costs less, etc.
With bad actions/deeds (like helping bandits), mindreading costs more- as people don't want a evil dragon getting into their head; shops sell less and of poorer quality- as they don't want you to kill them over their better gear.

I agree with the idea of "charm removal at a cost" and "upgrading pre-existing enchantments"
along those lines, Charms can be 'stacked' but to an extent that you can't quad-stack four Divine charms on something- and they have to be of the same boost: no stacking strength over spirit.
for instance- the Lesser +1 charms you can quad stack (effectively turning four Lesser charms into a Blessed); Minor +2 charms can be triple stacked; Major +3 charms can be double stacked; Blessed +4 charms can only stack with a single Lesser or Minor; and Divine +5 charms can only be stacked with a single Lesser charm.
effectively turning most charm options into a +6 boost.

along the same train of thought- Stripping charms from equipment does do just that- it strips the weapon/armor down to it's basic equivalent- a Heroic Knights' Heavy Guard Cuirass of the Plague just becomes a basic Heavy Guard Cuirass, just so you get your charms back.
you're gonna sell the gear your not using for a pitiful sum anyway- why not give them a pitiful piece of gear to buy off you?

There should be an alchemist/enchanter who can combine your charms but only to a Divine rank, and only if they're not attached to anything.
and your Battle Tower enchanter/alchemist, with specific (not to mention as rare as Malachite gems) items can combine Divine level charms- but only to an extent: Strength/Conditioned Body, Intelligence/Indominable Spirit, Dexterity/Heightened Reflex, Vitality/Spirit, Strength/Vitality, Intelligence/Spirit, etc...

finally, like Upgrading pre-existing equipment enchantments- if you disenchant them, you have a chance to get some of the ingredients back. only based on the enchanter's skill determines what and how much you could get back.

Lastly- combat abilities to guard or block with weapons, a chance to counter attack (instead of those "Retaliation" enchancements), and in some rare cases- and the ability to deflect magic attacks back.

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Originally Posted by Stabbey
Originally Posted by virumor

Since project E is going to be about the Divine *finally* smiting Damian, it seems right that this game is returning to its roots, i.e. be top-down/isometric again like the very first game in the saga.

"Because that's the way we did it in 2002" is a really dumb reason. I LIKE the way Divinity 2 looks.

Originally Posted by Demonic
The Blind Wise 800 year old man who you can restore the eye sight off calls your character immortal. He says you are blessed with immortality and wisdom to understand what the human eyes cannot if I recall correctly.

At least I recall this. Maybe he was calling dragons immortal but since a dragon knight is part dragon, perhaps they are immortal (as in never dying by old age) too. I also recall it being mentioned that a dragon knight can eventually become like a full dragon in power.

In any case, I think both The Divine and the Dragon Knight are immortal aren't they?

Dragon Knights are probably extremely long-lived if not immortal. They BECAME Dragon Knights by the blessing of Maxos and using his Dragon stone, but the Temple of Maxos has been closed for a LONG time, since before Maxos left Amdusias trapped there, and Laiken has ruled Maxos's battle tower for thousands of years, yet there were still Dragon Knights around.

Yep. My bad. Lord Lovis states that Dragon Knights live longer than humans and are more powerful and intelligent than them but he doesn't state that they are immortal as the dragons are. It's the blind philosopher who calls the dragons immortal but not the Dragon Knights.

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More Dragon Knights and group raids sound great. But I'd prefer work been put into workable friendly AI instead multiplayer. All the options of Dragon battles, becoming foot battles with anti-dragon zones, even Naval battles with each Dragon Knight or simply a commander controlling his own ship. They can all work either multiplayer or with AI friends and my vote is for the AI. Their reactions and choices can stem from your own choices in certain quests.

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My Divinity experience is to beef up and just slay everything that opposes. I needed no help. In Vengence I could of slayed every Aleroth Champion, so what good are they? In Divinity III, how about we introduce commanding options. Where you can direct the flow of battle. Hundreds of soldiers facing an enemy horde and in stead of just running in alone with a creature and potions to destroy, you stay back and play a more chess style battlefield sequence. If I move to support the main gate defences the flank will be exposed? If I move my reserve to defend the wizards tower I might lose the water front? Perhaps I should evacuate fleabag quarter to create and easy defensive line? So many options that aren't just hack 'n slash with a plot line.

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Where is the Flirt option? I'm a Dragon Knight, unmatched power, yet when pretty young Champions invite me to drink, or an intelligent conversation starved food critic needs some entertaining all I can do is stand there like an idiot. A massive limitation I'd love to see rectified.

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One thing with many games breaks my heart. In all the hours this up coming Dragon Knight explored and fought, never once did he need to sleep, eat or drink to survive. Perhaps, as frustrating as it could be, the need to keep up ones strength might be incorporated. What do we all think?

And furthermore, no one else has mentioned it so maybe it was just my version, but could everyone else fall forever and land safetly?

How important is forcing the player the meet certain daily necessities, and painful realities?

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What about a horse? Mounted combat? Mounted enemies?

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You could sleep in Divine Divinity and Beyond Divinity, to fully restore your health and mana. In DD, BD and Divinity 2 food and drink are helpful early in the game.
IMO requiring food and sleep just adds a (probably annoying) chore, without enhancing gameplay.

In a world with levitation strong enough to keep huge rocks floating in the sky with fortresses built on top of them (which nobody has complained about), I don't have a problem with levitation strong enough to control a fall (which has been brought up a few times in other topics). Also, the slayers were formed to exclusively go after opponents that can fly, so the ability to take a fall would have needed to be one of their first concerns.

Welcome to the forum. wave

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Whilst it would make it more realistic I'd agree with Raze that the need to eat / drink / sleep would be a chore. It is just a game after all. The DK never goes to the toilet either; how many games do you see where you have to take a dump? smile eek Dumping is every bit of important as eating or you will explode and that will be nasty!

The reason why there is no fall damage is a game mechanic; if they put that in there would be problems with the dragon. It could be explained away in the game as like Raze suggested, levitation spells. Think it was mentioned somewhere this will be rectified in the sequel.

Flirting - your character definitley could do with engaging in conversations more and it would be more 'fun' in that particular scene but where do you want this to lead? It could lead to DA style sex and / or sexual remarks but then it would have to be an adult game. It would be one way to bring back the dragon knights though. Heh...

As for horses, yeah, I'd go with that but Dragons are much more fun!

Last edited by Arokh; 23/05/11 02:41 PM.

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FONV tried the eat/drink/sleep thing, as a hardcore mode. It was an interesting concept, as you basically took damage on a small scale if you didn't. The realistic gameplay soon turned into a realistic PAIN. The option of turning it off was welcomed.

EDIT: When it comes to e/d/s/and fall damage, to add realism. We must keep in mind it is a Fantasy RPG and not a human simulator.

Last edited by SENIOR CINCO; 23/05/11 02:47 PM.

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I concede. As much as realistic eat, drink, sleep options could be, they'd get pretty bloody annoying.

As to Arokh, bring on Leisure Suit Dragon Knight. Ha! Again you're right, it would really have no where to go without becoming inappropriate.


Last edited by blackrobe; 24/05/11 03:24 AM.

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i'd like to see the randomized weapons tweaked a bit... i hate pulling melee weapons with Magic Damage bonus or Mana boosts, likewise with Magical weapons with meek Melee Damage bonus.

speaking of which, if we have Melee Charms, why not some Magic Damage charms?

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I found it annoying in Oblivion just having to take 1 hour cat-naps in order to level up.

Eating and sleeping can add to the immersion, but should never be compulsory. I agree that the best method is to revive health/mana, but allow for other ways of doing the same thing (e.g. potions).

I'm sure I remember playing an RPG that forced you to eat and sleep (or starve to death/die of exhaustion), but I can't remember what it was, just that it was annoying. Maybe one of the ultima games? Mount and Blade forces you to eat, or at least provide food, but that was part of the tactics neded to manage a large army and fitted neatly ino the game (do I have enough food for my campaign? Do I have enough gold to pay my troops?).

Edit: Oh yes, it was Ultima Underworlds 2 (only older gamers will remember that one). Awesome game apart from the food and sleep thing, but at least you could learn a 'create food' spell. And who could forget "Rat on a Stick" wink

Edit 2: Riding horses would be awesome too - as long as it was better implemented than Oblivion did! (again, try 'Mount and Blade' to see how to really handle horses in a game).

Last edited by Trippy; 24/05/11 11:09 AM.
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In Arx Fatalis you had to eat to survive otherwise you would slowly starve to death and it never was a chore and if you were tired of carrying food around or cooking food, you could just use a spell to feed your character magically. This system did add to the realism of the game. I remember heading down into the deepest part of the underground and I had found lots treasure but I had no food and then my character blurts out "I'm hungry". I'm in a place where every NPC is a hostile enemy and there's no place to buy food or anything, all there was were mushrooms which I had to eat to survive. It was either that or rat meat...

And none of this was annoying but perhaps that's because it added to the game and felt in place in a game with no music which was trying to give a realistic feel to things by having environmental sounds play a huge part when it came to atmosphere.


Yep. Ultima Underworld. Arx Fatalis was being made by Arcane Studios who wanted it to be the third installment but they couldn't obtain the rights and thus called it Arx Fatalis and developed a few things differently but it matches Ultima Underworld in a lot of things. The player character is often called "The Guardian" whereas the Ultima player character is called "The Avatar" and both aren't from the world the game is set on. I think the rat on a stick food in Ultima Underword is contained as an easter egg in Arx Fatalis where you see goblins eating such food.

Would this system work in a Divinity game? Maybe such a system would suit Divine Divinity but not Divinity 2. Perhaps the isometric Divinity game in the making could have such a system but I doubt it. The Dragon Knight game in the making would most likely be like Divinity II but bigger, expanded and better.

Me? I want a world that feels alive. A world where you see the war between Damien and the good people of the human race. Perhaps controlling a small army could come into play for some missions but not in the way of an RTS. Dragon Age: Orgins' final battle comes into mind here. You can summon troops and they would follow you and perhaps a Divinity game could expand upon that where you issue where you want these troops to go. I certainly think summoned creatures and The Creature need such controls where you can issue simple commands to them.

Oh and add a cape. Not many RPGs have capes nowadays. We need capes. Two Worlds II is the only "modern" RPG that seems to have capes. Last game with capes in that I played was the buggy Neverwinter Nights 2 which does Neverwinter Nights 1 (a great game) no justice. In any case, Two Worlds II is the only RPG for a long time that I have seen that has added capes into the game.

Come on Larian! Capes please! I can already imagine shapeshifting into human form after flying up high and watching as my character falls and his cape ascends upward.

I think a better combat system is needed. I like the combat system in Divinity 2 with the abilities and all that but I think we need a blocking button and perhaps more violent combat like driving your sword through an enemy before kicking him away, that should have been how the fatality ability was handled.

We also need more skill/item slots on the console version. LT in DKS did nothing, they could have made it where LT brings up an additional 8 slots. I found that 8 slots weren't enough and that another 8 would have been just right.

More options on how to upgrade our creature. Buying armor and weapons for it would be good.

Better graphics. Divinity II suffered from low resolution textures and blurry areas sometimes which hurt your eyes. I couldn't care if the graphics remained the same and I would rather have Larian work on gameplay, story and quests more but adding a little enhancement to graphics couldn't take to long or even hurt. Gamebyro is a powerful engine and I'm sure the next engine Larian uses will be just as powerful.

Last edited by Demonic; 24/05/11 08:29 PM.
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Originally Posted by Trippy

I'm sure I remember playing an RPG that forced you to eat and sleep (or starve to death/die of exhaustion), but I can't remember what it was, just that it was annoying. Maybe one of the ultima games? Mount and Blade forces you to eat, or at least provide food, but that was part of the tactics neded to manage a large army and fitted neatly ino the game (do I have enough food for my campaign? Do I have enough gold to pay my troops?).

Fallout New Vegas' hardcore mode?

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Originally Posted by Sigs Minock
Fallout New Vegas' hardcore mode?

That might have it (haven't played hardcore on it yet), but I was thinking of the Ultima Underworlds series ('Rat on a Stick!').

Originally Posted by Demonic
Arx Fatalis was being made by Arcane Studios who wanted it to be the third installment but they couldn't obtain the rights and thus called it Arx Fatalis and developed a few things differently but it matches Ultima Underworld in a lot of things.

I never knew that! It's only $5.99 on, I'll have to check it out.

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