Alright to begin with I think that when you die it should be more of a guild wars thing where if you die you will be respawned at an alter with reduces maximum health, mana, damage and stats. You can bring these back up by killing a boss or returning to a city.

I also DONT think you should be able to attack ground units, remember if you can attack them they can attack you which would mean they would need more damage and an increased range to hit actual hit you and kill you. Think of the helpless melee soldiers that can only stand an watch their groups of 4-5 people being massacred by a giant dragon. Another reason would be if your destroying multiple towers while being attacked by air units and groun units could be quiet annoying. If you do make it so you can attack ground make sure the exp is greatly reduced, so the player actually wants to land and fight.

I would love to see underwater exploration. Not just swimming above scarcly seen water. I mean really throughout the whole game you seen water how much?

You need to make a blacksmith that actually allows you to make swords and armour.

Dont make the game to mature. You will lose many of the young audience.

I would like to see better drops and a lot more drops. The best gear I have is bought, and it emptied the wallet (literaly.) I had 150,000 before i bought the gear and afterwards I have 300. Needs to be changed (and yes the prices were reduced thatnks to mind reading.)

Yet another thing, don't limit where you can go. I agree that if I adventure to deep ill know oh i should get outta here. On that perspective I think you need to put a skull by enemies that are alot higher then you so you can tell you need to leave. And for someone like damien put a glwing aura around him so you can actually see him from afar so you know not to get any where near him.

Last edited by Doog; 09/08/11 05:25 AM.