Originally Posted by Lucreel
Another idea is (and this would go along with multi-player support well), instead of the game just ending when you die, how about having something like a level in the Hall of Echoes that you have to clear (by clearing, I don't necessarily mean battle - it could be a puzzle, or a jumping challenge, or, I dunno, something) to return to life, or some in-game mechanism of some sort which allows you to 're-incarnate', instead of just loading a save? I've always thought that would be cooler for an RPG - instead of, notionally, a hero that is never defeated (because when you load the save, it's like it never happened), an immortal hero that, thus, ultimately can't be defeated.

No offence but a good RPG is like an interactive film or a page out of history, I mean come on think about it for a min. That's like saying I don't like this part of history because it does'nt mention people failing. History is inevitably writen by the victors so if your charactor dies mid story theres no story. If the stars of history died before they did what they were revered for theres no story & thus no history. Sorry Alexander the great you can't conquer anything because theres no chance you'll fail.....your ideas before that last post were good. As for multiplayer I NEVER like seeing people putting multiplayer in games like Divinity. Especially coop, because if everyone is running aroud trying to play the hero then theres no hero anymore. There can be only 1 leader per unit, if a platoon in the army were to have more than 1 commander then thigs would just go chaotic. If they put multiplayer in D3 I won't be bothering with it I'll just do what I always do & stick to the single player game. I liked your story ideas but the multiplayer & death ideas no but thats just my opinion.

As for me I'd like to find out what happened to the other race's like the dwarfs, they explained that the elfs are now extinct but no mention of what happened to the dwarfs & lizardmen.

If the dragon knight will be the main charactor (as I hope it is) then I'd like the Divine to play an active role in the story like Zandalor. Maybe even do a 2 disc game like D3 part 1 & 2 one part from the Dragon knights point of veiw & the other from the Divines point of veiw. Or if there must be coop then just make it a max of 2 one play as the Divine 1 as the Dragon Knight.

I would also like to see more dragon battles, I was a little upset with how little there was for your dragon form to do other than lets just fly to here & land.