Joined: Mar 2003
I have not been in any game/computer stores in awhile, so don't know if anyone else has started carrying DKS. Best Buy / Future Shop still only list D2:ED on their websites. Amazon.ca has the PC and Xbox version of DKS; GameStop.ca used to carry both, but now only list the Xbox version on their website (it is possible individual store may still have the PC version). A couple listings show up on eBay (for a little over $40 - it is $30 from Amazon.ca, but would have to be shipped again to get to the US, since they do not ship games outside Canada).
Joined: May 2003
I'm going to be in Vancouver and a few other parts of B.C. next week, so hopefully I can find a copy then. If not, hopefully I can find a way to get one shipped in 
Joined: Nov 2010
And: if your internet connection failed some day, for example a big storm or short-circuit or whatever by your internet provider and it's over ... A storm of that nature would probably knock out your electricity anyway, so unless you have a handheld (and remembered to charge it) you'll be without your games regardless. In the event of an outage it wouldn't be "all over". Your service would be restored as quickly as possible. If you truly fear such a scenario, then I suggest you never use the internet for anything remotely important, because that would effect more than just your OnLive account.
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2010
well it would all depend on what he thinks is inportan on the net 
Joined: Jun 2010
Well, to depend on OnLive or any other rental is like to depend on a hooker for sex. In some respects it might be preferable to a permanent girlfriend or a wife - no need to worry about hooker's needs or health, how happy she is and such. But even in the Universe with the abundance of available hookers I would still prefer to be totally sure when and from where my next sex will come from. It is far more convenient to me, that's why I am all for the girlfriends and wives.  BTW, OnLive IS NOT like Steam. On Steam you can play without internet connection, and you can download backups of your games, and install them if necessary. Steam is just one of the digital distributors. OnLive is not, it is a market alternative to brick-n-mortar rental outlets like bankrupted Blockbuster. I guess as an opportunity to check out a game that does not have a demo for free it is good, but I wouldn't shell out any money on OnLive.
Last edited by vivaxardas; 07/09/11 04:43 PM.
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old hand
Joined: Nov 2010
yes but it's an option for people that may not have the space on there harddrives to play it without having to install it. They never once said they'd rely on it, they don't need to they already sold a whole load of DKS for Xbox & PC. This is just another way to bring it to more people that may not have an Xbox or like I said space on there PC to install it.
Joined: Apr 2011
I don't think hard drive space is an issue; they are dirt cheap nowadays. It's more a case of convenience I think; that is being able to play the same game on multiple platforms. Casual gamers will probably go for it but if you are into serious gaming you would buy retail or from Steam.
Refering back to earlier post, onlive would be great for my nephew and his single parent. They have a 5 year old PC, no consoles, a low paid job, high mortgage and so a new PC is out of the question. If you can rent high end games and play them on a 5 year old PC then that would be great for them.
I see both sides of the argument; not everyone can afford Xboxes and gaming PC's but for those that can I can't see onlive being a first choice.
Last edited by Arokh; 08/09/11 10:22 AM.
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Joined: Nov 2010
they maybe dirt cheap to some but there still a lot of money to others, not everyone has the mony to just go out & replae a P or a part for it. So a game you can play without downloading it & have it take up space on the harddrive is a godsend to thouse that can't afford a state of the art PC.
Joined: Apr 2011
A 500Gb HDD can be had for the price of an average game. You don't have to replace your existing drive, just add it as a secondary drive. But yes, not everyone can afford one.
By fire and by blood I join with thee in the Order of the Flame! Arokh's Lair - Drakan & Severance: Blade of Darkness forums - https://www.arokhslair.net
Joined: Jun 2010
People who do not have enough money simply do not waste them on video games (the ones I know simply pirate them with no qualms about morality). Anyway, the price to play a full game on OnLive is exactly the price of buying a disk copy. It ain't cheap you know. I simply do not see some poor guys paying for it, it does not look like a budget service to me. If you do not have 50 bucks to buy a hard drive, why would you spend 50 bucks on OnLive? I mean I can get that people trying games for free, I would do it myself one day. But other then that it looks like a sucker trap  You know, like with credit cards. People may not want to wait some time to save money for an upgrade, and to buy a used copy, so they may rush and shell out money on OnLive. Well, a f***wit and his money are easily parted. 
old hand
old hand
Joined: Nov 2010
How people choose to play there game's is up to them Onlive doesn't effect me because I have a Pc able to hanlde the game's. Not too mention I play DKS on the Xbox rather than the PC Although i do have it for the PC, I bought it the other week but have'nt played it properly yet.
Joined: Apr 2011
I thought f**itt was a British thing. Here's my favorite viz character:- Terry F**witt As for people who don't have any money don't waste it on games I see your point but my nephew does; he buys them himself from his pocket money or what he earns from doing simple jobs for my stepparents i.e car washing, light gardening jobs etc. He gets taught if you want something, you earn it.
By fire and by blood I join with thee in the Order of the Flame! Arokh's Lair - Drakan & Severance: Blade of Darkness forums - https://www.arokhslair.net
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Joined: Nov 2010
Exactley there are plenty of reasons why people would use onlive, like Arokh said, maybe the one's buying it are kids with there pocket money. Maybe the PC doesn't belong to them & the owner doesn't want a game that they won't play taking up space on there harddrive. Maybe they are using a public computer like in a computer cafe or at a librery, there are many possibilitys for someone using Onlive. Just because you maynot use it doesn't mean the people that do are F**witts as you put it, they just might lack the option to play it any other way.
Joined: Jun 2010
Yes, you are right, there are circumstances like you described (when a comp is not available or some other emergency)) when people would use OnLive. But I doubt that just emergency use would generate enough profits for a service. As I said it ain't cheap, and while it is so, it would not be financially wise to use it not as an emergency (where you pay like 5 buck for a three days or something) but on a regular basis. Well, people are all for instant gratification, even if it would cost more at the end, so OnLive is here, if somebody needs it.
Joined: Mar 2003
Personally, I don't like OnLive at all - because of the direction where it leads to ...
But I respect Larian's decision.
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Joined: Nov 2011
I'd never heard of the game until it was added to onlive. I bought it a few weeks back and just started playing it and now I'm hooked!
It's true that onlive has some disadvantages such as needing a fast internet connection while playing and relying on the service to stay around to access your games, but it also has some real advantages too.
The obvious is that you don't need high end hardware. But the big thing for me is the portability. If I'm at home, at work, at my parent's house, at a friend's house, not only do I have instant access to all of my onlive games, but all of my save states are there too! I've been playing DKS during lunch at work and turning people on to it who would have never heard of it otherwise. Then when I get home I pick up the game from the same spot.
Also, you can watch other people play the game in real time which gives you a much better idea of if the game is fun or not than watching a trailer or even pre-recorded gameplay footage on youtube.
I've had quite a few discs and cartridges get lost/stolen/damaged over the years, so having the physical copy doesn't always mean you have it forever either.
So, it's a tradeoff, it's not for everybody, but I like it.
Joined: Apr 2005
That indeed make sense ! Happy hunting, happy carving or happy hurling ... some enemies
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