People who do not have enough money simply do not waste them on video games (the ones I know simply pirate them with no qualms about morality). Anyway, the price to play a full game on OnLive is exactly the price of buying a disk copy. It ain't cheap you know. I simply do not see some poor guys paying for it, it does not look like a budget service to me. If you do not have 50 bucks to buy a hard drive, why would you spend 50 bucks on OnLive? I mean I can get that people trying games for free, I would do it myself one day. But other then that it looks like a sucker trap wink You know, like with credit cards. People may not want to wait some time to save money for an upgrade, and to buy a used copy, so they may rush and shell out money on OnLive. Well, a f***wit and his money are easily parted. wink