Originally Posted by Elliot_Kane
I think it's both, Virumor. You only have to look at Bioware to see what I mean. I don't think for a single moment they set out to completely alienate most of their fanbase with DA2, yet they clearly failed to understand why DA:O was popular in any way, shape or form. That extreme disconnect between creators and gamers is, sadly, all too common.

Oddly, I've seen Bioware post on their forums and speak with people...shame they didn't take all that positive feedback they got with Origins and make Origins 2 instead of Dragon Age 2. We were happy with Origins. Still, Bioware claims that they have learnt their lesson and Dragon Age 3 is supposed to be set in Orlais and the Tevinter Imperium and judging by reviews of their Legacy DLC for DA2, they have got enemy positions and environments right now and I doubt we'll be seeing the waves of enemies falling from the sky and I doubt that there will be recycled environments now for DA3 and future DA2 DLC's.

Dragon Age 3 will probably be a great game if they have truly took fan feedback to heart as they claim so but it's obvious we still aren't getting an Origins 2...

Last edited by Demonic; 10/09/11 04:29 PM.