I'd never heard of the game until it was added to onlive. I bought it a few weeks back and just started playing it and now I'm hooked!

It's true that onlive has some disadvantages such as needing a fast internet connection while playing and relying on the service to stay around to access your games, but it also has some real advantages too.

The obvious is that you don't need high end hardware. But the big thing for me is the portability. If I'm at home, at work, at my parent's house, at a friend's house, not only do I have instant access to all of my onlive games, but all of my save states are there too! I've been playing DKS during lunch at work and turning people on to it who would have never heard of it otherwise. Then when I get home I pick up the game from the same spot.

Also, you can watch other people play the game in real time which gives you a much better idea of if the game is fun or not than watching a trailer or even pre-recorded gameplay footage on youtube.

I've had quite a few discs and cartridges get lost/stolen/damaged over the years, so having the physical copy doesn't always mean you have it forever either.

So, it's a tradeoff, it's not for everybody, but I like it.