No details have been mentioned about the camera system in Project E, but I would guess it would it will be more isometric (like Divine Divinity) than straight overhead. The same game engine is being used for Dragon Commander, so there is at least the possibility the camera will be adjustable (game design and artistic consideration would limit the camera more than the engine itself).
Ah, I didn't know the same game engine would be used for both games.
PAro - Project E from what I have read will be isometric view and will definitley finish the divinity story arc. You will get to defeat the main bad guy in the end which I'm sure is Damian. Project D (Dragon Commander) will be the fix for dragon knight fans in the meantime but that is set in the past. I would like to see another game continuing the DK from Divinity 2's story but this would depend on what happens in Project E. Without playing and finishing it I don't know; all loose ends for all characters may be tied up in the end. They could do a Drakan backstory - you defeat the bad guy at a great cost - everyone dies! (evil laugh)
Seriously though - I hope that does not happen!