The more I think about, and especially after seeing some video footage, the more I like the turn-based combat. There is now an entire party to control. For the same reasons as Lurker gives just above me. My Baldur's Gate settings were always, auto-pause on being attacked, auto pause on enemy entering screen, auto-pause on spell complete,... . Making it basically a turnbased game (go figure, behind the scenes its all dices being thrown). And it looks D:OS is also having a pretty complex combat variety, with spell combo's and lots of skills. Requiring to assess the situation and react on it.

And its also not the turn-based combat with tiles it seems. And turn-based is not necissarily a fight for hours where the simplest creature takes 5 hits but you miss so often. World is not only black and white.

And yet again, there is a plethora of RPG's with realtime combat, so still more then enough to chose from. And this one can bring some nice change on that aspect.