Originally Posted by AlrikFassbauer
In my case it is always so that "real time with pause" always creates the impression to me - and I' putting it as an extreme here - "real time with some sort of something that remotely looks like turn-based tacked on".

My biggest problem I have with "real time with pause" is tht it *always* defaults in an real-time combat for me. And I assume that for approx. 70% of all players it is so as well. That's why I dislike it. It always goves me the feeling of "something looking like TB being tacked on" - simply because it always *defaults* for action-combat to me.

Personally, I would really like to see see a poll or other play data on how many people in such a game actually use the "pause" feature.

And I have the impression of "real time with pause" not feeling like turb-based. It's just an impression, a feeling I always get. Because the game is designed differently, then.

It begins with the start o any combat. Everything is usually fast-paced within the combat - only to be "hindered" by a pause. The animations are faster than in the TB games I remember.

The pause feels rather like an interruption, and not as being imprelented by design, to me.

erm..have you played DD? Because if you have I'm wondering what you did dif. than me because I used the pause A LOT, and loved it BTW...killing a superoverpowered (for your lvl anyway) boss by freezing him and pausing so u can attack before he unfreezes and whacks you with one hit ^^ heavenly

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