Using the different primary stats to act as a bonus on the decision roll, and you choose which stat bonus by choosing the corresponding option (as you said, e.g. get a bonus from STR if you choose an intimidating option).
Great to hear it! I guessed as much from the video. Some Infinity-Engine games had that as well, like Planescape: Torment. But they only put a keyword like
(intimidate) or
(persuade) in front of the player's extra dialog options, which was slightly boring to look at. And that's why it's actually the different fonts and colors that intrigued me so in Bloodlines.
Some JRPGs or Anime fansubs go even further with typography: instead of simple white subtitles you'd get differently colored ones associated with different main speakers (protagonists), or subtitles from off-screen speakers would have another color or a different position. Typesetting can be an art in itself, if used wisely.
I'm happy to see you take interest in one of our games again

One day you'll need to tell me all that happened after last I saw you @ Larian !
Heh, sure. Guess I simply have been out of the loop for a long while.
You play turn but record the entire game. In full and last combat sequence. Works better if the game is a 3d world. So play the game out in turn based. After a battle have an option to watch it as a movie in real-time, if 3d make it cinematic with various camera angles.
That does sound sort of cool. An instant replay feature. You could script scenes with the editor and later record in-game movies. *ponders*