Ronin's Wishlist:
1) Story driven game-play with tons of dialog with or without voice acting. (I prefer little to no voice acting for my hardcore role-play)
2) Same skill tree as DD where I can choose abilities from all character types to make a real badass force of greatness.
3) Single player mode to play lone wolf so I can explore at my pace without the buddy rushing through everything(I dislike your kind hahahaha!!)
4) Day/night/weather cycle.
5) Option to switch to Classic DD Textures ;D
6) Quick Time Events!! Lmao jk I'm joking, seriously!
7) Bring back the teleporter pyramids!
8) Get rid of the partner, I wanna go at the world by myself! Joking as long as she can be memorable like your pals in DA:O. If not, please make it optional.
Immersion immersion immersion!!
Thank you Larians!
Raze you can't get away without giving us your wishlist! Your opinions are mandatory in all threads.
Last edited by NightRonin; 03/06/12 03:22 AM.