I don't really agree with the idea of making it dark and impossible to see. What's the fun of that? Don't make it impossible to see without a torch, you can't sneak when carrying a torch.
Giving guards torches will also make sneaking difficult, unless you could cast rain to put the torches out (without alerting the guards.)
I just got this idea from playing DayZ, but I was thinking more of what you said, not impossible to see without a torch, but still really dark so when you light the torch, you can get some nice fancy lighting! I'll remove it form my wishlist because you're right it does affect your sneaking ability

I think the game is in good hands. My only gripe is that it's multi-player. I'm a solo player especially in strong story driven games with tons of dialog to read everywhere you go(assuming it's like DD). I hate being rushed through quests and knowing I may be slowing the other player down because I stopped to read lore...