Orcs were created the same time as the other 5 main races. From the DD book 'A Short History of the Seven Gods':

When the seven Gods were still young they decided that each of them should have their own race which they would guide through the eternal flow of time. And thus it happened that Rhalic, the most powerful of all Gods, become the patron of the humans. The burly Duna created the dwarves in his own likeness and even lived with them for a long time in tunnels deep beneath the earth. Tir-Cendelius, who is also called the Poet, went into the woods and created the elves. He blessed them with near-immortality and wisdom. The reptile goddess Zorl-Stissa wished to command a proud warrior race and thus she created the lizard people - fierce fighters from the Wastelands.

The God Vrogir, renowned for his brutality and acts of violence created the orcs and enslaved them for more than three hundred years before he left Rivellon. Xantezza, the Goddess of mirth and laughter wanted an intelligent race, versed in the arts of magic around her. She created the imps, who were talented magicians and engineers. The Goddess Amadia was an outsider, preferring to live in complete solitude. As the centuries passed the six races spread over the whole continent. One day Amadia fell in love with a wizard and she give birth to several demi-gods. She granted her lover immortality and decided that she would act as the patron mother of the wizards. Although wizards are not really considered as a separate race, they now have their own goddess whom they worship...