Originally Posted by AlrikFassbauer
Or a "mysterious white gelatinous cube" ? wink

"You have met the mysterious "monster-slayer for hire" who calls himself "Gerolt the White Wolf". During the conversation you discover that he is just a cowardly swindler who robs village people by tricking them into believing in his supernatural skills. In reality, he managed to build a device that allows him to control the behaviour of many creatures - from which he can profit.".

You will have 3 options to finish this quest:

1) You can expose his shameful behaviour & let the village people lynch him [village people will pay you large ammount of gold for it]

2) You can promise Gerolt that you won't expose him, but in return he will have to give you his silver sword.

3) You can kill Gerlot and steal his mind control device [you will be able to control one creature that will fight on your side].

Last edited by Estrogen; 16/06/12 12:21 PM.