Yes that was a very nice one. I let myself go and accuse kalkstein the alchemist. It took an hour or so to reload an fix that. (semi) irreversable mistakes are loveley. They force to start a game over and over again... This time i'm gonna do it right!

What I don't like is that good/evil is balanced. I'm just saying cause I just can't help myself from playing the good guy. And because good/evil rewarding is balanced I do it over and over again. Can't help it! I believe this was mentioned before: balance good/evil reward but not in every choice; this one evil more interesting, this one good more interesting, so only the total picture remains neutral.

Finally, I hope there's gonna be some randomness. When I was a kid I liked playing humongous entertainment games. Some quests altered each time it was played, forcing the player to have go trough a different adventure each and every time, until you has seen it all.

I believe all 3 of these should enhance the replayability of any game.