D:OS hands down, been waiting for that one since DD and BD

..although DC seems very interesting, and I for one don't mind venturing in strategy from time to time..I think what they can accomplish with DC is very special, a whole lot of people I know that are saying, wtf is that game, I must try this ^^ . Maybe one of the hardest things to do is get certain types of players out of their comfort zones (me f.e, now I'm playing DKS and loving it, but waited for ego draconis from the moment it was announced, played 15 mins and said yuck no these controls are not my cup of tea, although I wanted to love it so much) willing to try something imho completely wacked

and not their regular gaming experience..
Ofcourse it helps that Larian is building a firm reputation of stepping up to the plate with it's games, and if it's not good enough (D2:ED) they just fix it <3 awesome