Joined: Mar 2003
The Title Song by Karina Gretere is one of the most beautiful songs I've ever heard in my whole life. http://www.zanzarah.de/sounds/Zanzarah_Title_Theme.mp3
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
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Joined: Aug 2010
Really? Yes strategy plays a role (large role) but so does combat and I'm pretty sure that if you didn't level up your dragon, he'd be killed easily. It's a game where choices matter as well, so yes, the RPG elements are huge and they matter just like the RTS elements. It's (IMO) a RPGRTSAction game. yes combat plays a large role too. But in my meeting with Lar one of the first words of him were 'it is not an RPG'. That can be interpreted in many ways, but I doubt the RPG elements are huge. There are other ways of increasing the strength of your army besides leveling up and distributing stat points. Still I do belief there will be a healthy variety of RPG elements in the game, but it will be more of a strategy game than it will be a RPG. As to ground combat, I interpreted it that like you have armies in the sky you also have armies on the ground. So your armies are fighting other armies and as a dragon you could create some mayhem on the opposing forces, like the other dragons could do on yours. You shouldn't be able to do that as a human in my opinion, soaring as a dragon over them and breathing fire would be just great  Yes, it's not an RPG. It's a variety of different genres. Making choices is a major part for some RPG's. Now if some of these choices have lasting effects and consequences then it'll be a new step for Divinity as the previous Divinity games didn't have choices which later came back to bite you in the ass or effected how you played the game.
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Joined: Aug 2010
Gender selection, personally I don't really care if the hero is male or female but for people that do it would be nice to have the option. The Skeleton princess would have to be a prince though if playing female - this has been discussed in other threads. Why? Because it'd be gay? So what? I'd suggest that instead of filling the game with all princesses or all princes depending on gender, the land is filled with a mixture of both and then just let the player decide whether their marriages are purely traditional (a business deal to forge alliances and exhange property) or more modern (for love). Making this distinction was already possible in the demo version with the skeleton princess, so I don't see why it shouldn't carry over to every other possible candidate. I don't think so. Otherwise we end up with another Dragon Age 2 on our hands with all companions being bisexual. One way they could do it, is simply have princes who are homo or bi and princesses who are homo and bi and then have princes and princesses who are simply hetro. I don't really see all people being bisexual... Aren't there lesbians in Divinity 2 anyway? I heard that some of the women flirt with a female character just as they would with a male character but I remember hearing that same reviewer state that he believed that this was because the dialogue wasn't changed for each gender... This is the one thing I hate about romances being included in games. You then get loads of people asking for all different types of romances and companions that can be romanced...this is especially the case with Bioware games. I'm no fan of Skyrim and I won't be buying it but aren't they including romances too? I've already seen people debate and have discussions about what romances would be good and what romances they want. Thanks but while you sods are moaning about who is getting married to who, I'll be taking over your kingdoms! Then when I'm finished, you'll have more than your marriages to worry about because you'll see Demonic and his vast army of dwarfs (already decided, I ain't have no skeleton princesses bossing me about!) coming for you! What will you do then? Get Jorom (Joram's evil twin) to summon Bellegar to possess me? What about if Bellegar was working for me? Can Bellegar stand against a Dragon Knight? NO! He can't... So you just watch my backs because Demonic is coming for ya! Now...the only princess I'll be marrying would be a female Dragon Knight who manages to eliminate half my army. I'd defeat her in battle but offer her alliance with me through marriage....Oh crud. Look now I'm talking about romances! DAMN YOU ALL!
Last edited by Demonic; 10/09/11 04:22 PM.
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Joined: Nov 2010
Gender selection, personally I don't really care if the hero is male or female but for people that do it would be nice to have the option. The Skeleton princess would have to be a prince though if playing female - this has been discussed in other threads. Why? Because it'd be gay? So what? I'd suggest that instead of filling the game with all princesses or all princes depending on gender, the land is filled with a mixture of both and then just let the player decide whether their marriages are purely traditional (a business deal to forge alliances and exhange property) or more modern (for love). Making this distinction was already possible in the demo version with the skeleton princess, so I don't see why it shouldn't carry over to every other possible candidate. Aren't there lesbians in Divinity 2 anyway? I heard that some of the women flirt with a female character just as they would with a male character but I remember hearing that same reviewer state that he believed that this was because the dialogue wasn't changed for each gender... Madame Eve in FOV.....if I did'nt need to do that quest for the story I'd have walked out the door lol. I wish i had an option to tell her please don't flirt with me I'm straight but thanks for the complament lol If you came for me I'd hurl a fireball up your A** lol 
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Joined: Aug 2010
^ Damn. I hear DC has multiplayer? I wish I had Xbox Live now, just so I could come for you and see if you can go through with your claim. lol
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Joined: Nov 2010
LOL well maybe one day if you got an xbox I might just be up for a challange (I don't get many on xbox) 
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Joined: Aug 2010
I already have an Xbox...just hate paying M$ for playing online when PC and PS3 allow it for free. Bastards.
Joined: Nov 2010
Now...the only princess I'll be marrying would be a female Dragon Knight who manages to eliminate half my army. I'd defeat her in battle but offer her alliance with me through marriage....Oh crud. Look now I'm talking about romances! DAMN YOU ALL! See, that's the problem with setting the game in a quasi-medieval past. Marriage was the quickest, easiest way to forge alliances and expand territory. For a game about conquering territory, possibly by forging alliances, set in a quasi-medieval past (with slightly more advanced technology, admittedly), marriage becomes nearly inescapable. Fortunately, in such an era marriage and romance rarely have to go together. (Unless the player wants them to.  )
Joined: Mar 2003
That was a nice tune but for me nothing can beat the theame tunes of Final Fantasy  Well, I stay away from the FF series, once for its stupid name (which sounds equally stupid to "Divine Divinity" - and yes, I do know why this name is there), second, because it is a sub-genre I don't really like (I do love Drakensang 2 instead !). So everything concerning Final Fantasy is new to me. If you can get access to it, try listening to the audio CD music parts of the Realms Of Arcania series ... It has some very good tunes ...
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
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Joined: Nov 2010
Now...the only princess I'll be marrying would be a female Dragon Knight who manages to eliminate half my army. I'd defeat her in battle but offer her alliance with me through marriage....Oh crud. Look now I'm talking about romances! DAMN YOU ALL! See, that's the problem with setting the game in a quasi-medieval past. Marriage was the quickest, easiest way to forge alliances and expand territory. For a game about conquering territory, possibly by forging alliances, set in a quasi-medieval past (with slightly more advanced technology, admittedly), marriage becomes nearly inescapable. Fortunately, in such an era marriage and romance rarely have to go together. (Unless the player wants them to.  ) @Demonic Well as long as he does'nt try to marry my Dragon Knight I'm happy because my reply to his proposal would be BURN BABY BURN lol
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Joined: Nov 2010
That was a nice tune but for me nothing can beat the theame tunes of Final Fantasy  Well, I stay away from the FF series, once for its stupid name (which sounds equally stupid to "Divine Divinity" - and yes, I do know why this name is there), second, because it is a sub-genre I don't really like (I do love Drakensang 2 instead !). So everything concerning Final Fantasy is new to me. If you can get access to it, try listening to the audio CD music parts of the Realms Of Arcania series ... It has some very good tunes ... Only hardcore Final Fantasy Fans know the truth behind the name, When Final Fantasy was originaly created the company was going under. Final Fantasy was going to be the last game they ever made Hence the Final part of the name & the game is set in a fantasy world so hence the name ended up as Final Fantasy. Every game is a unique world with a unique set of characters I love them there amazing, Square Enix are one of the few companys that actually thank there fans in the credits of there games. Which is one of the many reasons I love them, Thanks to all the Fan's of Final Fantasy end's up in the credits because if it weren't for us they'd be bankrupt. I've got every single Final Fantasy ever released & I have multipal versions of each eg Platinam & picture disc versions of 7 8 9 10 10-2 & 12. Japanese & english versions of 13 nintendo & rerelease ps versions of 1 - 6. I am a true Hardcore fan of the Final Fantasy series, I'm that hardcore about it that I was actually one of the first people in the UK to actally buy Final Fantasy 13. Most shop's in the UK refused to do a midnight release for it because they knew that they would still be serving people come the actual opening time of the shop. Only 7 shop's around the UK opened at midnight for Final Fantasy 13 & my local shop was one of them. I was the first person in the line to be served & the first person in my town to buy FF 13, there ware people in London quing up outside the major stores a week before the day of release. My home is a shrine to Final Fantasy & all other game's that win my heart, Divinity has been added to the game's collection too with my t-shits, mugs & a few other little bits. I'm a collecter & when something wins my heart I'll buy anything even remotley related to my favourite things
Joined: Jun 2012
I agree that not having some fixed character foisted on me is crucial- as is being able to play a female commander - like I did in dragon commander and all the earlier larian games.
If your character isnt voiced, as they often arnt it wont take too much work id think.. and even if they are- look at the many games with both genders available..
Saints row 2 had a lot of dialouge, and THREE! full voices for each gender! (asian, caucasian, african)?
I think a female who can command, fight etc is far more interesting than a guy who can.
Joined: Jan 2012
Fixed gender is fine by me. I wouldn't like any radical changes to the concept for now. No feminists should be offended as I read the main antagonist is actually a female dragon knight (a real fury I hope).
I do hope the marrying/divorcing system will work though. I'd have these princesses very frustrating: imagine what they could do if their beloved husband leaves them for another: stealing money/play cards, poisoning, casting spells all around the bedroom, form an alliance... Should be fun looking for any traces of princess revenge on the raven ship, very little details like a bottle of poison in the bar, snakes under your pillow, missing fragments on your jetpack, wich you can detect and so avoid any disasters. I just don't only want their race to rebelliate, that would grow boring very soon, these princesses are powerful and vengeful.
Imagine stepping into the war room and each of your councillors saying "what's that on your nose?" answering "a last message from my former wife", "don't you laugh at it!!!", ...
Alternatively, if the player does succeed retracing all these small traps he should be rewarded with a bonus card, like "fake weakened by woman scorned".
Last thing: maybe a very loyal princess could provide other services than donating cards, like seducing one of the ambassadors and put him/her to her hand?
Anyway, don't give the player empty sacks to marry, don't fail me Larian team!
Joined: Jun 2012
fixed gender is fine by you?
Well good for you. Ok- lets have the fixed gender as FEMALE.
How about that? Is that ok with you? Or is what you mean your ok with fixed gender as long as its a man?
The main enemy being a woman does NOT make up for the lack of female lead if they do indeed go that route.
So how about being ok with a CHOICE of gender- then everybody is happy and it surely has NO down side -
beyond extra dev time/cost but that is true of the many hundreds of games that stil do it anyway. You DO get more sales if you offer potential buyers more stuff they may want.
Joined: Jan 2009
While I think it would have been an interesting idea to play as Talana, not a generic prince guy who will vanish from continuity by the time of Divinity 2, I think it might be a little too much work and a little too much cost to record alternate voice actors for all the different possibilities.
This game has been described as an experiment in a choice and consequence system where there are hundreds of combinations of endings. The recent video showed an elf princess who you ditch in favour of a dwarf princess, plus there's also an undead princess and probably more.
Joined: Jan 2012
fixed gender is fine by you?
Well good for you. Ok- lets have the fixed gender as FEMALE.
How about that? Is that ok with you? Or is what you mean your ok with fixed gender as long as its a man?
The main enemy being a woman does NOT make up for the lack of female lead if they do indeed go that route.
So how about being ok with a CHOICE of gender- then everybody is happy and it surely has NO down side -
beyond extra dev time/cost but that is true of the many hundreds of games that stil do it anyway. You DO get more sales if you offer potential buyers more stuff they may want.
I do not care for male or female protagonists. I do care for storytelling. Should every game from now on be released with men and woman in dual stories? You could ask directors and novel writers the same thing. It's too late for a change of thoughts by now for DC anyway. It'd be fair though that Lar's next game would star a heroine. And I ivite you to prove us that making the protagonist's gender optional results in better salings, independently of the gameplay. It might also be interesting to hear from games featuring female protagonists. Right now (it's rather late) I can't think of anything but beyond two souls (although I fear this game might become more movie than game), so surely there can't be many of them. I assume male protagonists have already proven to sell well, while female ones would still be experimenting, taking risks. Offering both might limit storytelling on the protagonist's plot. Even Bioware's games aren't natural by that: most npcs should act differently towards a man than a woman. And that involves A LOT of tweaking scripts, voice recordings, ... I'm tired now but I'll keep track on this particular thread. Have a nice summer by the way!
Joined: Mar 2003
fixed gender is fine by you?
Well good for you. Ok- lets have the fixed gender as FEMALE. There is currently a big discussion going on over there at RPGWatch based on an Gamasutra article on "Male Gaze And Video Games" : http://www.rpgwatch.com/forums/showthread.php?t=17501
When you find a big kettle of crazy, it's best not to stir it. --Dilbert cartoon
"Interplay.some zombiefied unlife thing going on there" - skavenhorde at RPGWatch
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Joined: Jun 2003
I don't know any fixed protagonist RPG, where the lead is female. There are a bunch of other gametypes where the lead is female, Lara Croft, April from Longest Journey, girl from the metroid games, Beyond good and evil. Kate Walker from Syberia.
And my favorite (until now) dragon based game Drakan had a female lead. But I don't really care if it is male or female. As long as I can relate to the person I play.
Now reading your link Alrik.
Last edited by Merendrious; 03/07/12 12:59 PM.
Joined: Jan 2012
How could I forget about lady Croft? But this might not be a good example regarding to feminists  The longest journey was a very nice game. Never played Drakan or Beyond good and evil