Oh, the "Let my character do it" option has already been implemented? I didn't know ... I've played most D&D games, but not the Hordes of the Underdark expansion, and I don't remember anything like this being possible in another game. However, I do remember that certain dialogue options in D&D games require certain stat values, otherwise they don't appear. I always liked this because it added replay value.
Modern RPGs often include aspects of other genres - first-person shooters, adventures, jump 'n' runs, race games, shoot 'em ups, card games, or even flight simulators. This can be a nice variation, but it can also be annoying if you don't like the genre. As long as these aspects aren't part of the main storyline, players can simply avoid them, but there are also many completionists who want to finish every quest. That's why I suggested the "Let my character do it" approach.
The game that plays itself.
There are games that almost play themselves - interactive movies with a minimum of interaction. I wouldn't want D:OS to be like that, though I guess there might come a day when you can determine the protagonist's looks (and maybe stats and skills) and then watch a movie-like game fully playing itself. And it wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing.